It Seems Like I'm One Foot Away from Having a Personal Connections Cheat

[For instance, me and Luna naturally knows the name and appearances of the Six Kings but... For example, if Luna mentioned the name of the Underworld King-sama, it would be like our words wouldn't be recognized in Kaito-san and the others' brains, as if you didn't hear anything at all.]

[The Information Concealment Magic is a very advanced type of magic, and if it's always deployed, it consumes a tremendous amount of magic power, making it impossible to normally use unless you're a high-ranking magician. So, whether or not someone can use Information Concealment Magic is one of the criteria for judging their rank. Well, there is no one who can use Information Concealment Magic among the humans, so there's still a lot of unknowns for us about the effect of that magic...]

Lunamaria-san added to Lilia-san's explanation.

Hmmm. In other words, among the people I got to know this time, Neun-san, Acht and Raz-san are ordinary demons, while Sechs-san and Ein-san are classified as high-ranking demons.

[Well, there are some beings who don't go as far as to use Information Concealment Magic... "War King Megiddo Argetes Borgnes-sama", "World King Lillywood Yggdrasil-sama", "Dragon King Magnawell Baskus Lardo Kurtzvald-sama" doesn't use Information Concealment Magic, so everyone should be able to hear their names...]

Whoa, a bunch of awfully long names was given in rapid succession. No matter which world it may be, would it be as I thought, that all kings would have long names?

Come to think of it, one of the names there sounds familiar. Wasn't the Dragon King's name the one that Acht had used as an example to how big he was?

[I can tell just from hearing their names that they sound like great people, but why aren't the three of them using that Information Concealment Magic?]

As I was thinking about this, Kusunoki-san expressed the same doubts I had.

[The reason is different for each of them. Though it isn't like we asked them directly about it either... but it's simply because the War King doesn't like things like hiding. The World King has a large number of followers, and I suppose she herself is an object of faith in some areas. As for the Dragon King... He has physique so huge that it could even be mistaken for a mountain range, so it wouldn't make much sense trying to hide at all.]

[...I think I've learned once again how outrageous of existence these Six Kings are.]

The Dragon King was even bigger than I imagined!? Saying that he's around the size of a mountain range, that's like over thousands of meters!? Compared to that, even the 5-meter tall Acht really might look like a child. If a being of that size were to move around, I think that just walking around would be enough to cause an earthquake...

[Well, we won't have the chance to meet the Six Kings in person for the time being, but you can still see them during the Festival of Heroes.]

[That is… I don't know if I should look forward to it or be frightened for that day...]

[Normally, even nobles don't have the opportunity to get to know high-ranking demons. Moreover, you even ate together with them... That's quite an odd situation you got into, isn't it, Miyama-sama?]

[I guess you could say that you have talent in having good connection with others. If a high-ranking demon remembers your name, you could even say that alone will give you some kind of power... Please do treasure those connections that you've built up.]

[Ah, yes.]

Hmmm. If you certainly look at it that way, I guess I'm quite lucky even just being able to interact with these tremendous beings. Unnn, I have lots of things on my mind, but let's just think that situation is a plus for me.

How someone that even nobles weren't able to get to know very often, comes to visit me every night and would even teach me magic... thinking about it again, that's quite an outrageous situation I am in.

[Putting that aside, wouldn't it be better for My Lady if you could get a bit of Miyama-sama's talent?]

[Ugghhh... Indeed, Kaito-san's social skills are something to be emulated. If you have some tips you could partake, would you please teach me...]

[...Ha- Hahaha...]

For some reason, I can't help but bitterly smile back at Lilia-san, who's looking at me with respect.

I— I can't tell them... I can't tell them that I was just a loner who didn't even have any friends in my former world. These relationships I currently have is just the result of being swept around by Kuro, and my communi-power is actually as small as a water flea...

Dear Mom, Dad—– I was supposed to be an elite loner when I was back on Earth, but some reason—– It seems like I'm one foot away from having a personal connections cheat.