Just About Everything is Too Absurb

The Chairman of the Seditch Magic Tool Trading Company... Sei Riverstar. I knew his name, but I had never met him in person, so I was curious about him.

When he visited Lilia-san, I got the impression that Sei-san was a middle-aged man with a distinctive white beard, having a gentle face and strong light in his eyes that gave the impression that he was an experienced old man.

[It's nice to meet you, Miyama-dono, I've heard a lot about you lately... It's an honor to meet you here in person.]

[Ah, no, I'm also happy to meet you. It's nice to meet you.]

[Underworld King-sama, Chairman of the Seditch Magic Tool Trading Company... and even "The Great Sage of the Dead", we have quite the frightening guests huh. My Lady?]

[Y- Yesh!]

[...Could you at least hold out a little longer.]

Apparently, it seems that not only Kuro and Sei-san, but also Sechs-san is a fairly famous high-ranking demon in the Human Realm.

What's more, he's the one who built the foundation of the magic school and is known as the Great Sage... The Guardian of Heavens, The Great Sage of the Dead, also adding the First Hero to that... Kuro's family is really filled with outrageous people.

[...Even if Kuro is like that, she's still the Underworld King huh.]

[Kaito-kun, can't you at least keep your inner thoughts to yourself. You said that out loud.]

While responding to the words I muttered, Kuro had the necklace I gave her yesterday on her chest... I'm honestly too embarrassed to look at her properly.

Anyway, I show the visiting Kuro and the others to the reception room. Sechs-san and Sei-san then said hello to Lilia-san, and started to get down to business... Wait, arehh? It's just that I feel like I'm forgetting something very important.

This visit certainly is about greeting Lilia-san, but it's also supposed to be about the rights for the calculator I proposed... but did I tell Lilia-san that?

[Well then, Lilia-sama. Please have a look at this one.]

[...This is? Is this a magic tool?]

[Yes, it was Miyama-dono's idea and we gave it shape.]


After Sechs-san's explanation, Lilia-san stiffened as if time had stopped... Ahh, shheeeeettt. I really didn't tell her huh...

And then, Lilia-san turns her head towards me as if a creaking doll creepily turns its head, and mutters in a voice that seems like she's crawling out of a well.


[Y- Yes!?]

[...What does that mean?]

[Ah, no, that is... I asked Kuro before if she could make a tool from my world...]

When I replied to Lilia-san, frightened by Lilia-san's expression that seemed to say that I did something again, she became silent for a while... before she lets out a big sigh.

[Seriously, Kaito-san, you're always, always... Haahhh... Please excuse my actions. Sechs-sama. So, what's that magic tool you're referring to?]

[It's this. It's a magic tool that could help you calculate.]

[Calculate!? With a magic tool!?]

It seems that the people of this world have a strong belief that magic is magic while mathematics is mathematics, they're different things, so Lilia-san looked surprised at Sechs-san's words.

And then, Sechs-san takes out a magic tool about the size of a ping-pong ball... wait, that's really small! Is that supposed to be a calculator?

When I was confused by the fact that it's smaller than I expected, Lilia-san touched the magic tool with a nervous look on her face.

Then, the magic tool emits a faint light, and numbers and formulas appeared in midair.

Whoa!? These numbers float in the air, and you just operate it by touching it... Isn't this completely beyond our world's calculator? Ah, no, it may not be able to do complicated stuff like function calculation but... Once again, magic really is amazing.

Lilia-san manipulates that magic tool for a while and turns to Kuro and the others, with an astonished expression on her face.

[...It's a wonderful magic tool. Not to mention the various companies, even the nobles and the royal palace would want this...]

[Yes, as for that magic tool, it was our company that created it but... the inventor is Miyama-dono. And, Miyama-dono is a person whom Kuromueina-sama is intimate with... Naturally, our company wouldn't half-heartedly treat him.]

In response to Lilia-san's words, Sei-san spoke the part that seemed to be the main point.

[And our company thinks that Miyama-dono is entitled to half of the net profit.]

[I see, I get the gist of what you're saying now. That means that from now, Kaito-san will be receiving large sums of money on a regular basis. And you're asking our family as a point of contact and the one who will manage it...]

[That's not it.]


Apparently, Lilia-san thought it would be a good idea to lend me the name of Albert Duchy to do business with the company, and she was about to firmly tell them that she was agreeing, but Sei-san interrupted her while she's talking.

[Miyama-dono wishes to transfer the profits generated by this magic tool to the Albert Duchy.]

[...Huh? E- Errr... I- I'm sorry. I think I just misheard you... Can you please say that again?]

[Miyama-dono wishes to transfer half of the net profits generated by this magic tool to the Albert Duchy.]


This time, Lilia-san froze completely.

After a moment of silence as if time stopped, Lilia-san showed a surprised expression and leaned forward.

[That's no good! Those profits should be given to Kaito-san! I can't take that from him!]

[No, but Miyama-dono himself wishes to...]

[That's still no good! There's no way I will accept tha—– [ Lilia-chan. ] ——!?]

If you think about it, it might be natural for this to happen, as Lilia-san is so serious that she can't seem to be convinced for the profits to be transferred to her, and is throwing out words of denial with a frantic expression on her face, but then Kuro, who had been silent, opened her mouth.


[I can see your point, Lilia-chan. You can't agree to receive the profits from Kaito-kun's work when you haven't done anything, right?]


[But you know, Kaito-kun, he doesn't need money at the moment. No, rather than just not needing money, he even has more than 100 white gold coins right now, right? Wouldn't it just be troubling him if he just got more?]

[T- That is....]

Lilia-san slightly hesitated because of what Kuro quietly said.

[And Kaito-kun, after a year... he will go back to his world, right? If you think about it in Kaito-kun's position, taking on that kind of hassle would just be a hindrance instead, don't you think?]

[Of course, as I said before, I understand how you feel, Lilia-chan. So, why don't we do this? Kaito-kun has the rights until Kaito-kun returns to his world, and then, after Kaito-kun leaves, the rights will be transferred to Lilia-chan. What do you think?]

[...I- Indeed... If it's that...]

I guess it's to be expected of Kuro, as she offered a good compromise with Lilia-san, and she nodded and looked like she's considering it.

I thought that was the end of the conversation, but Kuro now turns to me and speak.

[But Kaito-kun, you don't need any more money now, right?]

[Yeah, honestly, I don't think I could even use all the money I have right now...]

[Unnn. So, let's do this then... while Kaito-kun is in this world, I'll buy out those rights.]

[Buy them?]

[Unnn. Though I say that, I'm not saying I'll purchase it with money. Kaito-kun looks like you wanted a Teleportation Magic Tool, so in exchange for those rights... I will make you a Teleportation Magic Tool.]

[ ! ? ]

Kuro's suggestion certainly was a welcome one.

I currently have more than 1 billion yen in Japanese yen. It's unlikely that I'll be able to spend it all, so just the thought of my money increasing just troubles me.

I've been wanting to get a Teleportation Magic Tool, and I was just thinking of buying one.

However, since I have no knowledge of magic tools, I thought of consulting Kuro to get a good one, but I'd be grateful if she could make it for me.

[Of course, since it's in exchange for the rights... I will not half-heartedly make it. I will make it the best one in the world.]

[T- That kinda sounds amazing... Ah, speaking of which, I forgot to mention it before but I had something I want Kuro to look at...]


[Shiro-san gave me this magic crystal before but...]

[From Shiro?]

Perhaps because we were talking about magic tools, but I suddenly remembered the magic crystal Shiro-san had given me before.

In the end, I had been busy with all sorts of stuff, so I had been out of my mind but... If I were to think about it, there's no way that Shiro-san, the God of Creation, would give me something that simple.

So, I asked Kuro to have a look at it.

Taking the white magic crystal I brought out of my magic box, Kuro looked at it, and after looking at it from various angles... Kuro looked amazed.

[...Shiro, what in the world did you create now...]

[Errr, as I thought, it really isn't just an ordinary magic crystal?]

[...Unnn. Ordinary magic crystals absorb and store the magic power in the air. Each magic crystals' purity was categorized based on how fast and how much capacity it can store but... This magic crystal doesn't have such a concept.]

[...What does that mean?]

What the heck, I have a very bad feeling about this.

That airhead goddess... What kind of outrageous thing did she send me?

[That magic crystal... "is creating magic power from the inside" and "it has the capacity of around the same as the amount of the total magic power of all high-ranking demons"...]


[As expected of Shiro, this shouldn't have existed in this world... or rather, she just made something that exceeds common sense...]


Shiro-san, seriously, what did you do!? You just created something that exceeds common sense!? T- This is really outrageous... Or rather, Shiro-san herself is really preposterous.

[Hmmm. Let's see. Do you want me to make a magic tool out of this? If it were to be made from this magic crystal, you can even teleport from Human Realm to Demon Realm, and you can reuse it in a few minutes.]

[...T- That sounds very tempting... Can I ask that?]

[Unnn, leave it to me.]

It was obviously something that's beyond my control, but even if I send a tsukkomi to that airhead goddess, an airhead-like counter would just return.

So, I decided to ask Kuro to turn it into a magic tool for Teleportation Magic.

It's true that if I can go to the Demon Realm as well, it would be easier for me to visit Isis-san and other places, and I also wanted to have a means of transportation.

[...Kaito-san's range of activities will be expanding? ...I feel like I'm getting dizzy...]

As Kuro gave me a gentle smile, I thought I saw Lilia-san mutter to herself, looking far into the distance.

Dear Mom, Dad—— Kuro and the others visited, and we had a bit of an argument over the rights to the calculator. After that I found out the details of the magic crystal that Shiro-san had given me earlier. As I thought, if it's regarding that person—— Just about everything is too absurd.


Kuro: "To be honest, it's just an official stance! I just wanted to give Kaito-kun a present that's handmade by me!!!"

Next Chapter... The Dragon King Appears!