
"Your brother is home," her mother tells her.

Shen Shu glanced at the man whose back was facing her. He rises from his seat, turns, and looks at her. Niko is wearing a suit that hugs him perfectly. His black hair is combed, and she sees the tattoo peeking from his chest as stark as day. She stared at him, and she's glad they mistook her staring at his features for shock.

Shen Shu already knew Niko was back.

She saw him last night.

But she remained silent for a few moments until she said, "Welcome back, Shen Chi."

"Thank you, Shen Shu," he responded.

Her mother pushes her toward him. "Go talk to your brother. You have not seen him in over a year!"

Shen Shu smiled bitterly.

"Mother. I'm sure Shen Chi is tired." She looked at him. "Aren't you? You must have had a long journey," she said, voice clipped. She knew he did not hop off a flight this morning to surprise them. He had already been home for two months!

"Shen Shu is right," he begins, and she nods in agreement. "But I don't want to waste any more time away from my family."

Shen Shu faced him with her expression contorted. Her mother buys into his words and hugs him. "Shen Shu, you are cruel to turn him away," she says.


Niko looks at Shen Shu over my mother's shoulder with a grin on his face. He looks victorious for winning her over and making Shen Shu look heartless.

Her father approaches them and says, "We're all together again. That makes me happy." He and her mother then squished her and Niko between them, and she was suddenly lined up against him, chest against chest. She could feel Niko's muscled pectorals beneath his suit jacket, and she cursed between her teeth.

She looked up at him just as he looked down at her, but the two averted their gazes quickly.

Shen Shu then felt her parents release them from the group hug.

Her father then says, "Shen Chi and Shen Shu. I need to speak to both of you about something important."

Shen Shu feels like she won't like what her father says, but she walks over to the couch as Niko follows her. They sit on opposite ends of the sofa as her parents sit across from them. Her mother says something in her father's ear, and they start to have a conversation. Shen Shu then takes it as an opportunity to speak with Niko.

"Do they know about the fight?" She asked him in Russian.

"No," he responds. "I wiped the video from the web, and I tracked anyone with a copy of the video and deleted it. The search for the video is forbidden now."

Shen Shu released a breath. They were good, for now.

"Shen Chi and Shen Shu. What have we said about speaking a different language?" Her mother's words slice through the air.

"Mandarin inside the house only, and we are free to speak any other language outside if we want to," she said.

Her mother smiles, but her father interrupts, "It's been a habit of theirs since they were children, honey. We can't blame them."

Her mother rubs his shoulder and sighs. "I suppose you are right," she responds and lets their discussion go.

Her father faces both of them now. Shen Shu does not know what he wants to talk about, but her back is pin-straight from nerves. She could feel Niko glance at her, but he does not say anything.

"I am preparing for my retirement soon," her father begins. "And I would like Shen Chi to take over my place until I decide who will have ownership."

Shen Shu's eyes widen, and she faces Niko. He does not look like the least surprised. Did he know?

Were there more things he kept from her?

"And Shen Shu," he breaks her thoughts. "I want you to work with him. You two are my brightest children, and together you will make my company thrive."

"Work together?" she said. "In the same department?" She was stunned.

Her father nods.

"But would it not be strategic to have us work in different departments and locations? We'd broaden our horizons."

Her father shook his head. "You and Shen Chi think alike, know the same languages, and have the people skills. You are trained for this. Together you can come up with brilliant ideas. Success is a team effort."

Shen Shu nearly slumped in her seat.

"And," he continued. "I want you to stay with Shen Chi while your mother and I will be leaving the city for some time."

Her mouth fell as she stood up. "Why do I have to stay with him? Can't I be alone at home or at least with Mrs. Tang?"

"You know you can't be alone, and Mrs. Tang and her family will also be on holiday. She works hard for us and needs a break too."

"But Shen Chi gets to be alone!"

"He's a man, and he can protect himself."

"I can protect myself!" Shen Shu shouted, pointing to her chest. She was tired of this sexist bullshit, and she even kicked Niko's ass last night. Protection my ass.

"Shen Chi will stay at an apartment near the company even though he has a house in the upper town. I want you to stay with him there. And think of this as freedom. You've always wanted to be out of the house but were too stubborn to marry. With this arrangement, your mother and I will be at peace knowing we have your brother watching over you."

"He's not my brother!" She said, crossing my arms.

Her parents look at her with wide eyes and disappointment.

Shen Shu then realized what she had said. She did not say it to sound mean. It was the truth, or it partly was. This situation was inappropriate, and she didn't know how my parents didn't see it. They probably think Niko and her have developed a familial bond over the years, but it was not like that. Niko had been distant from her for most of their lives, and she could not form that type of attachment to him.

Shen Shu looked at Niko and then her parents. "I'm sorry. I did not mean that," I say. "I was just…angry. I'm sorry."

Shame fills her, but her father stands and struts toward her. "Your mother and I have noticed that your relationship with Shen Chi has been unstable." Which meant their image of a perfect family was crumbling apart. "With this, you two might get closer and bond again."

Shen Shu looked into his eyes, the same yellow-green ones as her. "But what if our relationship gets worst? What if we end up fighting all the time because I forget to take out the trash, and he always loses the remote?"

Her father laughs at her ridiculous but realistic scenarios. "That's how siblings fight! See? It will only be temporary," he says.

With that, her father has the final word.

Shen Shu looks at Niko, but he does not meet her gaze. His mind was elsewhere, but she could tell he was not pleased with the arrangement like her.