Dating App

After spending hours on phone calls, research, and exchanging emails, Shen Shu took a break. She then took out her phone and did something she was not sure was a good idea, but she wouldn't know if she didn't try.

Shen Shu downloaded a few dating apps on her phone and set up her profile. She bit her lower lip from nerves as she swiped through the apps. She failed as she found something wrong with every person she matched with.

She sighed heavily and slumped in my chair. Something is wrong with her.

"Work stressing you out?" Ye Huan asked by the doorframe.

Shen Shu shook her head and showed her phone. "More like my dating life stresses me out."

Ye Huan laughed as she took her phone from her hand. "Why?"

"Because it's non-existent," Shen Shu said.

"Have you dated before?" Ye Huan questioned.

She shrugged. "I fooled around with some guys in my past, but nothing serious, and it never went all the way."

Ye Huan surveyed her. She's trying to figure Shen Shu out as well as a way to help. She thinks it's sweet that she tries to understand her, even if she uses equations to solve problems relating to human emotions instead of empathy.

"My dating life is non-existent, too," she tells her. "I mean, look at me? I am never without my headphones, and I dye my hair a different colour when I feel like it, and I'm supposed to look like a professional."

"You are a professional," Shen Shu responded. "Even if you look different from everyone else."

Ye Huan smiled. "Don't give yourself a hard time," she encourages her. "I think you should let it work out on its own when it's time."

"But what if the reason I am searching for someone is to get over someone else?"

Her friend looks at her. "Then all parties involved will only get hurt," she said as she began to walk away from her.

Shen Shu threw her head back frustratingly. Ye Huan was right, even if she did not want her to be.

She then picked up her folders and went to Niko's office. He was in the middle of a call, but he gestured at her to sit across him.

Waiting for him, she gazed around his office. His décor was modern and simple, the complete opposite of her pink one.

Shen Shu's phone then vibrates when she receives a message from one of her matches from the dating apps. She checked to see what the person said, and she messages back. When she looks back up and realizes Niko is watching her intently. She knew he had not seen whom she was corresponding with, so she put her phone away.

Niko wraps up the call as he says, "Have you finished editing?"

"Yes," Shen Shu responded, passing him the folder. "Is there anything else you need?"

Niko assesses her. "Have you thought about any marketing campaigns for the upcoming launch?"

She nods. "For the new models, I have a few plans for some commercials and photo shoots. I think we can do a campaign about family. How it connects us to those we love and how these new models pivot our society. It's a perfect gift. It's something that you'd rely on to share photos, videos, and texts."

Niko listens to her with perfect attention, the way he does with his colleagues and clients. His attention is what some consider frightening—but to her, it made her skin heat up.

She swallows as she says, "and we can do a sensual campaign. You know people these days are using their phones for everything about dating, video chatting, sexting—" she paused after realizing what she said.

He then considers her pitches. "For the family campaign, I think you should model," he says.

Shen Shu opens her eyes wide. "What?"

"It'd be wise to put the face of Shen in one of them," he explained.

"But we could hire a real model?"

He sighed. "You can do it, Cat. I have a friend that can help you," he takes out a business card and hands it over to her. She reads the name on the card: Luo Nuying.

Shen Shu tried not to think of why he had a model's card readily prepared, but she considered the job for a moment.

"Give her a call," he said. "She will help you."

She then takes her phone out again and dials the number.

The woman answered immediately.

"Hi, my name is Shen Shu. Shen Chi referred me to you about modelling job I want to do, but I have no experience."

"You're Niko's sister? Of course, I'll help you!" She sounded delighted over the phone, and Shen Shu tried not to twitch her eye, as she didn't understand how or why this woman just called him by his real name. Who the fuck is she?

Her anger simmers as she bitterly thanks her. After hanging up, Luo Nuying sends her a message about their arrangements.

Shen Shu then looked up at Niko. "Is this model your girlfriend?" she asked calmly.

"No. She's a good friend."

She released a breath. Right. "Ah, she seems nice."

"She is," he replied.

Shen Shu then gets up from her seat and walks out of the office. She then looks at the message she received from one of her matches: Let's meet tomorrow.

She responded, "Sure."

Later that night, Shen Shu does not think of Niko or that model.

She thinks of the man she will meet tomorrow.

She tried to sleep, but she ended up tossing and turning over her sheets. She then got up and found Niko on the couch in the living room, watching a movie again. She did not know why but she instantly gravitated toward him.

He opened his arms for her, and his warmth instantly enveloped her. At this moment, she forgets they are Shen Shu and Shen Chi. She thinks of them as Niko and Cat, two completely different unrelated people.

He holds her tight and makes circles on her, which she finds comforting. He does not do more than that or touch her anywhere else. But Shen Shu falls asleep in his arms in the dark.