Life of a Mom

I hit the annoying digital clock on my right bedside table. It's still dark outside, and my twins are sleeping soundly on each side of me. I cuddled them and planted a light kiss on each of their cheeks before I sat up and slowly stepped out of bed.

I grab a robe and wrap it around me as I walk toward our kitchen, extending to our dining area and living room.

It occurred to me; I hadn't noticed. My twins now turn ten years old and are now in 4th Grade. They are growing up too fast.

In the kitchen, I prepared the food I put together last night to make before the twins woke up. It's our breakfast and lunch; I must finish them in thirty minutes.

Each night, I prepare the meat I have to cook for our lunch to make three box lunches each day.

While frying bacon and hot dogs, I dip the marinated buttered chicken, then prepare the gravy when done.

Finally, the green light on the rice cooker, plugged into the countertop corner, lights up. It's time for me to make fried rice, Janus's preferred breakfast.

And as for Aisha, toasted butter bread is her preferred breakfast, with strawberry jam and a hard-boiled egg.

I placed all the prepared plates of food on the table, then reached for the pot hanging above my head which I filled with water and then put on the stove.

I prepared the carrots, broccoli, and potatoes last night, slicing them into cubes, then rinsing them before slipping them into the boiling water.

I hear the alarm clock set for 5:30 in the morning, calling for the start of a new day. Shortly after, Janus leaves the bedroom and into the bathroom, doubling as our laundry room.

Aisha stays in my room to use the small shower added several years ago for the busy mornings.

I'm done!

I placed the wrapped lunch boxes on the table.

Blue for Janus.

Pink for Aisha.

And a purple lunch box for me.

By 6:00, we all shared the table for a quick breakfast.

"Mom, we have the PTA meeting this afternoon. Don't forget about that."

Aisha reminded me.

"Don't worry, honey. Mommy will never forget!" I cheerfully replied.

Janus and Aisha flash a smile before lowering their heads to continue eating their breakfast.

Last week was the beginning of this school year, so this week was the time for parents to gather and discuss important stuff.

I watched them lovingly. They are more mature now, and I can no longer call them babies.

6:30 AM and my twins are ready to go.

"Have you guys forgotten something?" I asked them to bring all their notes, pens, eraser, P.E. uniform, cloth, etc.

"Um, everything is here, mom," Janus replied, peeping at his bag to check his school things.

Aisha raises a thumb, but they forget one thing.

I waited for my kids to remember... and once they did, both ran to me and planted a loud kiss on my cheeks, and I returned a tight hug before letting them go.

"Have a good day! See you guys later!" I waved while watching them take the lift down to the ground floor of this apartment building.

As living in this city, I can not afford to buy a car where the traffic is massive. So most of the time, I'm only taking the subway train toward the Capital District, where my office building stands proudly next to other big enterprises and corporations here in Dely State.

Once the twin leaves for school, it's time for me to prepare for work.

Taking a quick shower, there is a hurry in my movement. I glanced in the mirror and fixed my light makeup before I wore my office coat.

The Subway Station is just a 10 minutes walk away from our apartment. Taking the stairs down the tunnel, I race to catch up on the train about to leave.

Phew! Finally, I got inside. I returned to the door, glanced over my shoulder, and fixed my gaze outside.

There is nothing to look out there but a dark tunnel.

I casually glanced at my surroundings. I know that each of us here has a different story to tell, and no one knows what battle we are fighting every single day.

You might also wonder what my story is...

But it's not the right time to reveal who I am. My life must focus on raising my kids and surviving in this city.

No one knows what the future awaits us.

Although this faint fear always lingers inside my chest, things are better for us now.

Life might knock me down tomorrow or today, but at the end of this journey, there is one thing I will hold onto, and this is what matters to me most.

And that is to keep my kids beside me.

I have to live on and protect them when that time comes.


The train inspector announced. This is my stop after 15 minutes.

From here, I have to walk for ten minutes to get to work. Along the way, it's easy to spot the Enterprise building I work at. It was gloriously standing and intimidating to whoever took a glance at it.

"Good morning, Miss Zelena!"

"Hello, Mr. Bill."

I greeted the head of security of this building. I nodded at him before I passed and strode towards the Entrance Door.

"Hi, Zel!"

"Mona, good morning."

She is on my team, and our time always coincides; even if we live from the opposite direction this city, we arrive simultaneously.

"Hey, did Manager Jang message you?"

"Nope," I replied.

"We have a meeting at 1:00 PM today. It was a sudden announcement."

"Oh. Is it a quick one?"

"Don't know."

"Ah..." Damn. The PTA meeting is at 3 o'clock, and I wonder if I can take an early exit. I can not be a slacker employee if the executives are there also. That was a bad image as an Outstanding Employee overall awardee each year.

Ugh. It was Monday morning, and instantly, I was greeted by bad news. I didn't want to miss the school meeting, and my children will be disappointed in me.

I hurled a long sigh...