Look Like a Family

Zelenia remains gaping outside the window. She fell into deep thoughts that things would be better if Xanther treated her just like before.

For three years, she worked at Smith Enterprise. Their relationship was simple boss and employee.

But with a dramatic change, Xanther is showing his extraordinary side. He seems like an open book to her now, showing concern and sparing more than stares anytime he wishes to, but he is prepared to lend them even with his arms.

She remembers they never had a special relationship as a boss-employee in the same department. As her General Manager, they discuss reports and issues, but never personal matters unless she asks for leave for her children.

She was confident around Manager Jang because he wasn't interested in her life. She was straightforward with him because he only discussed company matters.

But why the sudden change? Why is he showing he is concerned about her children? Is there a reason for this change?

Xanther has been treating her differently since Shane arrived in the company after taking over as the vice president of the main branch.

Is it possible that he was already interested in her but chose not to show it as she is a single mother and she was always the main dish of gossip in the company?

But upon Shane's arrival, he shows special treatment toward her. It made her wonder if manager Jang got jealous and decided to reveal his true feelings for her.

But that's impossible!

Ah! And why is she thinking of this matter in the first place?

She should not waste her time thinking about such an unimportant means in her life.

She prefers Xanther to treat her coldly instead of like she doesn't exist. He displays such emotion before her; how should she react now?

Being together on a project will be a vast gossip in the company. What if they saw Manager Jang lending his shoulder to her?

Sigh. She was supposed not to feel this way. But why does she even bother?

Zelenia heaves another sigh when Xanther remains to stare at her. She could see her reflection in the fiberglass window of this plane, and she was blushing.

Later on, she chatted with Xanther to break the silence. She asked him about Shane and Mikael, but he was somewhat indifferent after mentioning the two guys' names.

"Have you kept in touch with them?"

"You don't need to worry about them. They were adults already, whose IQ is shameless."

"Ah…" Zelenia laughs awkwardly. She should have foreseen that answer.


Finally, they were above Ridgewood County. Kian made a smooth landing in the lake. He gradually brought the plane to the port bridge so that they could enjoy watching the crane and flamingoes floating on the lake.

The plane docked; Xanther opened the plane door to secure the stairs and guided Zelenia and the kids to step down from the aircraft.

On the other hand, Luna refused to be touched by Xanther; thus, she stepped down the stairs by herself.

"Let us handle the luggage," Xanther offered. And so, Zelenia and Luna followed the kids, who ran to the grassland.

It was fascinating for the kids to see the giant trees and land where everywhere was green.

Zelena breathed in. The air is so fresh. And just looking at the surroundings, it seems pretty peaceful. She could sense no negative energy, and it would look like a perfect place if she were to say.

While waiting for the car to pick them up, Zelenia wandered her eyes to the whole place. The lodge they will stay in is a little distant from the lake, and it was, according to Zelena's search on the internet.

Tonight, when everyone is asleep. She will offer a ritual for the Spirits living in this place. It is necessary to ask their permission for her to move around the area.

Also, to let the spirit know she has no purpose in harming them.

Zelena turned around to face the lake; she found Xanther carrying their bags.

"Manager Jang, just let them be." She rushed toward Xanther and was about to snatch her bag.

"It's alright. These are not heavy."

"Oh, okay."

Not that long, a car parked in front of them.

"Good morning!" Greeted by a middle-aged man. "Welcome to Ridgewood! I am delighted to welcome you."

"Good morning, sir. Thank you for meeting us," Xelenia politely returned the greetings.

"Aye! Pardon, madam. My name is Robert Mason, at your service." Mr. Mason extended his hand toward Zelenia, but Xanther took it.

"Xanther Jang, General Manager of Smith Enterprise."

"Aye! Please, to meet you, Manager Jang." Robert Mason shifted his gaze at Zelenia.

"This is Miss Zelena Henderson, a part of the team in our new project."

"I see! I thought she was your wife, and they were your children." Robert gestures his hand toward the kids who watch Kian secure the plane.

"Ah... They were Miss Henderson's children." Xanther corrected Mr. Mason's wrong assumption.

"Oh, wonderful! Erm, I'm sorry for my rudeness. But you look like a family. Hoping that your husband won't murder me, madam."

"Ah, don't worry, Mr. Mason." Zelenia smiled warmly to show the man that it was fine. She noticed when Xanther's expression turned grim. She worried he might be offended when the middle-aged man mistook him for her husband.

"I'm sorry about that. I don't know why Mr. Mason thinks that way." Zelenia apologized, but Manager Jang's reply surprised her.

He tore a warm smile and said, "I don't really mind at all. Having a family is a blessing."

Zelenia wondered, but she noticed how her tears plummeted in her eyes. It confused her, but an intense emotion flooded her chest.

The reason must be because she felt Xanther's heart longing for love.

This emotion is vital for her to handle. Is her goddess power wearing this much already?

It is part of her training to control their feelings to respond correctly toward the conveyor.

And there is only one person who can make her heart beat wildly... Aelius.

'You should wipe your tears now, Priestess.'

'Oh...' She was stunned, but she could not reason with Luna why her emotion suddenly stirred up.

Xanther loads them in the car, which she chooses to walk toward the lodge. Luna and the kids ride in the car.

The lodge they will stay in is a little distant from the lake but can be walked. She plans to survey the place, but Xanther joins her, and it surprises her.

"Manager Jang, why didn't you join them in the car."

"I prefer to walk, and the place is perfect for jogging. Back in the city, all I can do is run on a treadmill, and I can just run around during weekends."

"Oh, right..." Zelenia utter.

No other words she can say. Because if she had spare time, she only meditated and entered a dimension to train. She doesn't need to run physically but lets her body synchronize her and Luna's energy.

And speaking of combat, she and Luna will spar inside the dimension they created. Ah, she cannot share that with a human-like Manager Jang.

"By the way, Zelena. Since we were not in the company, can you drop Manager Jang but call me by name?"

"Oh. Erm, okay. Xanther..." She saw Xanther beam.

She may be a Priestess and prohibited from having contact with anyone, but she saw a lot of handsome men back in the Celestial Universe as she was joining a battle side by side when a kingdom needed her help.

Xanther is good-looking for mortal features. So it intrigues her why he has no girlfriend yet or is married. Well, she watched a few series about Bachelors and read Casanova books, and maybe Xanther or Shane belonged to those types of men.

They don't want a serious relationship but a fling and just physical benefits.

Ah, she should not think this way.

Zelenia shook her head. She strolled to enjoy the fragrance the forest offered her. She closed her eyes, and when she opened them, she noticed Xanther was matching her pace.

Soon, they arrived at the lodge and climbed onto the patio. The lodge is not a tiny house but a massive villa, and it was huge and had an expansive backyard.

Zelena scanned the surroundings. She needs this kind of place if she has to train the twin.

Like Luna had said, maybe run a teahouse after she resigns from her job.

Well, it is not a bad idea, actually. She likes it, in fact.