Business Cooperation (Two)

When they finished having lunch, Greg brought the group toward the western part of the town to visit Ridgewood Evergreen.

This forest was vast, covering over a thousand acres with over a hundred thousand trees whose heights and sizes were almost the same. It gives an enigmatic impression to those who enter this forest. Somewhat majestic, at the same time peculiar.

But the fact that even the national government could not touch the forest and declared it a National Park and become a destination for many families who wish to camp and have a vacation from chaotic cities added to that mystery.

After driving for twenty minutes, Greg heads to the peak of High Ridge Rock. A breathtaking scenery welcomed them after they got out of the truck and walked toward the railings.

From there was an overlooking scenery. They could even see the tallest waterfall, where the streams flowed toward several lakes across the county.

"Wow! Mommy, look! I could see our lodge from here!" Aisha exclaimed, pointing in a particular direction.

It was too late for Zelenia to warn her daughter. Good thing that Greg brought Xanther to the other side, and they did not hear what Aisha had said.

Actually, their distance is so great that a normal human being would have difficulty distinguishing the houses from afar. However, for immortals, it was a piece of cake to have a clear vision of anything, even if it was behind a mountain.

On the one hand, she was elated that Aisha had developed her eyesight very well. She noticed Janus's vision had improved as well. Soon, their ability would become even greater after they completed the bonding with their familiars.

"Kids, remember that humans have a great limitation with their eyes. They could only reach a clear vision at a certain distance. But they could not distinguish the tiny details of anything."

"Oh!" Aisha immediately covered her mouth and then glanced at Greg and Xanther. Good thing the two adult men did not pay attention to them. "I'm sorry, mommy. I've forgotten that my identity is a secret."

"It's okay, darling. You've just discovered your real identity. Soon, you will become accustomed to your power and control your power after a certain period of training."

Listening to her mom explaining this, Aisha's eyes twinkled. She wishes their training would start soon! She was already excited to explore what she could do. It already amazed her watching her mom chanting some spell to create a magic circle or a portal.

Thus, she made a promise, "I will remind myself, mommy. I'll be careful from now on."

"Good girl." Zelenia was gladdened at how sensible her daughter was.

Aisha was too lovely for a human being. And because she was calm and collected, demure and spoke courteously. She behaved like a noble little lady, which runs in their blood. Thus, Zelenia is certain it was one of many reasons that she was hated by the other kids around her age and even adults would bully an innocent girl. Obviously, they were envious of her because she was inherently gorgeous and a gifted child.

Once those kids and dark heart grown-ups learn who she and Janus are, they will definitely shock to the point of passing out.

Her daughter's hair would actually change into purple, pink, and silver colors, depending on her mood. By now, she sealed it off from human eyes, but she normally witnesses these changes.

Aisha hadn't known this yet, but Zelenia was certain that Janus had discovered it already. Yet, he did not disclose this secret.

Having this thought, Zelenia stroked the part of Aisha's hair that Luna did not braid and let it rest on her back. She also rubbed her naturally pinkish cheeks and planted a kiss on her forehead.

On the other side of the ridge, Xanther caught this warm scene when he glanced at the mother and daughter conversing sincerely on the opposite side. Watching such scenery softened his gaze, and several emotions flashing his eyes.

It was just a mere second, but it didn't escape Greg's eyes.

'This guy… It was obvious he had special feelings for Zelena. Now I am curious why he has not confessed yet. Or is it because he has a girlfriend already? Whatever… Why should I be concerned about him, anyway?'

Greg shrugged a shoulder and tossed these thoughts away.


Unfortunately, Xanther caught him staring at him. Greg chuckled nervously. "It's nothing."

The entire afternoon, he toured their guests throughout the forest. He warned them that maybe it would take several hours since they were taking a slow speed to enjoy the ride, so it was best if they brought some snacks to munch later.

After they stopped by at the High Ridge Rock, he drove toward a secluded road which, according to him, only authorized personnel were allowed to enter as security guards were blocking the road.

"Hey, Mervin! How's it going?" Greg stopped halfway through the arch gate and greeted the gatekeepers.

"Hey, Greg! Same man! Nothing special throughout the day." Mervin replied as he walked toward the truck.

"Isn't this good news?" said Greg. He stretched his left arm and bumped a knuckle into Mervin's.

"What do we have here?" Another man approached the truck and checked the people in the back seat. "Hello!"

"Hello, Mister!" The man appeared bubbly; thus, Aisha and Janus greeted him with glee.

"Welcome to Ridgewood Evergreen, kids! My name is Sam." The man named Sam told the kids, then his gaze moved toward Zelenia and asked, "How are you doing, ma'am?"

"Greetings, Sam." Zelenia smiled, seeing Sam as an easygoing man and courteous. She could feel what kind of aura was exuding from his body. "I'm doing great! The town was marvelous. We enjoyed the local foods."

"That's good to hear." Sam beamed. His gaze lingered on Janus before his eyes turned to Xanther in the passenger seat. He nodded at him but hadn't said a word. Soon his eyes fixed on his friend. "Man! What do you have for us?"

"Check it out. It's in the blue cooler."

"Great!" Sam headed to the back and picked up the blue cooler Greg had mentioned.

"Thanks, man!" Both Mervin and Sam thanked Greg. The former opened the cooler, and Zelenia glimpsed cans of beer and cola inside.

"Don't mention it! We'll go ahead now." Greg bid his goodbye.

"Sure!" said Mervin with delight, grateful for the food he brought for them.

"Bye, kids!" Sam waved goodbye to the kids, then bowed like a knight toward Zelenia.

"Goodbye, Mister Sam! Goodbye, Mister Mervin."

"Take care, kids," said Mervin with a smile.

The truck drove past the gate and followed the asphalt road for about ten minutes. Then they made a right turn.

'Priestess, those two men are…' Luna may stay behind in the lodge, but her power could allow her to monitor the entire country if she wants to observe her surroundings.

'Yes, they are Luna. I could feel the tremendous strength in them. It looks like they were not just ordinary humans or elves. It looks like they're more than immortals.'

'Greg Mason seems very familiar with them. You could feel it too, right?'

'I did. Greg appears as half-human and half-elf. Now I started suspecting that the owner of this forest…'

Is none other than the Elven King!

'Luna, I am determined to move here. Did you notice how their gaze lingers on Janus? They could feel the power of the blue flame. So I believe Mervin and Sam are perfect sparring for my son. So I need your cooperation to convince the Elven King of this county.'

What Zelenia meant, she was pleading for Luna to keep her temper in check and behave during the meeting later at midnight. The latter was irate toward the Elven Eunuch. She could not wait to meet him and make sure he would taste her wrath, who feared all kinds of life forms in every universe.

'Fine. But how about that foolish elf prince?'

'Luna, watch your language, please.' Zelenia reminded her hot-tempered Familiar. 'Anyway, who are you talking about?'

'Of course. Is there another elf prince we recently met?'

'Ah… You were speaking about Prince Argus. But you should not call him that.'

'Fine. Well, you promised to train him, too.'

'You are right. But I assumed it would not be a problem for Argus to cross the land and visit their kin. I am willing to cultivate his hidden power to bond with a Familiar because he could teach Janus swordsmanship. It is still best to have a strong opponent who is good at using weapons. We both rely on our magic spell. Although, before I come to you to challenge you and invite you to be my Familiar, I have to train using different weapons.'

'Now that you've mentioned that... You have twelve brothers to be your masters. Swords… Spheres… Archery… What else? Your brother was among the best in the entire Celestial Universe. So I don't understand why you have to approach King Aelius to train you?'

When Luna uttered her last sentence, her lips twitched in disdain from recalling Blaise, that king's annoying Blue Dragon familiar, who is full of himself. And speaking of the shameless man, Shane reminded him.

'I'm glad Manager Jang left them behind!' Luna thought to herself, tugging the right corner of her mouth.

Hearing what Luna has mentioned, sadness lingers in Zelenia's eyes. She looked outside the window and memories of several thousand years ago flash through her eyes.

Zelenia didn't notice that Xanther could observe her through the side mirror car. From his line of sight, he could clearly see every emotion that appeared on her beautiful face.

'Zelenia… How many times have you cried already?'