I Miss You, Papa

It all started because of a Prophecy.

One night, the Goddess of Prophecy, Deity Phoebe, paid a visit to the Imperial family and revealed the prophecy she envisioned.

In her vision, the Immortal Knight Sophia Lumiere, the Crowned Princess of Moon Empire, is marrying a lord from the Luxe family and becoming the parent of the next empress of the kingdom.

It stated that the birth of the princess will prosper the entire universe with its light.

Hence, a marriage between the dukedom of the Luxe family and the Lumiere Imperial family must be held as soon as possible.

Not to delay the union, the Emperor and Empress summoned the Luxe family in that instant and held a close-door meeting with the elders of both sides.

Then, the very next day, news broke out in the entire empire regarding the marriage of the crowned princess, which shocked everyone.

Princess Sophia has never been interested in any male immortals. Even the noble deities who propose a union are turned down firmly by her, as she only sees the male as weak and unreliable.

However, surprisingly, she allowed her elders to arrange her marriage to an immortal who knew nothing but doing business only. Many had thought that the Princess only obediently accepted her fate because it was a Prophecy from a great deity.

Otherwise, she would never have married the third grandson of the Luxe family, who is a mere merchant.

The Lumiere family were skilled knights who won thousands of battles across the Celestial Universe. Thus, the immortals offer the highest respect for the family and hail them as heroes, while the Luxe duchy is only a great helper in managing the empire by organizing the empire's affairs, especially in financial aspects.

The Imperial family sells magical items such as protection through necklaces, rings, bracelets, and brooches. These magic tools could also be as mirrors, vases, chandeliers, and such…

Plus, the more expensive it was, the greater the magic it contained.

Their most expensive items were customized orders, and these were managed by the Luxe family, as they were known as trusted merchants in the entire Celestial Universe.

The Luxe family showed loyalty to the Imperial family, not because of the power they would have gained, but because they acknowledge the purity of their hearts.

The Lumiere family is charismatic to their subjects. They treat everyone fairly and just. Thus, several kingdoms across the Celestial Universe ask for the hand of the crowned princess not just because of their reputation, but for the main reason, which is the empire's prosperity.

The third grandson, Tyrone Luxe, is a Merchant traveler across the Celestial Universe.

The entire Moon Empire celebrates the union for two years with the reason that immortals and deities kept arriving in the empire to congratulate the newlywed couple.

After the union, Tyrone Luxe became the head of the Imperial Merchant and managed all the Lumiere's business since then.

As predicted the couple would give birth to the next empress; they assumed the crowned princess conceived the eldest daughter. Yet, she gave birth to a son.

Even so, the empire celebrated the arrival of the eldest son, who was granted the title of the Royal Grand Knight during his coming of age. In the future, he will lead the soldiers to protect the empire.

So, the crowned princess conceived a son again, and it was a twin this time.

With the third time of the attempt, the doubts thrown at Tyrone Luxe slowly dissipated. They presumed that the crowned princess must be fond of her husband, the reason she married him without a second thought, even though he was not a match to her being the great knight in the entire Celestial Universe, bearing the glory of the Moon Empire.

Everyone is waiting for the arrival of the next empress, who would bless the entire Celestial Universe. However, it was the eighth attempt, yet Sophia Lumiere, crowned as the new Empress of the Moon Empire, hasn't given birth to a daughter.

The Grand Elders started to worry as dark force grew rapidly.

Despite everything, Tyrone Luxe and Sophia Lumiere never lost hope. They have faith in Goddess Phoebe's prophecy and pray to the Divine Will of Eternity to listen to their pleas.

And finally, I was conceived.

However, it was suffocating as the empire overly pampered me and sometimes I am treated like a frail princess despite possessing the Light of the Moon Goddess Selene.

I am more powerful than my mother, and my strength is greater compared to my brothers.

I was trained to become an Empress…


It was during spring, and my family brought me to the Universal City, where the gatherings of the Great Immortals and all Deities celebrate Eternity's creation of the Celestial Universe.

With amazement, I watched the procession of gorgeous Goddesses and stunning Priestesses waving at the immortal audiences.

At that very moment, it dawned on me that I did not wish to become an Empress of a particular planet and be chained to that Throne.

So I looked at my parents with my clear bright eyes, and I declared gleefully,

"Mama, Papa… I want to become a High Priestess!"


I can still remember the shock on my parents' and brothers' faces.

"Do you understand what you must give up to become a Priestess?" My brothers asked me this question.

"Don't be angry at our little empress. She is young and innocent. Zelenia did not understand everything yet. We have to teach her further."

My grandparents uttered this, and it was still clear in my memories of the disappointment on their faces, which they concealed but were still visible in my eyes.

"Zelenia, I don't want you to grow old alone…" Kneeling before me, my mother sobbed, heartbroken about my decision.

Back then, I was perplexed why everyone was against me entering the Priestesshood Academy.

And because of my decision, the Moon Empire has become my Paradise Prison, where the rest of the story becomes history…


Zelenia heaved a long sigh upon having such a recollection.

She gazed at her son and daughter, having a wonderful sightseeing in this scenic place. With a smile on her lips, she has this thought.

'Mama… I never have regrets about all decisions that I made. I have my greatest treasure right here with me, and they are growing up well.'

'And Papa… Thank you for your patience during the time you taught me how you manage our business. Even though I always complained in the past, the knowledge I received from you has become a great assistance for my living here on Earth. Papa, I chose the position in the Inventory Department because I want to remember you often. You know how much fun I have in counting all the magical items stocked in the Palace Warehouse than enumerating our sales. Papa… I think Janus inherited your talent in organizing things because Aelius has no patience in anything at all and is even lazy in counting the Everettes' fortune. I missed you, Papa…'

She was, in fact, able to start her own business, but she chose not. Luna was often suggested to dig up all the gemstones on this planet as she could produce luminous jewelry and sell them. Moreover, she could forge them with magic spells and become either a protection or lucky charm.

She could also sell coffees and teas with healing properties on the beans and leaves they will brew. However, she was against the idea as they must avoid being found by the Grand Knights or even by her family. If she often uses her power, it is easier for everyone to locate them.

The last time she used her healing magic was to treat Chief Gibson's wife. She cast a magic spell on the bouquet of roses she ordered to deliver for the wonderful older lady when she remained in the coma.

Sadly, she must not do that often so as not to expose herself to other deities out there.

And now she learned that the Everettes were also looking for them. She must hurry the training so that Janus and Aisha can protect themselves if the time comes…

She was not afraid of being executed or receiving the most severe punishment other than death, as long as her children could already stand on their own.


The melodious voice pulled her out of deep thoughts. She blinked and followed where that voice came from. She realized Xanther had already gotten out of the truck and was now standing beside her door, extending one arm toward her. She notices nothing, nor hears the sound of the opening and closing of the car door.


The man smiled at her and said, "It's time to get out of the truck and join them. Let's go. I will take a photo of you and the twins."

"Oh, okay. Thank you." She accepts Xanther's hand, letting him help her descend from the truck.

"No need to mention it, Zelena."

Zelenia watched as the man turned around and approached Janus, then asked for the camera around his neck.

"Mommy, come on! Look! The trees bloom with pink!"

Aisha beamed upon seeing her mom joining them. She threw her arms around her mom's slender waist and whispered something in her ear.

Xanther ensures to capture this beautiful scene. The strong wind suddenly blew, and pink blossoms fell from the trees. The photo was perfect with it, and he could not help but smile in his heart.