
"Do you have other things for me to carry outside?" Xanther inquired as he prepared to get out.

Zelenia paused from cutting the carrots and pondered. "Hmm… Maybe you can bring bottled juices with you. Oh… The kids love it with a lot of ice on their juice."

"They do?" Hearing that, Xanther's eyes flickered. He walked toward the refrigerator, then fetched a lot of ice cubes and poured them into a glass pitcher. Afterward, he screwed the bottle cap and poured the orange juice into the pitcher with care.

Watching him in the corner of her eyes, Zelenia remembers something. "Oh. Aisha preferred strawberries."

"Got it." Xanther chirped as he strode to the cabinets to get another pitcher.

Zelenia noticed his bubbly behavior that evening. It was obvious from his actions that he was elated by fixing some cold drinks for the kids. Although she is not a gossipy person, it also occurs to her whether Xanther still has a family when she never heard he spends holidays with someone else.

There were times he was out of town for business, but there was no gossip about him mentioning family matters. Now she is interested to know more about him. She has worked under him for three years now. But she hears no word regarding his family.

Just recently, everyone learned new information about him. He was actually a childhood friend of the Chairman's grandson, the Smith's only heir. No wonder Xanther has an excellent relationship with the chairman.

"I'll head out first."

Zelenia was falling into deep thoughts when Xanther uttered this. His soothing voice reached her ears, snapping her back to the present. She looked up hurriedly and parted her lips for a smile.

Unbeknownst to her, the smile that appeared on her delicate face was bright and sweet, enough for anyone to be enchanted.

"Hmm? Do you have something to say to me?" She noticed Xanther was frozen in front of the kitchen door, staring at her with an open mouth. 'What's gotten to him? Is he really falling for me?'

The way Xanther looked at her was filled with affection, which was not the first time—

She receives affection a billion times from planets and cities she saved in the past thousands of years that she serves as a High Priestess.

Priestesses are like idols in this world.

Those idols must maintain an excellent image and look charming.

However, the Priestesses have to work harder than those idols.

Priestesses must possess an ethereal beauty, a warm personality, and bear excellent judgment in every situation. These qualities are only a few to the long list of becoming a Priestess.

Everyone's adoration gives them more strength and even boosts their power. The Priestess will radiate with a holy light that would surround her eternally.

And the moment their body is stained with sin, that light would dim. It was the reason their body turned into a tree.

After they are condemned by the people and lose faith in them, their power would gradually vanishes.

Hence, her power was supposedly weakened. Surprisingly, however, it never happens.

The Council of Elders must worry not about her. However, her power did not fade away. Even now, half of her power remained and protect her sanctuary, where no one was able to break through.

The Elders ordered the Grand Knights to search her sanctuary and collect any sort of evidence against her since she didn't die naturally. But they could not break through the barrier she put up.

Indeed, the Grand Elders seek something that was hidden inside her sanctuary and she would feel it when they succeed to retrieve it.

"Zelena… Could you open the door for me, please?"

"Oh!" Observing Xanther, She just had this realization. Indeed, it would be difficult for the man to open the door when both his hands carry a tray with two pitchers of juices and six tall glasses on it.

Zelenia rushed to the door and opened it for Xanther.

"Thank you," said the latter.

Zelenia replied awkwardly. "Don't mention it."

Xanther exited the kitchen with the tray in his hand while she remained standing at the door, peeking at the glass window.

She watched her children having a wonderful supper.

Janus and Aisha held a pork barbecue stick in one hand while the other was grilled corn.

The two had the purest smile she ever saw. She wished for them to stay this innocent and enjoy a carefree life, away from any obligations placed on their shoulders.

Unlike her, before she was even conceived, she was already chained up by a responsibility.

She may be loved by her family. But the crown has become a burden to her because everyone was expecting too much from her.

Even the citizens of the Moon Empire have tremendous expectations, looking forward to the day that she will rule them as their new Empress, and she is ready to accept the throne.

Yet, she finds herself wanting more challenging duties. It was sudden when she wishes to become a Priestess. She wants to serve not only the Moon Empire but every being in the entire Celestial Universe that needs her aid.

Now she would never oblige her children to such tasks but give them the freedom to choose their future.

She believes that her children have kind hearts. It will gladden her and feel proud of them when they decide to do good deeds such as offering help to any beings with their abilities and protecting them.

"A little more… Soon, you both will live a more carefree life without fear of being chased by anyone from the Celestial Universe. I promise that someday both of you will no longer have to hide from them but acknowledge by them."

Zelenia looked up and searched for the Earth's moon. She then made this promise with her whole heart.

After she finished cutting the vegetables and fruits, she brought them outside. Luna was delighted to have the corn, apples, and more carrots on the salad since she only had some simple vegetables of mixed broccoli, tomatoes, spinach, and some cucumber pickles for lunch. Nevertheless, she was grateful that Kian was thoughtful enough to fix her lunch with the available ingredients at home.

However, as Zelenia mixed some full cream, mayonnaise, and cheddar cheese, she finished two full bowls.

Zelenia sipped some strawberry juice when her phone chimed. She received a chat from Xanther, containing two photos of Janus and Aisha.

One of the photos was of the twins blowing on the corn, while the other photo is the brother and sister looking at each other. There are big smiles on their faces.

"Thank you."

Zelenia was moved by Xanther's thoughtfulness. It was such a precious memoir she could keep. She can frame these photos and hang them on the wall.

There are moments in their lives she misses witnessing such beautiful scenes.

Gladly, Xanther was there…


"Good night, darlings. Sweet dreams."

"Good night, Mommy!"

The twin responded with glee.

Even after they washed up and tucked in under the quilt, the two still had this content smile on their faces.

Zelenia bent and placed a loving kiss on her children's forehead.

"Good luck in meeting the elves, Mommy! I prayed the king would permit us to live here!" said Aisha thoughtfully. She was already dozing off; still, she fought to stay awake and chat with her mom for a little while.

Then, Janus chimed in. "Mommy, I also prayed that Mr. Greg's boss signed a partnership with your company."

"You like it here?"

"Very much, Mommy!"

While Janus only made a nod, Aisha did not hide how she looked forward to the day they would move her and officially reside in this town.

"I am praying too that we will hear good news and we can start working on the new company." If things went well without hindrances, such as the elves in this county. "Alright. I'm leaving soon, so both of you must sleep now."

Zelenia fixed the quilt and dimmed the lights on the bedside table. The kids aren't afraid in the dark. But she often left a slight glow throughout the bedroom, and just recently, they learned the glow was her due to her magic. The tiny stars, glimmering while they sleep, are made by her magic.

Since Zelenia was occupying the master bedroom in that villa, she was sharing a bed with the twins, while Luna took the bedroom on the corner—Xanther was given the bedroom on the ground floor, which he shared with Kian.

There are actually more bedrooms upstairs, but the two insist on staying downstairs. Since it was Zelenia's advantage, she did not insist on offering the vacant rooms.

'I'm leaving now, Luna.'

Now that she was ready to leave, Zelenia informed her Familiar, who was leisurely reading a book in the mini living room, just outside the master's bedroom.

"Take care, Priestess…" Luna muttered this while her eyes remained on the text in the book.

After opening a teleportation magic circle, Zelenia looked over her shoulder and nodded at the pretty lady behind her.

'Are you ready, Sora?'

'Yes, I am, Priestess.'

In a mere second, Zelenia and Sora teleport after the former links the portal between hers and the elves, who open the magic shield for them to enter.

"Welcome, our dear guests… I'll be your guide tonight."

At the Elven kingdom portal, there is a man wearing elf clothes waiting for them. The moment they set foot at the gate, he bent down, displaying a beautiful curtsy.

Zelenia beamed as she made a cheery response to the greetings.

"Glad to be in your care, Greg…"