Chapter 6

The door closes, and the house comes to a sudden stop of relief. I sigh, disappointed at myself. The alarm system chimes, which informs me that it's on. It finally comes to realization that I've been standing at the door frame ever since I've encountered Mom and Bruce. My legs burn and ache, alerting me that I need to rest. I shuffle over to my spot on our u-shaped sectional couch: at the end of one of the L's. Propping my feet up on one of mom's furry pillows (she'll kill me if she finds out) and resting my head on my hands, I ponder. I count the remaining little specks on the ceiling from when Genivine attempted to create elephant toothpaste in the house.

I allow my mind to keep racing as I reflect. I want to know so many things and, need to know, but I could never focus on one thing when it finally comes to that. My brain and I are just trapped on a speeding train that goes in a loop as my thoughts are the conductor. There's a little melody echoing from down the hall, which distracts me. Sitting up and frantically looking around, I notice the house phone on the kitchen's counter is lighting up. I sigh as I waddle over to the phone.

Leaning against the bar, I answer, " Hello? Who's this?"

" I feel hurt that my number isn't locked into your brain, let me in jerk."

I take the risk of laughing out loud as the receiver hung up. " Well, I'm sorry,"-I shout from behind the closed door as I punch in the numbers to the alarm-" that your Android number is hard to remember." There's banging on the other side door that cracks me up, which follows up to more wincing, "Alivi. Dawn. Everest! It's cold as balls out here! Open the fucking-" Eventually, I unlock the door as a figure stands before me.

A heartwarming smile crept up her face, but soon, the corners were pulled down by angst, " Woah, Everest...why are you so beat up?"

My eyes widen as I remembered I was wrapped in bandages and covered in scars. " Don't look at me!" I turn around sharply and regret it as I cradle my head. I hear the alarm chime as the door closes softly. "Alivi, you're hurt-" " I don't need your help, Lori!" Her hand lands on my shoulder as she tries to persuade once more. " I know I didn't come here to aid you, but you're alone, in pain. I'm just trying to help-" Removing her hand, I interrupt her once more, "Lorelai...I-I-" My words trailed off while I sobbed quietly; Hot tears stream down my face. I forcefully shut my eyes to stop them, but they kept running. " I need help. Barely anyone seems to care anymore and,"-I'm choking on words as I turn to face Lorelai- "I just want someone who doesn't see me as a failure." Lorelai tilted her head to the side and poked out her bottom lip a little. She rushed as she struggled to take off her coat and boots and let them on the floor.

I opened my mouth to protest, but then her arms were wrapped around me. She rested her head on my shoulder, " Let it out Everest, Lorelai is here. " Eventually, we fell lightly on our knees and sat there. Her scent of coconut and vanilla filled my nose as the warmth of her body soothed me. It was as if her presence cleared my mind and let me finally take a breath of relief. We were cradled in each other's arms in the middle of the room, and it was as if time had stopped for just the two of us, for me. "All the snot you can hold, please empty it all out of this shirt. It's my brother's, and he ate my Taco Bell last night." Lorelai says, calmy. The old tears on my cheeks are cold as I smirk at her comment. We hold each other tightly as if we are escaping the horrid depths of reality, finally.


" So you're telling me, that bitch-"

" She has a name, Lai."

" It doesn't add up that she would put both of your lives in danger, most importantly yours!"

Lorelai chose to hang around more to make sure I'll still be okay if she leaves. She had initially came over to reclaim the sweater from me that I may have lost at Adrian's. But at this point, I guess she's leaving here without it, both ways. Currently, we're in the living room, and I just told her about the accident. " She's lucky if I don't see her cripple ass or she'll be shitting Adidas after I'm done shoving my foot up her-" I place my hand on her thigh and give her a reassuring look. " I'm sorry, you know I'm not a swearer, but this is…" I had been zoning in and out during this discussion. I don't regret it, but I'm still uncomfortable about what happened. Mostly, it's hard to rewind those memories just to realize it was actually real.

" ...Everest?" Lorelai had lifted my chin with her finger; her tender honey eyes searched for an answer in mine. Her pupils had dilated as her eyes started to glisten; they had some power that held me in place. Lorelai had blinked and removed her hand, telling me that the little moment was over. I take in her face's features, trying not to get distracted by her eyes. Her eyebrows are furrowed as her lips are pressed together in a pout. " You haven't been listening," She uncrosses her ankles and then recrosses them, "Are you feeling well?" I shake myself out of a trance, turning my head to the window. I want to lie to her but can't; my problems wouldn't be solved. Either way, I'll never be happy with any of my decisions.

My eyes reunite themselves with her's. " It's hard for me to answer that question lately, Lai." I rock myself as my eyes start to water. " I feel like I do so much for everyone, but I never get what I deserve,"- through my blurry vision, I see Lorelai tilting her head to the side- "It's as if everyone I know it just a backstabber now…" She leans closer to me and presses her index and middle finger to my lips, " I have stressed you enough when I shouldn't have." She starts wiping my tears with her thumbs, and hugs meet tightly. "But, I'm gonna help you since no one is here to."

She rises from the couch, walks over to the kitchen, and opens the refrigerator. " There is no good food here, change of plans!" My eyes follow her as she opens up the cabinets that hold the pots and pans. " Do you have any allergies that I don't know?" Confused, I name them for her, " I'm allergic to flounder, paprika, and cashews. I was diagnosed with those five months ago." She nods her head reassuringly and walks back to the couch. Hovering above me, she asks, " Is it okay if I make you brunch? I know you probably haven't eaten." She smiles at me warmly and puts her bouncy curls into a lazy ponytail.

Before I could answer, I hear the clicking sound of the stove being turned on. Pots and pans are clanging together, which causes me to jump. " Are you okay back there?" I call out. "Yea, I'm fine…" I hear a cry as another loud crash occurs. Forcing myself to rise from the couch, in concern, I turn around to see Lorelai glaring at the pots as she rubs her leg. She realizes I'm watching her and starts to laugh, " I think its best if you go in your room"- she begins to pick up the fallen frying pan and stirs whatever she has on the stove- "I don't want my ruckus bothering you…" I smile at her with her back to me, and I start making my way to my room.