The First Guild Game [Chapter 29]

While I stare towards the man, the rest of the group runs up beside me. Vex speaks up.

"So what does he want?"

He asks, all of us keeping our eyes on them. I quickly reply.

"He challenged us to a Guild Game, I accepted."

A brief silence sweeps the area as everyone looks to me and speaks in unison.


I quickly look around, confused.

"What, is there something wrong with a guild game?"

I ask as the man in front of us laughs and draws his great sword.

"I knew C-Class Guilds were stupid, but even this seems like a joke."

He laughs more as we see several more knights in full plate around him.

"But as for standard tradition for a Guild Game, you must choose our battle location and battle type."

He says loudly as all of the knights around him raise their weapons and shout.


Vex laughs to himself and looks away. Warren quickly leans in and whispers into my ear.

"So there is three basic types of Battles in a Guild Game: Capture the Flag, To The Death, and One-on-One."

I look over to him as he continues talking.

"Capture the Flag has attackers and defenders. In this case, we would be attackers. We have to get through their entire guild and take their flag and return to our post. But we would need someone to stay behind to symbolize our post."

"To The Death is a massive battle between both guilds, it's a free for all basically. Last guild standing wins."

"One-on-one is both guilds appointing their strongest fighter to take on the entire other Guild one on one style. If either person falls, the next strongest steps up to take his place. So we have a team of five, and they have a team of a few hundred."

Warren's words echo in my head for a second as I nod.

"So what should we do?"

I ask as I see everyone thinking to themselves. Blankk and Vex look at each other and nod. Vex quickly speaks up.

"So, if you do one-on-one I think I can take on their entire guild by myself."

Vex says with a smile as I nod. Warren speaks up.

"Vex, you may have a higher score, but you said it yourself yesterday. You admitted that strength wise, Dante was still stronger. So he would be the one to fight them."

Warren says as I see the man across from us growing impatient. Azeroth speaks up.

"I'm more confused on what he said. He called us a C-Class guild."

Azeroth says as we all look at each other. I speak up.

"You're right, with our combined scores, we should be at bear minimum A-Class. To be honest, we are probably in S-Class right now."

I reply as I see Blankk nod. The man across from us shouts suddenly.

"We don't have all day, just pick your way to lose and let's get this over with."

He says angrily as I smile.

"I choose one-on-one. I'll be the strongest fighter for my guild. Let's fight outside of town, that way no innocents get hurt."

I say as he stares at me blankly.

"You have to be joking, you can't act high and righteous after already killing and murdering innocent people."

He walks towards the edge of town as we see hundreds of members of his guild coming from behind buildings and following him. Vex speaks up.

"That's a lot of people. Are you sure you can take them all?"

He asks sarcastically as I smile and nod slightly.

As we all walk to the edge of town, we see them waiting on the main dirt road leading into town. We watch them form lines from strongest to weakest stretching hundreds of feet back. Vex lines up behind me, followed by Blankk, Warren, then Azeroth.

I step forward as he does as well.

"Dante, I know your name all too well. I've heard you are incredibly skilled and powerful for an F-Class. I believe you're not telling your true class, but no matter."

He readies his large great sword and smiles menacingly.

"I'll make sure to wipe your pathetic guild from existence."

I sigh and pull out the dual bladed dagger from my hip.

"Before we start, I want to know a few things."

I say as he glares at me.

"For starters, what do you have against my guild? Next, what is your name? Finally, how did you know where we were?"

I ask while a gentle breeze flows over the area. Trees and bushes rustling quietly as he laughs.

"A group of murders teaming up to make something of themselves, a pathetic sight that needs to be destroyed. My name is none of your business. And we knew where you were because we were in the area when we heard about you being here. Our guild leader doesn't even need to be here to get his hands dirty."

He says as I nod.

"So, when do we start?"

I ask as he charges me and swings his sword down slowly.

"And is killing allowed?"

I mumble while staring into his eyes.

"Of course killing is allowe-"

I slice his head off before he can finish his sentence and kick his body about fourty feet away.


The line of men stare at me, almost petrified.

"Fine, then I'll come to you!"

I dash towards them and run down the line killing everyone. Making sure that the previous person in line wasn't alive by some miracle. As I reach the final person I laugh slightly.

I feel my heart beating wildly, almost happy with the bloodshed. I feel a wave of contentment and peace wash over me as I wipe the blood off my dagger with the cloth from a deadman. I look back to see the line of corpses and flood of blood washing over the road. As I dash back to the front I see Blankk using <> on the man I killed first.

As he jolts up he shakes and stares up at us.

Vex looks to me and sighs.

"I had to give get his body from a thorn bush, I lost an HP from it."

He says jokingly as the man on the ground screams and starts to run away. I quickly grab him by the back of his plate-mail and pull him to the ground. I place my foot on his chest and pin him down.

"So let's talk."