Arthur walks up to me and looks at the portal.
"So, what was the dungeon like?"
He asks as I glare at him.
"You would've died, instantly."
I growl as he laughs. I quickly grab his shoulder as he winces in pain and drops to one knee. He holds up his hands.
"Ok, ok! What do you want? Money, huh? Fame?"
He bargains nervously as I look up to Modred. I quickly use [Telekinesis] and pull Modred to me, pushing him to one knee as well.
"Now, there's no point in lying to me right now. Seeing how if you don't give me an answer I like, I'll just kill you anyways."
I growl while staring at both of them.
"Now, which one of you was planning to kill me?"
I ask as Modred smiles and looks to Arthur. Arthur takes a deep breath and attempts to stand up, but I slam him completely flat on the ground.
"Guess that answers my question. Now, why would you want me dead?"
I growl, Arthur still not talking. After a moment of silence, Arthur speaks up.
"You must understand, I needed no resistance in my campaign to rule this continent. I just wanted to bring total peace, unnecessary bloodshed would follow from those being led by the ignorant."
He says as he puts his hands on the ground and attempts to stand up. I growl and let him up. He glares at me.
"I've heard about your warpath, Dante. How would my goal be any different from yours?! You kill those you feel have wronged you, and even those roughly associated. Alesti has not wronged you, yet you seek to draw his life from his lungs for what his underlings did. Neither of us are in the right!"
Arthur exclaims as I glare at him. I pop my neck and draw HexCalibur.
"Arthur, did you order The Reapers to kill me?"
I ask quietly as he nods and draws his sword. Modred quickly steps back away from both us.
"I still do not fear you, Excalibur and I have never lost when fighting seriously. MERLIN, GIVE ME THE BUFFS I NEED!"
He shouts as Merlin points his staff towards him and sighs. As Arthur starts glowing with power, I ready my sword.
Even with my current stats and HP, one hit may still kill me. I still need to treat this fight as seriously as I do bosses.
I ready my sword as Azeroth and Blankk run over to me.
"This is madness, are you sure you can win?"
They ask as I nod and push them out of the way. I notice the other knights have all laid their weapons down and are watching.
Some knight code, I imagine.
I see Arthur raise his sword and take a step forward, crushing the stone beneath his foot and compacting the dirt. With one swift swing, I raise my sword and block his attack. The shockwave knocks everyone around us about 50 feet back. I feel my hands go numb from the impact as I notice a crater around us. While focusing on his sword, he kicks me in my ribs and knocks me back about 60 feet.
[-2,800,000 HP]
[+52,500 HP]
I cough up blood as I feel my shattered ribs. A sharp stabbing pain with every breath I take forces me to one knee. I quickly look up to see Arthur swinging his sword down towards me.
[Field of Anger 5], [Field of Life 5], [Bloody Wraith 5], [Wrath 5].
[All Stats Increased 5X]
[Regeneration Increased 5X]
[Speed and Strength Increased 20X]
[Strength Increased 10X]
[30 Seconds Until Buffs Wear Off]
I quickly hold up HexCalibur and smile.
[+261,250 HP]
As his sword hits mine, I force him back easily. He quickly swings towards me, fast enough it looks like 3 separate blades coming towards me.
[Teleport 1]
I appear behind him and grab him by the back of his neck. I quickly slam him to the ground and kick him in the stomach. My foot goes through him and rips his top and lower half apart. I see everyone gasp as I stop and laugh.
"Really? That was it? All it took was one decent kick? Pretty disappointing."
I say as I see him trying to crawl away with his top half. Organs and entrails dragging along the dirt as blood pools up under him. I slowly walk over to him and put my foot on the back of his head.
"Bring this message to who ever asks."
I say as I look to every S-Class around me.
"My name is Dante Fenrix. If you attack or mess with me or my friends, this is your fate."
I say loudly as I crush his skull and plant my foot into the dirt. Modred walks over and starts to grab Excalibur, but I quickly grab his wrist.
"No, that sword will go to one of my guildmates."
I say as he smiles nervously and nods. As I let go I see his wrist is broken and bleeding.
"Sorry about that, still don't have good control over my strength."
I say as I stand over Arthurs dead body for a moment and sigh.
[17 Seconds Until Buffs Wear Off]
I walk a few feet away and sit down on a patch of dirt then cancel my buffs. A slight throbbing pain runs through my body, but doesn't last long. Alesti walks over and sits next to me.
"So, are you going to kill me?"
He asks as I look over to him and smile.
"What kind of monster do you take me for?"
I ask as he look at me for a moment before both of us start laughing. I reach over and put my hand on his shoulder. He speaks up.
"Really, I thought you would carry a grudge against me until the day I die."
He says as I laugh.
"No, I'm not carrying a grudge."
I say calmly as I look over to him.
"I'm just going to make sure to kill everyone in your guild, then everything you love. Then, when you're at your lowest, I'll take your life. I'm not some kind of monster that would give up on my personal quest so easily."
I say with a wide smile as he stares at me blankly. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Azeroth taking small gems and jewelry from Arthurs dead body.
Doing what he has to, to survive I guess. I'll look over the items first, then I'll let him keep or sell what he doesn't need.