Altered [Chapter 97]

I slam down over and over on logs, time seemingly warping and passing quickly around me. I hum to myself and pick up the logs I cut, slowly carrying them to a pile.

I dump the logs onto a pile as my brother, Gregory, walks by and starts talking.

"That's a little more than yesterday. Did you have someone help you?"

He asks jokingly as I laugh.

"I actually spent my first attribute point the other day. I put it into strength."

I say as he nods approvingly.

"Well, keep up the good work little bro."

He pats my head and smiles, instantly getting cut in half. My heart drops as I fall backwards and stare, petrified with fear at the sight of the hooded figure behind him. In the blink of an eye, Gregory is back on his feet perfectly fine and staring at me.

"Are you ok?"

He leans down to help me up, but gets cut in half once again. The hooded figure leans closer, glaring at me.

"So, you keep trying to deny my existence here? Is it because I didn't awaken until after you died? Or is there another reaso-"

Gregory reappears and helps me up, the memory of the hooded man instantly vanishing. Gregory stares at me for a moment, then smiles.

"Well, keep up the good work little bro."

He says as he walks towards a shed with lock on it. As he opens the shed I head into the small village beside our home. The unnamed village we live beside has only around 20 people living in it, all of which are incredibly nice people. As I walk around I see a few people relaxing outside, enjoying the nice weather.

"Hey, Dante! Can you come help me for a bit?"

I hear a woman say from in front of me.

"Of course!"

I shout back as I walk to her house. As I walk up the stairs at the front of her house, I see her holding her cane and smiling.

"I just need help setting up a table for a picnic tonight."

She says as I nod. I follow her to the backdoor of the house and help her carry cloth, candles, plates, and glasses to the table.

"How are your parents doing?"

I start to answer, but suddenly the world grows dark. Screams echo passed me as blood splatters all around the room and across the walls.

"Damn, you're really starting to annoy me. Why are you defending this memory? What are you hiding!?"

The hooded man lunges towards me, but gets grabbed by what looks like another version of me. I sit on the ground, petrified as the two lock hands and push against each other. The man who looks like me speaks up, sounding just like me as well.

"I won't let you take this memory! You've already taken so many!"

The hooded figure chuckles and slams my doppelganger against the wall.

"You're going to fade away and die anyways, why not make it fast and painless?"

I slowly stand up, then stumble backwards. As I blink, the world goes back to normal and I feel myself freeze in place. The old woman smiles and soon, I smile back and speak up.

"Well, father is always working, so we don't see him very often. Mother is often inside cleaning, cooking, or mending our clothes. She still makes outfits for other villagers from time to time though. Gregory and Klandiz are trying to follow in father's footsteps to be farmers. Well, Gregory is. Klandiz still has his mind dead set on being a Dungeon Diver."

I say as she laughs.

"I'm surprised that you don't share that dream to be honest."

She says while I laugh nervously.

"I'd die on the first dungeon dive. You know my stats, I'm the weakest person in this village."

I reply. She pats my back and smiles.

"Don't worry, we can always pray that The Maker gifts you strength."

"Oh give me a break."

Once again the hooded man appears, this time the world seemingly freezes. His hood falls back, revealing a younger man with long pitch black hair. His eyes are deep red with slits.

"How can you humans see me as both good and bad? I still don't quite understand it. Maybe you can explain it before you die."

I feel myself start to shake, but I clench my fist and stare at the man.

"How do you not know the difference between the Demon King and The Maker?"

I ask, watching him closely while feeling my heart racing. The man sighs and drops his head in defeat.

"Considering I'm both, why do you think there is a difference?"

He looks back up to me, my heart racing faster. I start to speak, but can't think of anything. The man crosses his arms.

"I gift you creatures magic and the ability to grow more than you could ever dream, and you shunned me. Cast me down and rallied against me. But, since your were in my memories, you should have seen that."

He tilts his head curiously as I think back.

"I.....I was in your memories?"

We stare at each other blankly for a moment before he lunges towards me and grabs the collar of my shirt.

"I'm getting real tired of your shit! How can you actively challenge me and not know it?!"

He suddenly pauses and smiles.

"Oh? So that's it?"

He lets me go and I fall back. I see his long, sharp claws poised like he's ready to attack.

"So, you fragmented your consciousness to survive against me? That also explains why your memory is so broken and scattered. So if I can bind the fragments back together..."

His grin stretches as he stands up straight and stares down at me.

"Looks like it's your lucky day, you get to exist a little while longer."

I blink, the world around me rapidly shifting and moving, people passing and watching me. As I scream out of fear and close my eyes, I hear a familiar voice.

"Dante, you ok?"

I look up, seeing Azeroth, Blankk, Warren, and Vex. I look over and see a man sitting on the floor beside a wolf. As he opens his eyes and looks at me, he sighs.

"Oh no, more drama."

He mumbles to himself as he waves at me.

"Yea, yea, I know you killed my third in charge, but currently I'm taking a break from paperwork. If you'd be so kind, do whatever you need, then get out of my hair."

He says lazily as he leans back. His wolf yawns and throws its tail over him.

"After all you took from me, you think I'll let I've already killed you."

I feel several memories with Alesti roll through my mind as Alesti looks up to me and smiles.

"I see, so I have to let you replay the memories to bring your fragments together."

Everyone around me disappears as the world turns white.

"Then, let's get started shall we? I want you to be able to remember everything, let us see who you were, and what you've become."