Chapter 4

What to do next? Was all Axel could think about the next couple of days. He loved Athena, and he has loved her for as long as he could remember. Axel did not just want to be with her; he needed her too. It was like she was his life force, and the moment she walked away, he could no longer function properly. The more he thought about her and what to do for their first date. His thoughts kept drifting to how much passion was in her kiss that day.


The moment she kissed me, it all clicked. I realized that if she was not in my life that I did not have experience. If I could not marry her and have her carry my children then, I do not want to be married nor have children. That moment she broke the kiss and looked at me, I knew that she was worth all of me and that I still had a lot to prove to her worthy of her. I am gonna do everything and anything it takes to prove myself to her.

Flashback over

He needed to focus on the task at hand. He had finally gotten her to go it with him and knew he had to plan the perfect date. He knew her pretty well, but he did know two people who might know her better, Maurice and Cleo. He called a meeting he invited Maurice over and had Cleo come from the mall with her friends. When Axel had explained what was going on, they dropped everything and was at his home in minutes.

So it started...the best first date of Athena's life, supposedly, but who knew. She hadn't seen Maurice all day, and Cleo ran out if the mall claiming to have an emergency. Even before that, they had been acting all weird like they were doing something behind her back.

In the late afternoon, after bailing on Athena, Cleo showed up to Athena's house with her makeup case and a garment bag in her hands.

"Let's get you ready for tonight! I have been waiting for this day for so long! I can't believe it is finally happening!" Cleo giggled. Cleo looked almost as excited about this as Athena was. Athena knew better than to fight Cleo about this and just sat back and enjoyed the ride.

After an hour and a half, Cleo stepped back and let Athena look into the full-length mirror on the door. "Woah... this is my best work yet." Cleo stared at Athena in awe. She wore an emerald green dress with black booties and accessories to match. Her makeup was a dark green smoky eye with a bright red lipstick to pair it with. Athena did not even recognize her self. Cleo motioned for Athena to turn so that she could fully admire her handi-work. "Boy is Axel gonna be shocked by how stunning you look tonight," Cleo stated as Athena completed the circle.

Maurice knocked on the door, "Come in," the girls said in sync. He opened the door and eyed his sister, then he smiled. Athena had been so nervous that Maurice would be judgemental about all of this bit, yet he was her greatest supporter. "He is downstairs, sis. He is not ready for the knockout he is about to get," Athena giggled at the thought," Hey sis, just remember Purple Rain." Maurice said his peace and turned and walked out of the bedroom door.

Athena took a deep breath and tried to prepare herself for what the night would bring...

Athena started to walk down the stairs and caught Axel staring at her. She began to blush and overthink the date in all its sincerity. Axel stood at the end of the stairs, unable to keep his mouth closed as Athena descended the stairs. He was so excited to have the honor and pleasure to take her out on her very first date. Axel had no intention of screwing this up for her. He wanted to make sure that she knew to grow special she was to him. Plus, he did get threatened by both Maurice and Cleo that they would take turns beating me up for hurting Athena.

When Athena reached the bottom of the stairs, she took one finger and shut Axel's mouth with a smile. "Well, whaddya think?" Athena asked and did a little pain for Axel.

"W-well u-umm i...i" Cleo was behind Athena and smirked at Maurice. "I did a good job, didn't I?" Cleo was proud that she got to her brother fumble over his words for the first time. Axel cleared his throat," I think you look stunning, and yes, Cleo, you did a fantastic job." Axel then nodded to Maurice and put out is hand for Athena to grab.

"M'lady?" Athena blushed and put her hand in his. Axel led her to his truck and the first date of Athena's life and the new chapter of their story.

The car ride to their first destination was a comfortable silence. Axel kept looking at Athena and blushing when she caught him. He drove them to a movie theatre. He rushed around to her door and opened it with a massive grin on his face. Athena blushed and stepped out of his truck.

"What are we gonna see?" Athena turned around and smiled.

Axel blushed, " was gonna suggest the latest RomCom, but you look too good to go to the movies-"

Athena sent him a look that shut him up in seconds he knew how much she wanted to see that movie and he thought he could back out of taking her to it. Ha! He thought wrong. Athena grabbed him by the hand and led him straight to the ticket booth.

"Hi, we would like to see Sarah's Story, please."

The girl at the ticket booth looked at Axel and nodded.

"$12.50, please."

Axel fumbled for his wallet and handed the girl the money.

"Here, ya go—theater 5. Row G seats 8 and 9. Thank you, and enjoy 'Sarah's Choice.'"


After the movie was over, Athena thought they were going to call it a night and head home, but Axel had other plans. Axel drove them over to the edge of the woods located on the outskirts of their town.

"Where are we going?" Athena asked as she climbed out of the truck. "It's a surprise, but first I need to know, do you trust me?" Axel turned and trapped Athena between him and his truck. She was encaged by his arms, body, and vehicle. She blushed, "Of course?" Axel then picked Athena up bridal style and carried her through the woods and into a clearing.

Once they made it to the clearing, Athena was in awe at the picnic played out before her. "You did all this for me?" She whispered and turned in Axel's arms. There was enough light for her to see the light blush that crept up his neck and reached his ears.

Axel set her down like she was a princess and he was her knight in shining armor. She looked at the picnic and noticed daisies, chocolate strawberries, cake, and all her favorite dishes. "Did you make all of this for-," Axel hushed her before she could say anything else and nodded. Athena smiled, and the smile reached her eyes, which then made them sparkle in the moonlight.

"Athena, I'm gonna be completely honest, I have found you beautiful since the day I first met you. You single-handedly made chem go from boring as heck to my favorite class. You are one of the very few people that I looked forward to when I went to school. I messed most of my chances up in the past, but I can't tell you how happy I am that you're giving me another. I made a promise to myself that I am going to only be the best me I can be just for you. I've wanted to be able to call you to mine for the longest, I've wanted to say I love you, I've wanted to be able to hold you. I hope this worked because all of this I 100% truly feel."

Athena blushed and smiled, "I never expected you to say that or be so open with me. We have known each other our entire lives, but I have expected you to be this sweet. Thank you for showing me this side of you. Never be afraid to let me in."

Axel pulled Athena into his arms and laid on the ground. They stared up at the stars until they fell asleep peacefully.

When Axel awoke, he lay on the ground with Athena lying on his chest and snuggled into his side. He smiled and sighed a deep breath. He never knew he could be so happy as he was right now.