I Do No Want To Be King

It had been 2 years since the Prince was known as the Crown Prince. And it was during this time that Corrie reached here.

The Queen had asked the Crown Prince why he had opposed to be a King. He couldn't stop others from addressing him as Crown Prince but he still opposed to be a King. The Queen once again summoned him and asked,"Why don't you want to become a King?"

"Mother, i respect your wishes but i do not want to be King. I wouldn't want to sit on the throne like Father and then run off leaving my responsibilities and never come back."

Oh.. his father was a coward alright who ran away from his responsibilities and had many concubines in different countries.

The Queen's heart softened," Oh my son..you are your father's son but you are much more than him. You excel at everything, you could never run away like that. You are not a coward you are strong you are your Mother's son. I believe in you..the whole kingdom believes in you."

Axel(Crown Prince) Male protagonist

Brave ..excels at everything but doubts his ability. He was not interested in women at all . His father had left a deep impression on him so ..

"You are so much more.....you are my son. You are a brave person", his mother consoled him. He seemed a little willing now. But he wasn't going to get on that throne soon.

He promised," Mother, i will clear my Father's name. I will make this kingdom go down as the most greatest one in history. And after acheiving that will i only ascend the throne."

The Queen came towards her son, look at him lovingly and carressed his hair. They were very close and not like the distant Mother and Son in a Royal Family.

After that, he went to the training grounds . He was a lot more fierce than any other days which made the soldiers scared to face him. Hayner walked up to him. He already knew about his firm resolution of restoring peace and terminating the kingdom's enemies once and for all. He walked up to him," Dont be too fierce. The soldiers are not that motivated yet. They might think of you as a tyrant".

Axel just sighed.

He knew even though the trades and relations were in place with the neighbouring kingdoms, they would not sit quiet for long. He expected a great war from them.