Chapter Five

Anna moves towards the fridge. She has to make breakfast. A sticky note was on the door of the fridge. Anna smiled silly. 

"What is all this? What is he doing?" She read the message on it.

"I had made your favourite breakfast. The table is set for you. So, you don't have to trouble your hands. But you have to open the fridge for your sweet treat." The smile on her face widen. Anna opened the fridge to find the oack of her favourite chocolates. She takes them in her hand. 

"Flowers and Chocolates." Anna wondered. She walks in the dining area to find him waiting for her. He was fiddling with his fingers. He looks nervous. 

"Good Morning, Eden." She said. He turned his head around to saw her beautiful face. 

'Oh, My God. Please save me.' He thought then gulped looking at the smile on her beautiful plump lips.

Anna step towards him then sits on her chair. 

"Haha, thank you for this... Any special occasion?" Anna asked. He shook his head.