My parents were sleeping. Long gone about two hours ago. I have been a good daughter to them all my life. But I do not care anymore about family reputation. I need to be on my own.

It was risky but I do not have a choice. Once I was out from my parents property, I will be free. I reached carefully from my window down to the trunk of a tree. I stayed there silently and observed before I proceed.

When I know everything was clear. I go on climbed down from tree to the ground. I was secretly sneak out from my window in the middle of the night.

My two best friends were already planned everything. They arranged someone who will pick me up near my house with my small luggage to bring me to the bus station. They kept my luggage some place so that I could easily do my plan.

I have with me is my backpack I secretly hide it. It was all of my valuable things and documents like passport, savings, ATM and my new cellphone with prepaid sim card.

Finally, I was out and saw the familiar car already waiting for me. I never looked back because if I do I know I will be stuck here forever. I was nervous actually but I know I will not regret this ever.

Chris smiled as I get in. He is a friend of a friend of a friend we met at the party a month ago. He was a little older than me actually. We asked him a favor to do the plan that will not trace it to my best friends. He was willing to help me everything and rented this car we were using. Of course, it was not under his name.

"You sure you are going to do this and never be a chicken?" He said smirking to let him know if I do not change my mind.

I smiled. "Yes, I will stick with my plan Chris." I confirmed as I glanced at him. He nodded then we drove off away from the house.

We reached the bus station; Chris parked the car. He helped me out with my luggage from the compartment. He was the one who kept my things. We lead to the ticket booth and bought me a ticket to my destination.

"Here you go." Chris handed me my ticket. "Just be careful wherever you go okay."

I gave him a small smile and hugged too. "Thank you for everything. You are truly a nice friend even we are not close that long. You still say yes to this favor."

"I am willing to help anytime Tayla." He spoke. "Just inform your friends to let them know that you are safe." I nodded.

It has been months since I left home. I travelled faraway just to get away from everybody that involves in my life. No one knows where I am right now even my best friends. It is better to be safe.

I cut all ties from people who knew me except my two best friends. If we communicate, we just used our social accounts direct messages. But never mention the location. Telling them that I am in good life and safe.

I hated thinking about it few months ago what my father did to me. It got me burned out from everything. It is better this way than doing what I do not want to do.

I do not know why it had to be me. I know I still do not know what I want for my life. But it does not mean I do not have plan for my future.

I do have more than one and they did not even bother to ask me. Even the day I left my hometown I planned it carefully and prepared everything I need.

New life, new place.

When I got to this city, I started looking for a place to stay and a job. I do have my savings with me. Still, I need for stable job to continue my college.

I stayed in a cheap hotel in town for a week as soon as I arrived. It was good thing with the technology we have right now that you can easily search online.

My luck started before I ended my days in a hotel. I met Maria accidentally inside the grocery store. We bumped into each other and I was busy picking items at the same time looking into the newspaper for a job hiring. I was starting looking some jobs available that I can also enroll online classes.

I was not looking what I picked and at the same time Maria did. We both smiled then she noticed the newspaper I was holding. She asked me how old I was then I replied.

Well, I thought she was joking when she asked me to work together with her. She needed someone younger that could do the works. That I do not have to worry about living expenses because it was all free. Foods and accommodation as in all.

As long as I could do my job and can be trusted. I stared at her, studying. I do not feel any dangerous or something. Besides, she was like my mother in age.

Of course, I asked what my job description and my rate before accepting her offer.

She explained to me everything. It was not that bad at all and I also told her my condition that I need to enroll online classes. She was not against it because I can do my work early and after my online classes.

About my salary it was quite a bit unexpected but generous offer. I said yes, so here I am in a big and quiet place away from the city. We are only five people living in such a big house.

Maria is in-charge everything inside the house like cooking, grocery stuffs and many other things. Rodel, the driver and husband of Maria. They have their own rooms in the first floor.

Two guards with different shifting. Their works were at the gate area and they have their own quarter separate from the main house.

Lastly, that was me. I work as a housemaid too. I am responsible for the cleaning inside the house and laundry for our boss and my clothes too. I have not seen who our boss is but Maria said that I should not worry because he... yeah it is He. He is not bad at all and he does not talk too much.

Maria did not tell me more details. But I guess they are very private people. I should not bother to think negatively. Since the day I came here in the mansion few months ago he never steps foot yet.

As for my college, I enrolled online classes for my minor subjects. So far so good I do my duties and responsibilities. Both home and online classes. I go to school every Saturday for my major subjects.