Today is our last day of the semester. I never thought I could survive everything for the past months I was away from home. I have never done working as a housemaid before in my whole life. But I passed the level of supporting myself towards tuition fees. One more semester and I am done for this year.

My friends in school decided to go to MV Club for celebrating our semestral break.

"Come on, Tay. We have to loosen up a little bit." Mildred said, grinning.

They knew that I was working as a housemaid. I did not give them the name of my employer. Of course, for secrecy.

They do not mind at all about my job. They knew that I was to focus on school and work. Just like me, but not the same as my working job. Mildred was working as a barista.

I tried to refuse their invitation but they will take No for an answer. Thinking about it, since I came to this city, I haven't been enjoying my rest day.

Well, I have been busy with my online classes' weekdays, Saturday classes then working at home. I guess, I should consider it.

"Okay, I guess, I will go home and change my clothes." I spoke.

"Oh, no, you don't think about going home." Sheila refused. "I will lend you all some clothes for tonight." Sheila was nice and outgoing person in our group. I never imagine the three of us would click just like my best friends back home. "We will be going to my house and I am sure all of you needs to take a shower and change."

I called Maria to inform her that I might not be able to go home tonight but not sure yet.

"Do not worry about it. You do not have to report me as long as it is your day off." She said, smiling. "Just enjoy and have fun Tayla, you need time for enjoyment."

"I will, Maria. Thank you and see you tomorrow." I said goodbye to her and walked towards my friends.

"So, shall we go home and change? What do want to order Chinese or pizza?" Sheila asked as I arrived at the parking lot.

"Chinese will be fine." Mildred answered.

"Okay, follow me since we both have a car. It was not that far from school anyway." Sheila informed us.

We reached her house twenty minute away from school. I got out from my car and followed Sheila to the front door. She unlocked her door and we got in.

"Feel at home, girls. Don't be a stranger." She reminded us. "I already call for Chinese Restaurant for delivery." She added.

"You got a nice house here, Sheila." Mildred praised. Yes, a modern style house, neat and clean.

"My dad gave it to me on my eighteenth birthday and high school graduation two in one gift." She grinned. "Together with the car. Next semester is my last semester until graduation this year. I need internship to graduate."

"Good for you. My parents gave me the car as for the house. Well, I rented it. I decided after graduation I will find a job and find a new place but it depends. I love my job and enjoy it." Mildred said. "Me, too! Next semester will be my last and I do not need internship for that to think because my job is approved to the school. But it is up to me if I will find other company to do it."

"How about you Tay?" She asked.

We were in Sheila's room looking for some clothes to wear tonight.

"Well, I do not know yet. But I am sure I will not stay as a housemaid forever." I chucked. "Besides, I still have two more semesters to complete. Next semester then next year."

They do not know exactly who I am anyway so it is better that way. I bought my car. A second handed one just enough I slacked some of my savings before I came to the mansion.

We heard a door bell chimes sound and we both got up. Sheila paid the foods and we ate in the living room, talking and laughing too. I never thought I could find new friends here in the city. I miss my two best friends at home.

We quickly finished our dinner and started doing our thing. We went back inside in Sheila's room. Shower done and choosing attire next. Sheila showed us some dress for clubbing. They were too many actually to choose from in her closet.

I really need to choose since both Mildred and Sheila were almost ready to go. I picked up Black Sexy Scoop blouse and paired it with Red Trumpet skirt. As for the shoes I chosen Silver Ankle Straps. I did my make up as well and as for my hair. I half curled my long black hair.

"Come on, girls, it's time to groove our body." Sheila excitedly called us downstair.

She was wearing red pencil dress. Mildred was wearing Silk Silver One Shoulder dress. They were the same height and I was an inch smaller than them.

"Wow, good choice of dress girls both of you were stunning. I guess, men were drooling tonight." Sheila grinned. "I already called the cab to send us to the club. It is better to leave our cars. Just in case we are both wasted. Another reason is if ever you want to spend the night here there are guestrooms waiting for you too." She said, "But it is really fine if you could be laid with yummy man." She added, winking at us.

We laughed; I shook my head. We stepped outside as soon as our cab horns. Arriving inside the club for about few minutes. It was not that far from Sheila's place.

The club was incredibly nice and it was my first time coming here. It was not my first clubbing because back home I used to do clubbing with my best friends.

Great atmosphere, enough for us people to move freely. We got our table, a nice one indeed. Sheila knew the manager and gave us perfectly.

"Drinks anyone?" Mildred suggested.

"I think I really need that before we hit on the dance floor." I smiled.

Sheila waved the waitress over, taking our drink orders. It never takes too long we got our drinks. Sheila paid all for us, her treat for joining her tonight.