I woke up with a stranger I just met last night. I was not in my right mind to be exact. I slowly left the bed not to cause any trouble. I had to pull myself together before he wakes up.

'This is not me at all. When did I do one night stand? One night with stranger.'

I found my clothes scattered around the floor. I picked them up, wear it fast so that I could leave this room immediately. Successfully left the room without waking him up. Once I was outside the hotel, climbed in the cab and gave Sheila's address.

I get on my car, changed my usually clothes. I did not disturb Sheila, thinking she might be with someone else.

Mildred's car was still here, I guess she was just like me did not come home last night. I will text them later. Right now, I need to get home fast. I really need shower and sleep. My lower part was sore. Gosh, he was a monster when it comes to sex.

I was flat in my bed, thinking what I saw in my bathroom mirror as I stripped all my clothes. Guess what I found out?

Hickeys! Yes, with letter S. Not just one but more to it. I did not know that stranger last night was into me that gave me that. Lucky for me it was not in my neck part, not that I have known because I do not see one. I was saved from using scarf to cover it up. It was all in my breasts part to lower. It was not weird at all but still strange for me.

I texted my friends Sheila and Mildred. We have group chat so that it was one time chatting than texting them individually. Just letting them know that I came to fetch my car, did not bother to inform them in person. I never expect them to reply fast after I send but they did.

SHEILA: Girl, gosh, ditching us last night that was fast. 😁

MILDRED: And hot too. I have never been imagining that our first clubbing together you got hook up with a hottie man. Awesome.

ME: Yeah, 🙄 that was stupid of me.

I paused for a moment recalling the incident before sex part. When the girls got partners. I was there alone that I do not even care. I got carried away with music and loosen up more. Not in a wild way that would look like a slut. I was there swaying. Releasing my own self that lost few months ago. I do not care at all at that moment but it did not last long.

I felt someone intensely staring at me. And I was not mistaken I found my eyes landed on him; I was hypnotized. He never left his eyes on me. That was HOT.

I keep on dancing, swaying my body seductively at that time until he came closer. Seeing his face up close and personal. Gosh, he was so handsome that I could not take my eyes off him. His hands placed on my hips, that sparks I feel was strange.

Every time I go clubbing with my girls back home. I always go home with them. Except last night I was actually with a man I just met. Not only that, we did sex. SEX.

I heard a ding on my phone. I came back to my present self. I forgot I was chatting with them.

SHEILA: You still there? Tay?

MILDRED: I bet she was thinking that handsome man. Gosh, he was so yummy and you two looks great together. I was awe looking both of you dancing. 😁

Yeah, he was really handsome I could not deny that. But... what's wrong with me? Shaking my head to replied them.

ME: Sorry, I was quite occupied with something. ✌ By the way, what happened the two of you last night. I wish I did not leave 😔. It was supposed to be our lady's night out.

SHEILA: Do not be ridiculous. Of course, we can still have our night out before the next semester.

MILDRED: I agree. There will be another time for the three of us. Besides, I had fun with you two. Of course, with the guy I met last night too. 😛

SHEILA: Well, well, well, now who's talking who? Really?! Gosh!

ME: Really?!

MILDRED: Really! 😋 He asked my number and I gave him. I think if this goes well... I will let you meet him. What about you She?

SHEILA: I was dancing with the guy I met at the club. We did not go home together. But I always end up calling with... him.

I got confused and curious at the same time. Does Sheila have someone she like? Well, we barely going out together but we do text every day. Just like me, they also felt connected and easily get along with.

ME: What? I do not get it? Who's him? What are you talking about?

We waited for Sheila to open up but if she is not willing to share it with us, that's fine. I saw someone typing in my screen either it is She or Mild.

SHEILA: Yeah, him, I tried avoiding him but it was useless. Sorry friends, I know it was forbidden but ...

Sheila did not finish the sentence. We did not know she was having such a complicated situation. We never get the chance to spend more time.

ME: It's okay She! Whatever you have been through right now I am still here for you. We will wait until you will open up to us face to face.

MILDRED: Yes, She, we will make time for us to gather again like last night.

SHEILA: Thank you friends. Thank you for being true to me. I was right with intuition at first sight that both of you will be my friends forever 😊

MILDRED: Oh, shut up hehehe!

ME: Hahaha

SHEILA: Oh, you love me both 😋

We ended our group chat conversation that made me think less of that man last night. I pray that we will not cross our path again.