I was in my office when I got a call from my mother. I got the hint, why she is calling to me now. I answered the calls.

I have not yet said my words when my mother burst out.

Mother: Gosh! Zane, you have to come to the hospital right now. It's your father.

Zane: What?!! Why is he in the hospital right now?

Mother: I do not know. He was vomiting after he ate his breakfast. He is in the operating room right now. Please come over. I am scared.

Zane: Okay, I will be there right away.

I ended the call and grabbed my personal things.

Brix and I went straight to the hospital after I informed him. We went out together and found my mother and Betty waiting outside the Operating Room.

My mother was scared as I looked at her. She was playing her hands like she does not know what to do. I calmed myself and approached her.

"Zane, I am worried. Your father…" she said tears in her eyes.

"You need not to worry mom. Dad will be alright." Assuring her as I hugged her.

The OP door opened after we waited for quite a while and the doctor came out. His face was telling me something. My mother let go of my hug as soon as the doctor came towards us.

"Doc, tell me what's wrong with my husband? Is he alright?" She asked.

The doctor did not say right away and looked at me and my mother. "I am so sorry to inform you but the patient died a while ago."

"What? W-what are you talking about? H- how come?" My mother asked so many questions. I keep my silence and did not interrupt.

The doctor cleared his throat before he continued telling us the reasons.

"We found out that he was poison. Poisons not just today but it has been a quite a while. It was not directly but it was in his intact every day. Like in his foods or drinks. And today, inside his body cannot tolerate anymore. We tested the possibilities and it turn out that way. I am sorry for your loss."

My mother slapped Betty that I did not expect her to do that. Betty was speechless and a little tear in her eyes. It was quite a strong slap on her cheek.

"You!" She pointed her finger on her. "You poisoned my husband. You were the one who brought foods for him every day. I know you have hidden intentions in this family. I will send you to prison. Zane!" She said angrily and faced me. "She is the one who always with you father even today. She must be the one."

I looked at Betty who is crying right now. "Betty, tell me this is not true." I said in a commanded voice.

"I- I do not know what Madam is talking about, Zane. I am sure it is not me and I do not have the reason to do that to him. He is like a father to me since I was born and stay in the mansion." Betty says.

"Hmmm... that's the thing there. He treated you as his own daughter but I know people like you still ungrateful and greedy. You are just a servant and I know you want something more." My mother shouted.


We turned our heads the person who called my mother.

"Rebecca, hu-hu-hu" My mother went to her and Rebecca gave her some comfort.

"Okay, mom, let's talk about it later." I said and looked at Betty. "I do not know what to tell you now but for the time being I want you to stay out of the mansion first. I will..."

"What! How can you let her go just like that, Zane? She is the murderer. She killed your father. Send her to the police right now." My mother demanded.

"Mom, calm down. We have no evidence that she is the right person to do that and besides, she is not the only one living in the mansion." I declared. "I know you are not comfortable living with her in the mansion. That is why I will send her out of the mansion. Are you okay with that?"

"Okay, fine because I do not want to see her face from now on." My mother rolled her eyes.

"That's settled then. So, right now, I want you to go home and I will take care of Dad's remains." I told her and she nodded. "Rebecca, can you send my mom? She needs to rest." I turned to Rebecca and she smiled.

"Do not worry about Aunt, Zane. I will always be here for her." I nodded and they went ahead.

I waited until they were gone. I faced Betty. "Are you alright? I am sorry she did that to you. I did not see it coming." I apologized as I see her hand patted her cheek slightly.

"It's okay I can still manage." Betty replied with a small smile. I know how hurt she was but I need to make her safe.

'Okay, I want you to stay away from the mansion for now. You will not go out until further development needed. Okay?" She nodded. "Stay in the secret place and I do not want her to harm you anymore." I added. "Brix will send you to the basement parking lot. Someone is already there waiting for you."

I let them walked towards the elevator and faced the doctor as well.

"Let's proceed to the next steps." I said as he nodded.

I was there in the hospital for the longer time to process everything for my father. I will hold a funeral and let his friends, colleagues to know about my father's death. I will be the one to do it anyway. Brix was with me and helping me everything. I will just inform my mother after everything is settle.

I am so tired when I reached my mansion.