I do not know what happen but I woke up with a voice. It was shaking my shoulder. I opened my eyes slowly and saw a man looking at me. I was laying on the ground. He helped me up to sit.

"Hey! Are you alright?" He asked.

"What happened?"

"I was in my car passing by when I saw you laying down here." He stated.

I suddenly realized that Tayla was not with me.


"What?" He asked in confused.

"I was with my friend in the car. Have you seen here?" I said, looking around. I quickly took out my phone that I placed it inside my boots I was wearing.

"No! You are the only one here. Should we call the police?"

"No! Just please help me up." I begged.

He slowly helped me stand. I dialed the number that Brix told me if there is an emergency.

It never took long the other person answered.


"H-hello! I need help. Something happened with Tayla and she is not with me right now." I said nervously. I know I was scared a little but this is Tayla I was talking about. Zane's beloved.

"How about you? Are you okay? Where are you now?"

"I am fine. Someone helped me and I am near Zane's mansion street".

"I will be right there right away. Is that someone with you with still wait?"

"I think so, yeah!"

"Okay, just wait for us."

The man was nice enough to accommodate me. He even offered some bottled water he got it from his car. He is a middle age man named Philip and he seems a good person that's why I know I am in good hand.

A light from the vehicle came. I got up and I saw not just one vehicle but two. They stopped behind the car and a woman came out from it. Walking towards me she is like a slight version of Zane.

"You must be the Hazel, Brix girlfriend I presume." She smiled.

I nodded. "Y-yes! How did you know that…?" I did not even finish my sentence when she interrupted me.

"Of course, I know all." She said as she faced me closer. "Are you really sure you are not hurt somewhere?" She asked.

"No, I do not think so. But who are you, by the way?" I asked. "We have to help find Tayla and I can feel she is in danger. We need to find her. Zane will be going to …" She cut me off again.

"I am not going to finish your words because you will worry too much. Just call me Betty." She spoke. "Exactly tell me what happen? Do you remember before you found here?"

"Tayla, me and some of our girl friends went for a ladies' night out. We got for some drinking but we never put it too much. Then both of my two friends got into one car and Tayla and me went to mine. Since we both living in the same area but we were near here when we bumped into something." I paused as I took a little air because I was really talking faster. "I got out to check but I was knock out."

"So, you did not see anyone around you when you got out from the car." Shaking my head as a sign.

"As we look into the camera in this area, I guess you have not notice that there is some car following you." A man I have not recognize spoke as I looked at him. He smiled at me. "I am Rob and do not worry we make sure Tayla is safe." I nodded.

"I guess, they know both of you because they were following you since in the club… wait!" He paused. He was holding a laptop. "They were not following you. They were following Tayla since she got out from the Zane mansion."

I got nervous all of the sudden because they intentionally going to kidnap Tayla in the first place. But why would they kidnap Tayla? Question in my mind linger.

Rob was zooming in the picture of the man who took Tayla. I did not recognize him and meet him somewhere.

"Wait!" Philip blurted out. "I think I seen him before." Pointing the other man.

"You do?" I asked. He nodded.

"I think they were living at the old house of Mrs. Corner. I saw them this week when I passed by to go to the other street. I was thinking they were the new owner since she already passed away a year ago. Only few old residents knew about the other exit. And Mrs. Corner's house was the only house far away from us." He said as he detailed where he saw the man.

"Okay, that would help and thanks." Rob shook his hand to Philip.

"No problem as long as I can help."

"Okay, let's take you first to your house and make you safe." Betty said, and I nodded.

"Thanks for your kindness, Philip." I smiled.

"No problem. I know Brix and he is a good guy." He smiled.

We reached Brix house and Rob was busy this phone calls. They are some men outside and I was thinking they were trained men. Betty did not leave my side. We were in the living room I was already change my clothes into a fresh one. Betty insisted to take a shower so that I could be refreshed and calm myself too.

"Do not worry too much. Rob will do his job to protect Tayla and you too."

I nodded. "Should we inform Zane or Brix about this incident tonight?" I asked.

"Rob already did that and Zane trusted Rob with everything." I nodded again.

"If you are tired, just sleep and I know you are stressing out with this mess in your life right now. You need rest and leave everything to us."

I know I should trust them because Zane trust everything to them but I could not help but worry about my friend.