I already knew what happened about Tayla. I already knew who the mastermind is. They even hired people who were desperate in need of money just to do their evil things. Shaking my head as I looked at the person who I was thinking.

I got a message from Brix. Yes, he is with me on this trip. That's why they did what are not supposed to do. They think they got me and Tayla. I will ride on with what they are planning to do.

"Oh son, come on! Do not be too distant with your mother. It is our first coming together in this faraway event." She whispered as Rebecca smiled at me too.

Yes, the two of them were here in this event. I do not know why they are even here too. But I guess, I should not be wondering anymore after I heard about Tayla.

"You know, I still have some business affair in here to mingle others, mother." I replied.

"Well, I know that. Here!" She handed me a glass of wine. "Yours is already empty."

I accepted the wine and I saw her smirking. I ignored it and holding it while I was listening to the other businessman. They were also occupied with other people.

I took a sip of my wine until it was empty. There is already kicked inside my body right now that I need to go home. I already done my part with associating with other businessmen and businesswomen in this event.

Slowly, I left the venue and I have a room rented on this place so it is better for me to lay down.

I was inside the elevator and pushed the number floor I was in. I closed my eyes as my back was resting on the wall. I could feel elevator door opened and I opened my eyes Rebecca came in.

I ignored her and closed back my eyes. I know she was looking at me. I was waiting for her another move. When I reached my floor, I felt dizzy.

"Hey Zane, let me help you." I let her.

My arm was in her shoulder. She was carrying me a little towards my room. She searched my pocket to get my key. Once she found it, she scanned to the door to open it. I was about to fall down to the floor when I heard some footsteps.

"I will help you to carry Zane." My mother's voice said.

They were successfully placing me to my bed because I was not able to walk straight in my state. I could feel them watching me for a moment.

"Thank goodness! He drank it all." My mother whispered to Rebecca.

I did not open my eyes to confront her for now. I want to see where this thing goes.

"What will we do next?" Rebecca asked.

"Well, you two should sleep together so that he will be with you finally." She instructed her to do such thing.

"How can I sleep with him when he is already drain from the wine you gave him?"

"He will never know that. So come on, strip all your clothes and I will strip him. Then you lay beside him so that I will do some shot as the evidence." My evil mother told her.

She did not waste her time to strip me while I was acting unconscious. I never thought she will do this kind of stuff. I barely know her at all. Still, I let her be do whatever she wants right now. I will still wait I know they will not succeed until I am in my right mind.

"Okay, lie down and I will make a shot. After this I will go, I have something to do right now." She instructed Rebecca.

Rebecca followed my mother's instruction and lay beside me inside the duvet, naked as well.

"Okay, I got one nice shot and this is all I need." She laughed. "I will let you stay here beside him and do your thing."

She sat up. "I am a little scared and nervous once he is awake."

"How many times I told you that you have to be just fine while I am still here." My mother raised her voice that Rebecca startled. "Put yourself together Rebecca if you do not want your life to be miserable."

I heard footsteps away and the door closed. Rebecca was silent for a minute there. She did not move just sat there. She sighed.

"I need water." She murmured. I heard her opened the bottled water courtesy from the hotel. She gulped. After she drank it, "I can do this. This is what I have to do for my sake."

Rebecca fell asleep after a minute. The effect of the water that Brix put into the bottle was already in motion. All the beverages in the fridge were all been putted, just in case. I got up and put back my clothes on me.

I dialed Brix. "Come here!" then I put it back inside my pocket.

The door of the connecting room open. Yes, I occupied the connecting room I already knew that they will come to me since I have people to watch my mother and Rebecca. But I did not expect them to be this far.

I will not let this incident slide either. The things she did to my beautifully Tayla was beyond. She already put risked to my father and now she came to Tayla. She even hired someone to kidnap her.

This should be stop when I get home. I will not wait for Rebecca to wake up. I am sure my mother is celebrating right now with victory. I let her be, enjoy while I am not yet do my plan to her.

I saw Brix put all the beverages and even the bottled water into the plastic bag. He looked at me and nodded.

It was a signed that we are ready to go. I looked at Rebecca, she was still unconscious covering her naked body with the duvet.

I go out first towards the connecting door and Brix followed me.