Chapter 2 : Enter! First year of life

Antares POV

After having another shock of my new life I decided that this is happening so I will just go with it.

Many would say that I'm accepting it to fast or something. I'm only accepting this because my practised 'just roll with it' mentality. It has happened and I can do nothing about it so why bother?

I already made peace with my death. It was pretty embarrassing. Like many others my last thoughts were 'what could possibly go wrong?'. Even if I was above average in department of intelligence, purposely stepping down on a banana peel while walking down the stairs was not one of my brightest moments.

I should probably sleep, not because I'm baby, but after losing the battle for comfort I'm not exactly full of energy. That and my six temper tatrums didn't help it either.

0 - 2 Months, Malfoy Manor

I am currently 1 week old and I love it. Some people would be too embarrassed to truly enjoy the life of a baby. I, however, am not ashamed to admit that finnaly having someone to clean my ass and change my diapers without a fuss is heaven for lazy people like me.

'Huh, does wizards use toilet paper or not?' before I can continue with my reality questioning, I'm interrupted by house elf carrying my dose of food.

Food is good. As good as milk every few hours can be. It's not as special as you would expect of magical milk but it tries.

In my previous life I really appreciate fanfictions. I don't have a problem that every other reincarnator had though. They 'tried' to act like a baby. Guess what happened? Obviously they failed. They either were too curious, observant, silent or smart. Deciding that 'no I'm an adult and I will not pretend to be a baby' is simply idiotic.

Firstly it raise at least ten red flags. Secondly why want to grow up so fast when you can clearly enjoy your no stress chapter of childhood? People often say 'I wish I could be a child again'. And when they found them selfs in this situation they suddenly want to become adults again. Excuse me but that is pure hypocrisy.

After the first month I noticed that Lucius is barely home and when he is, he doesn't spend time with me and when he does he looks like he would be rather somewhere else.

It's decided Narcissa will be from now acknowledge as my mother while Lucius will remain Lucius.

2-6 Months old

After few weeks of staring at the ceiling it is time to move, sit and crawl.

It's not like I was not a moving at all. I am pretty touch starved and in need of constant attention. And what's better way to get attention then throw a tatrum?

While I can admit that I behaved like a spoiled brat, I at least did it for a good reason, the bodily warm because blanket sucks, a lot.

Mom was proud that I can sit up alone without her help. Lucius was who knows where, probably with his Lord or Death eater buddies, so who cares.

Teething sucks, a lot. That is until you get a potion that not only stops the pain but also grows the rest of the teeth. I can now eat more solid food. That's one of the more interesting things in my life. The food, if you can call it that, is tasteless mud. But that's okay I'll manage.

6 - 10 Months

I did it. I said my first word. It was a tough decision. I had to decide between Ma, Pa, no, why and up. Word Pa was immediately discarded as if I would give that bastard the satisfaction of my first word.

After deciding whether go with Ma or why. I decide to go with Ma. After that it would go why, no, up and Pa directly in that order.

I still remember the situation I said the word in, it couldn't be more perfect.


Narrator POV

It was a rare quite evening, mainly because our protagonist refused to shut up until he got attention, in the Malfoy manor. Narcissa was about to put the unusually quiet baby to a crib and go to sleep herself, Lucius was in a rare moment there too. She knew he didn't like little Antares because he didn't have the platinum blonde hair and grey eyes, silly in her opinion, instead he sprouted black hair and warm blue eyes that sometimes looked bored while satisfied at the same time, overall he looked like miny Narcissa than Lucius.

They both were about to leave when they heard clear "Ma!" shouted at them.

Narcissa was ecstatic that his first word was meant for her. Lucius looked little bit less enthusiastic and with passive look said

"Can you say Papa?"


After asking few more times the answer remained stubborn "Ma!". Lucius looked quite sour after the ordeal before he quickly left the room.

When Narcissa left the room she could swear she saw look of pure satisfaction on the baby's face.


10 Months - 1 year

What followed the remaining two months was me standing up and pissing off Lucius, every time he asked me to say Pa, dad, father or something similar I dutifully answered 'newly' learnt words no and why? It was fun while it lasted, but it was fun even when it ended. Why you ask? Well, he got his Pa only after mom asked. His face remained passive but there was that silent rage in his eyes.

I think this cemented any relationship we had.

My birthday came up and I was not happy to learn it was on first of April. I want to meet whoever had this wonderful idea and force down his throat my newly acquired plush wand. It probably wouldn't do much but it's the idea that counts.

When I look back I can say this year was worth it. Especially the look on bastards face when I asked why and then said no. Ahhh, probably my patronus memory.


Narcissa POV

0 - 1 Year

Narcissa was happy, she was finnaly a mother. Little Antares was a bundle of joy. That is when he calmed down after at least 5 temper tatrums.

He was almost always crying for attention. When she held him he looked so peaceful, on the other hand, when she didn't held him he made it known that's not the way things are going to be.

The time he called her Ma was one of her happiest moments.

Then there was of course what followed afterwards. The whole ordeal started small, with his second word to be precise. Lucius asked him after a week to try a say Pa again. He answered 'why?'. The next week was spend with 'say Pa!' and continuous 'why?' and 'no'. The whole affair ended when she asked if he could say it. Turns out he could. It amused her to no end, Lucius seethed like there was no tommorow and Antares looked as smug as a baby could.

All in all it was a good year for Narcissa.