Chapter 5 : Enter! Beginning of the plot Part 2

November 7. 1981

Antares POV

So as I was saying, I hate how the potential villain turned out, but let's forget about that and look and the most complicated character in Harry Potter universe!

Albus, the unpredictable one, Dumbledore! Now, why is he unpredictable? Because every Dumbles is different from the others. If a fanfictions ever taught me anything, it's to always be careful with Dumbles. You don't know his intentions. Probably nobody does. He can be good, evil, super senile, manipulative or completely clueless. His vague answers are pretty questionable too. 'I don't know Harry...' yeah, sure he doesn't. At least he could tell Harry how to destroy Horcruxes. I think it wouldn't kill him. There are more things I could think about but let's stop here. In the books and movies he was a good guy, but here? I don't know so let's stay vigilant.

Hermione, the assuming one, Granger. Assuming one? Not know it all? Yes, it's assuming one. And for a reason too! See a house elf for a first time, what was assumed? It must be slavery! Can book give false information? Of course they can't! And I,I somehow can't think of anything else what should be my problem with her. Except when she thinks everything that comes out of her head must be right. Yeah that's the last problem I have with her.

Harry, the boy who pulled the short straw, Potter. *sigh* I don't have a problem with him. I pity him at most. He didn't ask for any of that shit. All he wanted was a family, but noooo! Let's kill his godfather at the first plausible moment! Make him go kill himself when it's needed. Yeah, that's messed up. His first friend is a jealous simpleton. Every year someone tries to kill him. And public opinion on him change faster than you can blink.

Alright so summing it together this means avoid all of them and maybe occasionally help Harry. Yeah that's the way it will go.

Before we discusse magic I should mention one important thing.

I should probably 'learn' how to read and write first and then document what type of magic I want learn. Hmm perhaps I can ask for a journal then. But first I need to 'learn' how to read and write. We don't want to be suspicious do we?

May 4. 1984

'Ughh, why am I doing this again?' You might be wondering what am I complaining about again. I decided it's time to start 'learning' how to read, write and count. In a way I am really learning how to write and read. Because those bloody curves, arches and weirdly shaped L's and F's are really annoying! And now try it with quill and parchment. I miss pen and paper a lot, my hands can confirm.

I pretty am sure my tutor, I have started learning from him about five days ago, has a problem with my writing habits, if that constant twitching eyebrow means something. So what if I write l, k, h, f and b exactly same! If a teachers in my previous life didn't have a problem with it neither should he. But apparently purebloods heirs have to have a readable handwriting. I know it makes sense but I still don't like it. *sigh* Back to square one it is.

June 5. 1984

Apparently my handwriting was deemed 'acceptable for a heir such as myself' so with this my calligraphy sessions have ended. On another note math in a wizarding world is only addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, percentages and that's it.

Than there is the wizarding currency. Wizarding money comes in three denominations: bronze Knuts, silver Sickles, and golden Galleons. There are 29 Knuts in one Sickle, and 17 Sickles make up a Galleon. I hate how those numbers aren't even but what can I do with it?

And I finally have a journal! Immediately after I received said object I started to write down magic I will learn. I had to write in a code because said journal doesn't have any security system. The code is pretty simple to decipher but you have to use logical thinking to crack it. This means I have completely wizard-proof security! For now at least...

It goes like this, the letter A is a full colored triangle. Why, becouse between the lines that make A is a triangle shaped space. The letter K are two full colored rectangular triangles from upward and downward pointing against each other and then there's a regular full colored triangle from right pointing against two of the rectangular triangles. ( AN: I hope you get becouse it was hard to describe it as it is )

After a hour of wrecking my brain for anything that is worth looking into, mind you than I included a non magical subjects as well, my mind came up with variety of things that were regarded as a 'worthy subject thy shall look into and not give up immediately'.


Almost everyone in fanfictions has learned it, it shouldn't be so hard. It's incredibly useful in any situation. If anything I want to be efficient at least in levitation, disillusionment and summoning charm. Gather more information and start before I enter Hogwarts that's the plan.


Unless I'm a natural occlumencer than this is definitely must know skill. Too much secrets and too much opened mind. Starting before Hogwarts after more information gathering again.


If people can read minds then they can probably read emotions too. I know legiliments can read emotions, but I want something different. I certainly don't want to be caught reading someone's mind becouse I only wanted to know his emotions.


I think all of us at one point dreamed about a sword that could lit itself on fire or something similar. Items with special effects are almost in every RPG, so there is a lots of effects to pick from.


What enchanting can't do hopefully runes can. I definitely want to replicate the way Minato applied his Hiraishin. 'Hmmmm, Hiraishin...'


I have a theory how to create spells using arithmancy but it would have to be confirmed first.


My secrets, safety, and privacy are pretty important thank you very much.


I think this is pretty self-explanatory. And Kabuto's self healing justu would be nice too.


I am sixty percent certain that I will be a sloth, but looking above I'm suddenly not so sure.


Even if I can recreate Hiraishin it's still useful skill to have.


As much as I hate science and everything associate with it I refuse to believe potion making is equivalent to cooking. There is something more to it and when I find it I will milk it for all it's worth.


Better understanding of human body equals better healer. At least I think. And I maybe want to recreate the famous Sharingan. Like with the arithmancy, theory is there but it still remains theory.


I want AI with sarcastic and dark humor at my side. Somehow that is a must have.

Well, that summs it up nicely. I just hope I didn't forget anything and if I did I can just add it there so no problem here. Tommorow I will begin the hunt for information on wandless magic and occlumency.