Chapter 10 : Enter! How 3 years gone by

Three years went by, and I can say that I enjoyed them fairly well. If I wasn't studying, practicing wandless magic or flying, I was spending my time with mom or Draco, I was still on neutral ground with Lucius and nothing in our relationship changed. I am also now capable of communication with Felix through newly created mental link.

My time spent with mom usually included etiquette lessons, playing wizarding chess, in which I unsurprisingly sucked, or we just sat and read a book together. It was fun and I rather enjoyed our time together.

I tried to play Exploding Snap and Gobstones with Draco. I've taken liking to Exploding Snap, the game was fun, Gobstones was too... smelly for my taste. We've also played quidditch, my favourite position became the chaser position, though I enjoy the beater position as well.

When we weren't playing anything, I was tasked with Draco's education. Normally families would hire a tutor, like in my place, but if I could teach him as effectively as any tutor, why bother with it?

In his personal development I didn't participate much so he's still an asshole, although it appears he doesn't developed the famous 'daddy card' I can't be to sure.

But there were some dark moments as well, such as balls and other social events and gatherings. I hate them sooo much. Those pompous bastards think that they are better than anyone. That nobody is allowed without they permission to even breath. Gah! I don't even know how many of those ass kissers tried to gain connections to my parents through me. They were spouting such bullshit that it's not even funny! And, unfortunately, as a 'heir' Malfoy I had to smile politely and listen. Thankfully my mental connection with Felix allowed me to tune them out and in the right moment leave and spend the rest of the ball on toilet. I've gotten a bit earful from mom for that but it was worth it.

You can notice, how I said heir with quotation marks. I was finally able to get father to agree. It was a good thing Draco is more interested, and better, in politics than I. We also decided that we will keep it secret from people.

In my studies I've progressed quite well.

For potions I'm technically third year in theoretical and second year in practical. Second year in practical because I was not allowed to brew new potion until I brewed the previous one on Outstanding grade. It was pretty frustrating but it mattered in the long run. So I had to clench my teeth and go with it.

In ancient runes I've started to do basic clusters. Usually it was just lighting up, cleaning or drying ink, etc. Nothing much. I've also started to learn ancient Egyptian along with hieroglyphs.

In department of languages, I've gotten my Latin on acceptable and started learning French.

Arithmancy became very fun once I've gotten hang on the numerical runes. It's still not easy but I enjoy it nonetheless. Spell crafting is something I would like to learn.

In herbology the plants are still getting tormented by my deathly touch. I swear, I saw one plant trying to actively avoid me.

My wandless magic was getting better and better every day. Even my core grew exponentially. But the biggest growing happened on my eleventh birthday. When I woke up and started to meditate I was stunned when I saw the size of my core. It went from a baseball ball size to football ball size overnight. Wandless magic after that became about fifty percent easier.

Before my eleventh birthday I could lighten up only my fingers for about an hour. Now I can lighten up my whole palm and keep it going for about two hours. Levitation went from 10 pounds to twenty and my range tripled.

I also learned the summoning spell Accio. The learning process was rather exhausting. I 'told' my magic to go search and bring me said objects. The 'go and search' part was easy. But then my magic had to 'grab and bring the object' and that was the hard part.

Think of it like this : Go ( 5% magic ), search ( 15% magic ), wrap ( 30% magic ), bring back ( 40% magic ). As you can notice one summoning spell ate ninety percent of my reserves until I learned one handy trick.

Every object has its own magical aura or signature. It doesn't matter which one you want, but it's there.

So the new process went : Go ( 5% magic ), and search ( 15% magic ), were the same, but then came the trick. My magic then only had to 'touch and stick' to the object ( 10% magic ). From there it worked on the principle of a elastic band. Once it was glued to the object it returned without me commanding it.

The new trick only ate thirty percent of my reserves! That's more than half of the original! I tried to think more about how to make it cost even less but sadly, I came with nothing.

When I started with wandless transfiguration I was surprised how easily it came to me. If I had to, I would guess I have a talent for transfiguration. When I tried to change the parchment to paper it was done as soon as my magic enveloped the whole parchment.

What is probably the most notable thing that happened up to the date. Is a change in Felix's appearance. How many would guess this change came when we assimilitated our souls. He's now a few inches taller than me. And if I had to compare our appearances, then we are polar opposites. While my hair is long ebony black with one silver strand in them, his is short platinum blond with one grey strand in them. Our eye colour is also different. His are grey and my are blue. All in all he's mini father and I'm mini mother.

When this happened we deducted that that would be what would he looked like if I haven't take control of our body.

Our assimilitation also created a shared mindscape. This shared mindscape held lots of benefits for us.

The best ones were shared thoughts, which allowed us to communicate together and weaker photographic memory.

Unfortunately, there were drawbacks as well. He could only stay in there for six hours per day.

While we could meet up in our soul chamber, we couldn't communicate outside of it.

Another suprise, this time unwanted one, was that Hogwarts acceptance letters are delivered one week before the start of term.

And as I didn't know that, well, to shorten it, it involved me having a panic attack and accidental magic.