Chapter 13 : Enter! On my way to Hogwarts

September 1. 1990

Antares POV

Today's the day I was waiting for from the moment I know my name was Malfoy.

I was a bit disappointed when we Apparated directly to the platform and I couldn't run through the wall like other people. But, when I look back on my thoughts, I suddenly don't feel so bad. I'm not exactly keen on running into walls even if I know it's not very likely that I will crash into them.

I'm fairly surprised that people don't crash into each other when going through the portal.

The platform itself like a normal platform, if you don't count the people on it. Some wizards and witches have some really odd tastes on clothing. But who am I to judge? Other than that the owls are screeching, cats are either hissing or are silent and some kids are crying.

The train to Hogwarts is the same as in movies and I wonder how they hid it from the Muggles view. I don't mean the platform don't get me wrong. But if you remember the second movie then you must wonder 'How did Ron and Harry found the train?'. They probably found it because the train and the railway have Muggle repelling charms on it and not wizard repelling charms. And they were as lucky as hell. I personally blame the potterverse bullshit. But how did some wizards or witches charmed the whole railway from London to Hogwarts I don't know.

After assuring my family that yes, I will write at least once week, yes, I won't be Gryffindor or Hufflepuff and yes, that I already miss them. I was ready to leave, but it looked like mom needed more hugs so I turned on my heel and gave her what she wanted.

Five minutes later we were done with the parting and I was ready to board the train and start another chapter in my life. If you want to ask, yes, I did board the train successfully this time.

It took a while but I finally found an empty compartment. Once I was inside I immediately casted locking charm on the door and hoped that nobody would come. I really don't want to deal with people.

Fifteen minutes later the train departed and I reminisced at how my last week was spend.

Once I've gotten home I started to memorize the books straight away. I didn't skip the potion books even if I wanted. I don't want to be unprepared for Snape. I know that my knowledge of potion is already higher than most of the second years, but just in case. You can never be prepared enough.

When I practiced with wand I noticed the changes between wandless magic and magic with wand.

The wand drains about the tenth of magic that wandless would drain. Everything with wand is faster, stronger and it's overall better.

But that doesn't mean I will stop with wandless magic! I'm no idiot. Besides, the better I get at wandless the better I should be with wand.

The books on warding I picked up in our vault were very, very helpful. Wards are very similar to runes. However, instead writing on parchment with quill, you write in air with wand.

The only thing you need to know is what does the ward do, the chant, how much space will the ward take and hand movements.

I decided to practice the spells I know wandlessly on the train. I don't want the classic cliche to happen to me. For those who wonder what the cliche is : Protagonist enters classroom, protagonist has prior experience with spell because he has done it wandlessly, protagonist's Lumos is so bright that one could compare it to a flash bang. Yeah, subtly at it's finest.

When I said to my parents that they don't have to worry about me being Gryffindor or Hufflepuff I really meant it. I will be either Ravenclaw or Slytherin.

But don't think I have something against other houses!

In the Gryffindor I would be ostracized on the basis of my last name.

In the Hufflepuff I, probably, wouldn't be ostracized as much as if I was in Gryffindor but with my antisocial inclinations I would have hard time either way.

In the Ravenclaw I would probably fit the best. An antisocial loner who likes books and to certain degree dislike attention. Yeah, I would probably fit right in.

The Slytherin wouldn't be too bad. If I didn't want to deal with little politicians that is. The Slytherin is all about connections and socializing. Yeah, be kind and keep me from that.

Since I'm talking about houses let's talk about their Heads and students in them in nutshell.

Gryffindors : prejudiced students who can't do anything bad and head of the house that cares little about her students

Hufflepuffs : sheeps, but otherwise nothing bad to say about them

Ravenclaws : bullies, Flitwick is nice to have as a head though

Slytherins : subtly is lost art here, half of the population doesn't have a single cunning bone in them, prejudiced git as a head of the house

I know it sounds a lot like bashing but I'm a pessimistic person.

Ten minutes later after I finished my rant there was an announcement that we were arriving at the Hogsmeade station.

I didn't have to worry about anything because I was already in my robes and all things were packed. The only thing I did was checking that I have my wand.

Once I left the train I heard a booming voice yell

"Fi'st yea's! T'is wa'! Fi'st yea's!"

I turned to the voice and saw Hagrid. Hagrid was big, like Big with capital B. We followed him to the shore where were stationed the boats.

"No m're th'n t'ree 'n boat!"

I shared my boat with a girl and a boy. The girl had soft Chinese features and I recognised her as Cho Chang. The boy had short brown hair and light brown eyes.

'Cannon fodder' my mind supplied.

When Hogwarts came to view a few gasps were heard and I admit, I was one of them. The ancient castle was beautiful and practically screamed welcome. When were halfway there I felt something settle on my magic.

'Either wards or trace' I thought.

When we climbed the stairs we were greeted by strict looking woman.

"Welcome to Hogwarts" said Professor McGonagall. "The start-of-term banquet will begin shortly, but before you take your seats in the Great Hall, you will be sorted into your houses. The Sorting is a very important ceremony because, while you are here, your house will be something like your family within Hogwarts. You will have classes with the rest of your house, sleep in your house dormitory and spend free time in your house common room.

The four houses are called Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Each house has its own noble history and each has produced outstanding witches and wizards. While you are at Hogwarts, your triumphs will earn your house points, while any rule-breaking will lose house points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the House Cup, a great honour. I hope each of you will be a credit to whichever house becomes yours.

The Sorting Ceremony will take place in a few minutes in front of the rest of the school. I suggest you all smarted yourselves up as much as you can while you are waiting."

"I will return when we are ready for you" said Professor McGonagall. "Please wait quietly."

While we waited I looked around and saw the nervous and frightened children. I think I even recognised the one who cried at the station.

Five minutes later McGonagall came back and we were ushered into the Great Hall. The Great Hall looked exactly like in the movies. The ceiling was looking really awesome. I now know what I want for birthday in my room.