Chapter 18 : Enter! Study group?

December 5. 1990

Antares POV

I don't know how it happened. I was in library. Studying for the exams before holidays. And then I was approached by a fellow first year Ravenclaw.

It took me by surprise and I was unprepared for it. It's not like I've been actively seeking any kind of company.

When he asked if I would like to join their study group, I was ready to say no. But, when I'm not studying or researching and I have nothing to do, it, it gets pretty lonely. I could use some company. And I have nothing to lose anyway.

"Yeah, I would like to join. Thanks for inviting me"

He stumbled a bit, eyes widening slightly and said

"You, you really want to join?"

"... yes, why wouldn't I?" I was genuinely curious.

"Well, you don't talk to others,-" 'yes, tell me something I don't know' "-you look, kinda unapproachable-" 'I do?' "-and, and your family is considered dark" 'I sometimes forget about that'

"So?" I couldn't help but ask

"You, you don't have a problem with me being Muggleborn?"

'Ahhh, so this is what it's about. Enlightened at least'

"No, I have absolutely no problem with you, or others, being Muggleborn" I resured him.

"Oh, mhm, ok"

Then there was awkward silence. We were staring at each other. He doesn't look like he knows what to do now. And to be honest, me neither. This isn't like the balls. I'm not dealing with stuck up adults.

Is it bad if you don't know how to connect with your peers? So I did the only thing I could think of.

"Let's start from the beginning, hello, my name is Antares Malfoy, pleasure to meet you"

"Uh, hi, my name's David Wilson nice to meet you too"

"So, when and where are we studying?"

"Were studying every Monday, Saturday and Friday, from 15:00 to dinner in the first abandoned classroom at fourth floor"

"By the way, who else is in the study group?"

"Well, there are three girls, Cho Chang, Marietta Edgecombe, Heather Anderson. Counting you in, four boys, me, Dominic Ross, Matthew Campbell and you"

"So, Friday, 3 PM, first abandoned classroom at fourth floor?"


After that I continued my reading and he started doing his homework.

"...why me?" I asked after a while.

"Why what?"

"Why did you invite me?" I asked more clearly this time.

"Well, we need someone in our group who is good at Potions, and you are the best in our year in Potions. Marietta and Matthew aren't that good and they are helping mainly with other subjects. Besides, don't you need help with anything?"

"..I do need help with DADA and Astronomy"

I reluctantly allowed.

(Minor Time skip to Friday)

"-have to pronounce it-"

"-it's very important to-"

"-then you imagine-"

I heard a bits of conversations as I approached the door.

'Alright, take a deep breath. In and out, in and out. It's just a bunch of eleven years old, no need to be nervous. Oh Merlin, I'm a nervous wreck! In and out, in and out.

Okay, one deep breath in' knock knock 'and out'

When all the noise inside stopped, my mental breakdown went into overload. My palms started to sweat and I started to wonder if it was worth it.

The door was opened by a dirty blonde girl, not Chang or Edgecombe either, she must be Anderson then I thought, who guessed the first riddle of the year after the sorting.

"Um, hi, a-are you h-here for the s-study group?"

"Uh, yeah, David Wilson invited me"

"C-come in then"

When I was inside I looked all around the classroom. There was a bit of dust here and there, some cobwebs in the in the corners, regular old unused room. Nothing out of ordinary. The middle of the classroom was cleaned and there were two big tables put together with chairs all around it.

"Uh, hello, my name is Antares Malfoy. I was invited to help with Potions? Pleasure to be your acquaintance" And if I was in Japan, it would have ended with a nice bow.

A variety of 'nice to meet you too' came back to me as response.

"Thank you for accepting our invitation Mr Malfoy, as you're new here, you should tell us what are your best subjects and worst subjects. After that, we will introduce ourselves and tell you ours" said the stiff boy.

"Sure I guess? My best subjects are Potions and Transfiguration and my worst are Defence and Astronomy"

"Not Herbology? I thought that would be your worst subject?" asked Edgecombe?

"Er, no. I'm actually good at Herbology. It's not my fault that the plants die most of the time"

"Sure, sure. Whatever you believe in" said the boy who was until now quite.

"My name is Dominic Ross, I excel at Transfiguration and Defence Against the Dark Arts.

Between subjects that I'm not most confident in belongs Charms and Herbology" Ah, stiffy is

Mr Ross then.

"Hi! Name's David Wilson, but you already know that, my favourite and best subjects are Transfiguration and Charms. I'm totally rubbish at Potions and I hate History of Magic"

He is definitely more confident here than he was in the library. And louder too.

"I am Cho Chang, I like Astronomy and Charms. I'm not good Transfiguration and Herbology"

"I'm Matthew Campbell, I'm very good at Defence and Potions. I'm not exactly bad at Charms but I'm not best at them either" said the black haired boy.

"I am Marietta Edgecombe. I'm best at Charms in our year and very good at Potions. I'm not best at History" she said proudly.

You glaring at me when you say very good at Potions isn't very subtle.

"I-I'm Heather A-Anderson. I like H-History and H-Herbology. I'm b-bad at DADA and T-Transfiguration"

So I was right.

"So as I was saying, the mid-term exams are coming" 'are they?, I thought we have one more month before they even start' "so we need to start preparing if we all want to have high marks.

David and I will give any necessary help with Transfiguration. Matthew here volunteered to help with Defence Against the Dark Arts. Marietta, will you be that kind and take over Charms?"

"I suppose" she sniffed.

"Cho, Heather, will you two be willing to take Astronomy and History of Magic respectively?"



"Mr Malfoy, if it isn't much would you be willing to do both Potions and Herbology?"

"I can help only with theory in Herbology, just don't force me to help with practical work. As for the Potions, everything from theory to practice is fine. And please stop calling me Mr"

"Excellent Antares, and please refer to me as Dominic"


"Now that we have everything, I would like to continue with my Transfiguration lesson. So, if you-"