I've been thinking...

So! I've thought about my fanfic and I came to a conclusion; it sucks. Like, a lot. There are many things that makes you want to cringe, some of them can actually make you physically cringe, things that simply doesn't make sense and things that are just terrible (I'm looking at you character development).

I'm not even going to comment on Felix. At that time I've found the concept of split personality interesting and I wanted it there. That's all I'm going to say.

At first I've wanted it to be a fanfic focused on runes, inventing gadgets or new spells, using the power of imagination and anime of course, and reacting to the Golden Trio shenanigans. Maybe some joke here and there. But somewhere along the way I got lost and instead of returning I've gotten tangled in a web of 'Hey! I've got a new idea! Let's implement it in somehow!'. From there I was trying to explain everything I did. I didn't have a stable plot, I didn't have any pre-drafted chapters and everything I wrote I've immediately posted. As I have mentioned, it was my first fanfic, so I'd like to think, even if it was rather horrible, that my writing wasn't too bad. There were many, many, many plot holes and looking back I usually wonder what the fuck was I smoking at the time.

So all in all, I've been thinking of either abandoning it and writing a new fanfic all together where I'll focus more on what I've wanted in the beginning and I'll stick to the slice of life genre (It would be probably very dry reading) or I'll completely rewrite it from the beginning.

At this moment I'm inclined to writing a new one all together.