Chapter 4

Before the sound of the gunshots could even stop reverberating in the air, a new group of similarly heavy-built men had reached where Alex was standing like the Grom reaper ready to suck the soul of anyone who approached him; staring at the stream of blood flowing from the bodies of his dead minions who he had killed brutally.

He was staring down at their bodies, his creation with a stupefied look on his striking face which made the recently arrived group of men, have shiver run down their spine but still their face expressionless, while waiting for their Master's command.

One of those men stepped forward with some information in order to appease the beast's fury and passed the tablet which he was carrying in his hands to Alex while reciting what their team had found.

"Sir we have located her by searching through the CCTV cameras and we have found her moving towards an underground parking."

Alex's eyes moved and there was a flicker in his eyes when he saw the similar figure of the witch who had cast a spell upon him.

"Lets go! And clear up this mess."Alex said with his usual cold and indifferent voice with an underlying threat in his voice.

Alex went inside his car and sat on the passenger seat before giving one last glance towards the apartment, his eyes full of different emotions.

"Burn this place." Came the decree of the Underworld King. And in just a few minutes the previously calm and peaceful neighbourhood was filled with the screams and clamour coming from the building caught in flames while Alex left the crime scene with his group of men.

In the underground parking arena, Mrs. Mary was feeling agitated thinking about the crisis Aleina was facing. Mrs. Mary and Aleina had previously decided that if Aleina was unable to reach them in an hour then Mrs. Mary along with Aurora, was supposed to leave without waiting for Aleina any further. This was to ensure the safety of Aurora at any cost even if it meant sacrificing Aleina's life. That's how selfless a mother's love was.

While Mrs. Mary was worrying about Aleina's self-being, Aleina was sprinting towards her destination. She was wearing a black hoodie over her shirt that helped her in hiding her face without invoking any qualms. Her white canvas shoes and blue washed off jeans were giving her the appearance of a young college student out on a walk.

She had a duffle bag hung around her shoulders which she kept clutching out of nervousness and even though she wanted to run, she was just sprinting towards the underground parking so as to avoid causing any suspicions.

She knew that to beat the devil physically was impossible but that didn't mean that she couldn't delay their schemes of capturing her by using her wits. The smart-watch on her wrist was installed with a safety alarm that was connected to the security system of her apartment, which is how she was able to set her plan in motion without any interruption.

She was smart enough to know that even with her small tactics she didn't have much time to spare.

Aleina breathed a sigh of relief when the brown sedan came into her view with Mrs. Mary's silhouette vaguely visible from afar.

"Thank god Aleina you are finally here safe and sound." Mrs. Mary rejoiced, stepping outside of the car to give Aleina a hug, with drops of tears forming at the corner of her eyes when she thought that they have succeeded in deceiving the beast at last.

"Thank you Aunt Mary for bring Aurora to safety. Aunt Mary get inside the car. We don't have much time." Aleina said while breaking the hug; with a voice full of gratitude and haste in order to flee as soon as possible. She was just about to step towards the driver's seat when all of a sudden she heard a scream.

"LOOK OUT!" that was all Aleina heard before she was pushed out of the way by her Aunt Mary. Before she could register what was happening in the commotion, the ear-piercing sound of a gunshot reverberated in the parking lot accompanied by the sound of screeching tires caused by the sudden halt of vehicles.

Aleina was dumbfounded, her face had turned pale without an ounce of blood, her eyes seemed blank when she saw Aunt Mary lying on the ground, unconscious with blood oozing out of her frail body. She was staring at the body covered in blood for what appeared to be a long time, oblivious to the fact that her face was filled with tears streaming down her face and she was shivering.

"Mommy!" the childish voice of Aurora filled with pure terror worked in waking Aleina from her stupor and regaining her senses. She knew she was being selfish by leaving the old lady alone, cold and wounded probably taking her last breath, but Aleina knew that she couldn't let the sacrifice of the old lady go to waste; who had given her the motherly love which even though she had a mother Aleina failed to experience it.

Without sparing a single thought to anything else she blocked her mind from drowning her in the depths of sorrow and rushed inside the car towards the driver's seat and buckled up for the coming fight with perseverance.

"Get down Aurora baby, everything will be fine trust me." With that being said, Aleina turned her sight towards the men blocking the entrance and stepped on the accelerator without thinking about the consequences. Her eyes full of angst and sorrow for the death of the only motherly figure in her life. She boldly looked straight into the eyes of the beast, with her eyes full of vengeance as if warning him that he would definitely pay for his deeds.

Alex was amused at the sight of her dark eyes staring straight at him without the earlier terror but nonetheless he was not taking her sudden boldness seriously. He was sure that he was successful this time by destroying her last ray of hope and Aleina was left with no other option but to surrender herself. He wouldn't be having such delirious thought if only he knew the existence of Aleina's strength for surviving any ordeal; her daughter Aurora. In all years while she was on the run from the devil, Aleina had succeeded in keeping Aurora's existence a secret from the beast.

Aleina smirked sarcastically and with a sense of mockery in her eyes, she increased her speed all the more, breaking through the barrier of men, leaving them astounded. Alex and his men jumped to the side when they saw her car approaching; without any intention of slowing down.

After regaining his balance, and watching the car leave with girl who has charmed him, Alex's face was red with fury and pure rage.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" He growled like a savage beast who had just watched his prey escaping him right under his nose.

Aleina watched his devastated state through the rear-view mirror with a little sense of accomplishment and with eyes full of vengeance she remarked as if making a promise to herself.

"Don't worry, You'll see me soon because now it's my turn to hunt you. It's time for you to pay for your sins Alex." Aleina declared with a chilly and creepy tone that wasn't any less terrifying than that of a Devil's.