Chapter 5

(Just a reminder: From now onwards the story is going to revolve around the events that occurred in Aleina's teenage years. Read the Author's note for more Info)


The golden rays of the sun were shining through the windows of a cozy room in a villa where a sleeping beauty was laying on the bed which looked a little too big for her stature.

She was in a deep slumber appearing to be like a fallen angel, not a part of this realm. Her luscious and velvety silk like dark brown hair seemed to be shining from the golden rays of sun falling upon them. The captivating scene as pretty as a picture could easily make people fall into a stupor while the ravishing beauty who was captivating people with her striking looks was totally oblivious and sleeping soundly like a newborn baby.

Aleina Kallis was famous for being an ethereal beauty that could capture anyone's heart with just a glance even though she was just 10 years old at the time.

Her silky dark brown hair cascading down her shoulders instilled a feeling in others to have a touch. She was wearing a navy coloured satin nightsuit that reached just above her knees accentuated her fair skin as smooth as jade with a natural rosy complexion around her cheeks. Although she still had some baby fat on her face one couldn't deny her captivating looks and how she would turn out even more ravishing in the coming years.

Her bedroom was nothing like those other girls from rich family who were pampered with a whole collection of dolls and stuffed toys. The bedroom consisted of a queen sized bed that took most of the space in her room, a single closet which was not that overloaded with clothes and a small study table.

She wasn't one of those pampered princesses of the family like her elder sister that lived in a suite, while there was another room designed for her toys and other such belongings.

It's not like she didn't wish for those things, but she knew that her childish wish would never be granted by her parents who told her to not be a spendthrift ever since she could remember.

When she wanted a doll her parents would reprimand her for being a snob and told her to play with her elder sister's dolls.

The eldest daughter of the Kallis family, Sabrina Kallis was 4 years older than Aleina. She was the true pampered daughter of the Kallis family. Nothing she ever did could disappoint their parents.

If Aleina got 19/20 in her school tests she was punished for that lost one mark and reprimanded for not paying enough attention to her studies. But if Sabrina scored 14/20 she was given presents and the family would celebrate by dining at her favourite restaurant, for she had performed to the best of her abilities.

Aleina's heart broke everytime she was treated unjustly but instead of dwelling in the partial treatment of her family she simply worked harder than before, like a fool wanting her parents admiration.

It was at the age of ten when Aleina finally accepted her reality after getting the first slap from her father, Dave Kallis. Her father had slapped her with great force when Aleina didn't want to give, the only present she got from her parents, to Sabrina who was throwing a tantrum for it.

That slap broke Aleina's dream of ever receiving even an ounce of love from her parents. She had cried relentlessly for hours when her dreams of a loving family were shattered. It was then that the ten year old had decided with a heavy heart to give up on her naive hope for receiving any sort of admiration from her family.

Waking up from her nightmare due to the harsh sunlight, the gorgeous girl stretched her limbs and yawned while looking at the clock.

"Oh no! Sabrina will leave me behind if I don't get ready in 15 minutes." Aleina exclaimed while removing her blanket and going towards her wardrobe.

She took her school dress which consisted of a white shirt with a blue bowtie and a navy blue skirt which made her look all the more fair. She quickly washed up and got ready after wearing her clothes without any help from the maids like her sister who threw a tantrum every morning.

She stepped outside from her room which was on the first floor of the villa and went downstairs in the dining room, with hopes of grabbing a bite before leaving for school with her sister.

"Good morning Father! Good morning Mother!" Aleina greeted their parents like an obedient child only to get ignored by her parents who were busy reading newspaper or eating.

She sat at the far end seat of the dining table while grabbing a piece of bread from the different mouth-watering feast on the table.

"Don't you have manners to wait for your siblings before eating first? What an insolent brat. Don't eat anything before you have learnt your etiquettes properly. Now leave, you are spoiling my appetite.huh" came the angry voice of Rose Kallis, Aleina's mother.

This was nothing new for Aleina and the maids of the Kallis household. Staying without food was considered a lenient punishment for Aleina.

"My apologies, Mother" Aleina apologized. She knew that rather than rebuking her parents and getting more severely punished, it was better to stay hungry.

Aleina excused herself from the table and left the villa through the main door expecting to catch a ride with Sabrina or her elder brother; Zane Kallis but to her dismay, Sabrina had already left for school in her personal Audi with the chauffeur.

"Hmm... guess I'll have to take the bus again." Aleina sighed already feeling tired just by the thought of the hour long journey she'll have to take.

She left the villa and she was just about to cross the neighbouring villa when she heard a gentle voice of a lady calling her name.

"Aleina... baby I haven't seen you since days. Come give Mama Debby a hug." The gentle and soothing voice came from the elegant lady who was stepping outside a golden Rolls Royce that was departing from the neighbouring villa of the Kallis family. The villa belonged to the Chairman and owner of The Walton Estate which was one of the major suppliers of steel in all over Asia and had spread its root into every small to big business sector, Entertainment Company and whatnot.

The elegant lady was none other than the wife and lady of the Walton household; Deborah Walton. She was also the Chairwoman of the Walton Estate and had made great contributions alongside her husband. Deborah adorned a gentle and motherly smile when she was conversing with Aleina. She was in her mid-40s but appeared to be in her thirties. One could easily imagine what a beauty she might've been in her younger days with the way she had maintained her appearance.

Her auburn hair was put into an elegant bun just like her demeanour and her wrinkle-free charming face had a light makeup on. She was wearing a violet dress that reached below her knees with the dress accentuating her thin physique. She was the epitome of sophistication with way she carried herself.

Deborah was very fond of the gorgeous fairy-like girl who lived in the neighbouring villa. Deborah had always wanted a daughter but due to an accident she already had a hard time delivering her first and last child, her darling son Aiden Walton who unlike his mother, always adorned an expressionless and cold face as if devoid of emotions, which was very rare for a 14 year old boy.

Aleina stopped in her tracks when she heard the voice of the kind lady who always showered her with love. She turned her head towards the passenger seat of the striking golden Rolls Royce and met with the gentle and loving gaze of her Mama Debby.

"Good Morning Mama Debby! Sorry for not visiting you recently. I was busy with my studies." Aleina said after she was done hugging Deborah and looked inside the car out of curiosity when she met with the gaze of the other passenger, whom she recognised as the carefree and distant Brother Aiden.

Deborah smiled at her reply and followed her gaze to her son who was also looking at Aleina at the same time. She had a wave of excitement when she looked at her cold and distant son staring at the gorgeous and charming Aleina. She had a mischievous thought and said whit a huge smile on her face that reached to her ears.

"Aleina baby, your brother Aiden missed you as well. Go and give him a hug, he would really like that." Deborah had a huge grin on her beautiful face when she fantasized like a fool about the scene of the two strikingly gorgeous kids, hugging each other.