Chapter 16- The Beginning (Part- 3)

"Aleina wear this mask. I especially got it designed for you!"

Maria handed Aleina a black, lacy mask which was intricately designed and embellished with black stones; glimmering in the light.

Aleina was fascinated with the whole idea of wearing a mask and going to a ball. Her parents always preferred for her to stay far away from public so all this was very new and intriguing for her.

She immediately grabbed the beautiful black mask and wore it on her face by securing the ribbons behind her head.

The embellished black mask when wore by Aleina was giving her a more alluring look and she was exuding an aura of a mysterious beauty.

Maria and Edward then wore their masks as well while they went up to the stage to give a little speech to the employees of Glory Entertainment.

"Aleina, why don't you go and get yourself something to eat. Your brother and I are just going to go on stage for a little while but don't worry nothing will happen okay?"

Maria tried to console Aleina gently as she knew Aleina was nervous as it is.

Aleina was anxious at the scenario of her being alone but she knew Maria and Edward had to go on stage so she put up a front while she replied,

"It's perfectly fine Sis. I had to use the ladies room so I'll just do that and in the meantime you guys go and rock it!"

"But Aleina you don't know the way to the washroom. I'll accompany you. Edward can go on stage alone, it's okay."

Maria said as she didn't want to leave Aleina alone even for a second.

Although Edward was the one who showed his protective nature openly; Maria was as protective as him, if not more, of Aleina.

Being the leading Entertainment company; Maria along with Edward had attended many parties like this.

She knew how these men behaved with beautiful women regardless of their age differences. That is why she did not want Aleina to leave her sight even for a second.

Aleina understood her worries but she knew what was important at the moment and she didn't want to be a hindrance.

She looked left and right, trying to find something, and she smiled vividly when she found what she was looking for.

She grabbed the hem of her silky satiny gown, and she briskly started walking towards the left side opening of the banquet hall while she quickly said,

"Sister Maria, you go and do your duty, I know where the washroom is so don't worry. I have my cellphone, if I got lost I will immediately call you. Now go!"

Before Maria could even refute to her, Aleina had already crossed the hall, dodging the crowds which kept looking her every move.

"Ah! This girl!" Maria shook her head in resignation while she turned towards her husband and said,

" Let's go baby! Let's keep the speech short. Aleina is using the ladies room alone and I don't have a good feeling about this."

Edward was worried as well when he learnt about Aleina being alone. He whispered through his gritted teeth; his overprotective attribute taking control.

"What! How could you let her go alone. Let's just go to her, the speech can wait."

He grabbed Maria's hand calmly, not letting others know that something was up.

Maria shaked her head and took a deep breath; helpless of her husband's over- protectiveness.

"Will you calm down. I know that it's dangerous but I also know that Aleina will beat herself up if we don't give the speech because of her. You know how she is. She doesn't want to be a burden to anyone. So let's just finish the speech as soon as possible and go to her."

Maria reminded Edward of Aleina's nature and she escorted themselves to the stage, without wasting any more time.

They addressed the audience and Edward started his speech, hiding his hastiness.


Meanwhile, Aleina was searching for the ladies room in the vast corridor, where she seemed lost.

"Ah! I really have a knack for getting lost!"

She kept shifting her sight across the vast and long corridor for the right direction when she found a group of guys, cornering someone.

There were 3-4 men, who had cornered a young and beautiful waitress, along the corridor which had a slightly dimmed lighting.

At first glance, due to the dim- lighting, nobody could have noticed the commotion. But Aleina was very skilled at observing the slightest of sounds such as now, where the young waitress, was whimpering because of what were the men trying to do.

At first, Aleina thought of ignoring it, she was no Mother Teresa, who would jump at the first opportunity to help others. Her past experiences had taught her some valuable lessons. So she turned around, taking a step to walk away from there.

' Come on stupid legs! Walk! Walk! We can't save her. What if this is a mutual thing, just like last time. I don't want to cause unnecessary trouble when i tried to help but instead I almost got sued for beating up her client.'

Aleina was frozen at the same place where she turned around. She tried to reason with herself as to why she shouldn't poke her nose in other's matters.

'Okay! let's say that I do help her but how? I don't want to disturb the celebration, but I also can't fight 4 heavy- built men with my noodle arms! So let's just go, she is not even screaming for help.'

But no matter how much she tried to walk away, she couldn't take a single step away from there.

' I really am a magnet for trouble.'

She smacked her forehead, whike closing her eyes and thinking to herself.

When she opened her eyes, her gaze was piercing.

She turned around and stepped towards the disgusting men who were roaming their hands along the curves of the young and beautiful waitress.

The black vest of her uniform was wide open, with some button hanging on by a loose thread and some broken. Her hair was disheveled and there was streams of tears smudged all over her face. She was fairly pretty and looked very young as well.

Aleina was shocked at first when she saw the waitress that was cornered by the sleazy men. She guessed that the girl was probably even younger than her.

At this revelation, she was boiling in anger. She suppressed her anger by gritting her teeth and releasing a deep breath to ease herself.

Aleina was standing right behind the nauseating men who were molesting the waitress, despite the fact that she might be even younger then their daughters.

Aleina had a sinister smile on her face, which she suppressed quickly and spoke in a chilly, freezing tone while taking out her phone from her purse. She pretended to talk on the phone with someone, and the conversation shocked all the sleazy, perverted old men.

"Brother Edward, I'm in the corridor right now and I think I saw some of your managers who are acting like animals in heat!"

Perverted Man 1: 0_0

Perverted Man 2: °_°

Old Man 3: ●__●

Old Man 4: ╥﹏╥