Chapter 20- Meeting With The Devil

The perverted men rubbed their hands greedily as they stepped closer and closer towards the girls. With lust evident in their eyes.

Aleina kept walking backward as the men walked closer to them. She kept thinking of a solution, of anything to save them but time was running out and she was out of ideas.

They were too far away from the Celebration hall so that they could scream for help. The hallway was extremely deserted with only one locked door there.

'This is it I guess. If this is what fate has decided for me then I'll die before I surrender to my fate.'

With this new resolution, Aleina closed her eyes as they reached the end of the hallway. Their back was pressed on the only door in the entire empty corridor.

"Goodbye World."

With this as her last words, Aleina started biting her tongue, in an attempt to end her life.