Chapter 34- The Deal

"Good evening! As you are aware, something came up which compelled me into thinking about this deal."

The masked man had a small smirk when he heard Edward.

"Yes, we are aware. So, let's talk about how we will provide you our full protection from Alex Rodriguez."

Edward got a weird inkling when he heard the masked man, the leader of the Ochra organization talking about giving them protection from the devil.

So, being suspicious from his words, Edward asked the question which was ringing inside his head.

"May I know why are you ready to go against the Devil despite knowing what he is capable of? Wouldn't it be more beneficial to you if you made this deal with him rather than us?"

Edward was cautious in his way of asking this question. He knew that making this deal would not be a loss for his company and the protection from the Ochra Organization was a bonus for him.