Chapter 39- Catfight!

Looking at the killing aura coming from Edward, this time Aleina asked the question which she wanted to know the answer to this entire time-

"Now, your turn! Tell me what are you both hiding from me!?"

Shutting his eyes to soothe his anger a little, Edward coolly breathed out and finally told the truth about the Devil's intentions.

"The Devil had tried to kidnap you today from your school but, luckily, he didn't succeed. I know you want to know why did he try to kidnap you and no, it is not because he wants to kill you for the previous night's altercations."

Opening his eyes which were now red from the lack of sleep, Edward gaped into Aleina's eyes intensely and with absolute grimness he said-

"It's like… no, it is that he has become obsessed with you. He wants you, Aleina. And he is not going to stop unless he gets you."