Chapter 46- The Devil's Work (Part- 2)

Dave Kallis had just disconnected the call with his sweaty hands. He was already in private dining area of The Four Seasons with his wife; Rose Kallis.

But Dave and his wife weren't the only people seated on the dining table. Across the table; Dave's potential new business investor, was sitting with a naughty grin on his face while he played with the gun in his hands.

Dave was himself surprised that he was in the presence of such a famous person. After all, it wasn't everyday that a B tier real estate company would get the regal opportunity to be in the presence of The Underworld King from Country D; the devil, Alex Rodriguez.

Dave had come to the Four Seasons with the excitement and hope of meeting with a new potential Investor.

However, as soon as he had sat down on that table, he was forced to call, or more like summon his entire family members over to this Hotel.