As the men continued their talk of the day's events I found myself starting to relax. I watched each and every one of them, their facial expressions, their smiles, and the ease of conversation they had with one another. I cataloged their actions in the back of my head. They acted more like close brothers then a wolf pack. Michael did not dominate the conversation or push his alpha link on the others. They all spoke free and open. It was if they were all equal in this moment. Their love for each other was obvious. Out of everyone though, Eric was the least talkative person in the pack. Most of Eric's reactions were grunts and one worded answers. Every time our eyes locked he looked away. Did he feel threatened by me? Did I make him uncomfortable? I did not want him to think I had ill intentions for his family. I knew his reactions must stem from a place of protectiveness and I could understand that. I respected him for that.
I glanced over to Logan and his eyes locked on me. The most mischievous intent painted his gruff face. He had a slight smile escape before he flicked a pea at Eric. It hit Eric right in the forehead. I swear I saw Eric's eye twitch when he locked onto Logan's face. Logan busted out laughing, a deep hold your sides belly laugh that shook his body. Logan's laugh was infectious and I found myself laughing just as hard. There is something about the biggest baddest looking shifter in the room starting a food fight that made me want to fall out of my chair in laughter.
Eric's chair screeched against the floor as he got up abruptly and stalked out. I pushed the tears out of my eyes from laughing so hard and tried to calm myself. I could tell Michael wanted to laugh too but he schooled his features. James and Chase started chuckling after Eric was gone from the room. Michael got up from his seat, "I will go after him. Finish your dinner Little Wolf." I felt his dominance reach out and I immediately took another bite.
After all the laughing quieted I felt a little guilty for my reaction. Now Eric might really hate me. Logan nudged me in the arm with his elbow and leaned down, "Eric is too serious. He needs a little fun in his life." Logan's words calmed my unease and I finished my plate of food.