What It Means To Rule

With a deep breath in I called out to my people. "People of the great Corcia Kingdom. I am your king, and the king's candidate, Tristan Chishiki. As of today we will strive to be the greatest of the mighty eight kingdoms. And to that end, I ask for your support. No king can fight a war alone, so as your king," I get down on one knee before my people, which surprises the 6 people that were in the war room, "I beseech you, aid me in my conquest for victory, and if not for me, do it for the greatness that is called the Corcia Empire!" I call out.

The people become ecstatic as they see my actions and hear my words. In an uproar all the men are yelling and raising their fists and the women are giving each other hugs and kissing random strangers. 'Looks like new years' I thought to myself.

Although my little stunt earlier seemed to catch my cabinet off guard, they seem very happy with the outcome. Although they may think it was just a stunt, I meant every word. Kingdoms and empires are not built off the backs of nobility, but through the hard work and dedication of the people. There really was no way that I could forge and empire by myself, and to that end I would need the peoples support.

"I propose a feast tonight!" I shout, "In my name I give all the kingdom a feast. Food! Wine! And all the entertainment you could ask for!" I finish and head back into the castle to start preparing.

"What are you doing, your majesty?!" Reynard questions, seeming to be a bit angry. He didn't seem to be the people's advocate.

"I am throwing a feast for my people, is there something wrong with that Reynard?" I ask him.

Reynard's face was a deep shade of red, but he managed to not say anything and storm off. The people are the backbone of every society, and if not treated as such they would revolt, so getting on their good side would also improve things throughout the kingdom.

"The people make up the backbone of any empire. If you want an empire to succeed, then the first thing you need is the support of your people. Does anyone else disagree with this?" I ask,

They all shake their heads. They seem to agree with my reasoning. At least I hope, I don't want a rogue official in my ranks.

"Now then, we need to send messengers to each of the other seven kingdoms, find our friends and our enemies. I expect that Oceana and Athoria to possibly align with us, and Scotchwood as well as Banhiem to be neutral at the least. Trilburn is unknown to me at this point, but the other kingdoms can be considered hostile. I will personally be going to Silver River though." I order.

Lilith shakes her head, "It is too dangerous to send you my lord, if something were to happen, then we would be without a king.".

I nod my head, she makes a good point, but I have modify, and I have been secretly viewing it and using it on various things. I touch her shoulder and turn into an almost perfect replica of her, curves and all.

"What is this!" she yells.

I burst into laughter. ��It is my magic, I know the magic of every kingdom, and none compares to mine, I think I will be fine.".

"Sire, are you a perv?" Lilith asks me.

I stood there shocked. I was not a pervert, far from it. And yet, why does she think that?

"Ahem, why do you say that?" I ask her.

"Well, you have the power to shape shift, and you turned into me, instead of one of the other men." she explained.

She makes a good point but I never thought about it that much. I just used her as the example because she was worried. On top of that my power was not shape-shifting, but more restructuring an object atomic structure.

"Gilbert, fetch me a glass of water, I would have a demonstration." I tell Gilbert. While he is off getting water I explain further.

"My power is not shape-shifting, and I'm not a perv. You were just the closest person and you had also shown genuine concern, so I didn't think much of it." I turn back into myself. "My power is more remaking anything in the world.��.

Gilbert comes in with a glass of water and hands it to me, in turn I give it to Lillith.

"Take a sip." I say.

She does and says "It's just water.".

I take the cup and turn the water into the finest wine with the highest possible alcohol concentration. I pass the cup to her and tell her to try it again and she takes another sip.

Her eyes go wine and her cheeks turn red instantly, all the while starting to stumble around the room. "This is the greatest *hiccup* wine I have ever *hiccup* had!" she exclaims.

The others each take a sip and they are all immediately drunk. Even my bodyguard Naitsu could not help but drink some. They all are stumbling around the room, so I get a few guards to help take them to their respective rooms. Sadly they were too drunk to hear the explanation of my magic.

While Naitsu repeatedly says she will stay with me the guards keep trying to take her away. To which she punches them and they go flying. I understand I'll just have to go with it. I have a guard lead me to her room and she still wouldn't leave. So I give up and just go to my room. I slept a little before the celebration, but when I woke up the others were still just as drunk. I made a version of the wine that was half as effective for the feast and went to my room to get dressed. Naitsu seemed to be blacked out on the bed so I quickly jumped into the shower.

It had not even been 2 minutes when I heard the door open. Looked out to see Naitsu entering, still very drunk. I quickly grabbed a towel and wrapped myself up.

"What are you doing in here?" I question, stepping out of the shower with the towel tightly wrapped around me.

She doesn't respond and attempts to take her own clothes off, failing miserably. She continues to try unsuccessfully for the next 5 minutes before I come to my senses and blush half embarrassed and half guiltily. I did just stare at her for the past 5 minutes.

"If you wanted a shower then you should have just waited for me to get out." I quickly say, looking anywhere but at her.

She finally manages to get her shirt off, displaying a black colored, laced, bra. I blush even deeper seeing them and start to take a few steps back. She then starts the struggle of taking off her pants. I make an attempt to slide past her and get out but she grabs my leg and stops me.

She gets up and pushes me back to where I was before, then resumes trying to take her pants off. I turn around and attempt to not look at her. Before long I hear her struggling to stop. I take a nervous peak over my shoulder. As I do I see her jumping at me, soft breasts landing on my back. It didn't feel bad, in fact it felt nice, but I didn't want to do this sort of thing.

I lay on the floor, belly to the ground, with her laying on top of me. She had managed to get her pants off as all I feel are her smooth legs trying to intertwine with mine. I try feverishly to stop them, and luckily I succeed. She then wraps her arms around me and squeezes. Her breasts push into me even more, all the while I struggle to break free.

She was beautiful and all but I barely knew her, this wasn't something that I could be doing, especially with Fuyu somewhere out there. I managed to get free and stood up. I saw her holding something in her hands, I looked a little closer and then I saw it. It was my towel! I ran and hid in the shower. I knew size was not an issue here but showing it off was another matter entirely. She looked up like a puppy that had its toy taken from it. She then crawled on her hands and knees over to me. She really was like a dog!

"You know, it's not everyday that we get to meet a king's candidate" she finally speaks.

I look at her confused. "We?" I blurt out, completely forgetting I'm entirely naked and she's almost there.

She nods her head. "We, the race that created the challenge, or rather what is left of that race. We, the bodyguards, are beings created by this world for king's candidates only. We age like you do, and we will follow you til the end." she explains, starting to attempt taking off her bra.

"Could you please not do that!" I shout at her, flustered.

"Oh, why not?" she puts a finger to her mouth and sits in a very cute and sexy pose.

I almost lose my train of thought before I snap back to reality. "Because I don't want that sort of thing. I barely know you, and I like someone else." I tell her, and blush a little at the end of my sentence.

She doesn't look defeated and retorts, "Well they are not in here now are they?".

"Well no, but that doesn't change anything!" I tell her. "I tell you what, just go wait on the bed and I think we can compromise somehow, ok?" I try to get her away.

She nods and leaves, not bothering to grab her clothes. I take probably the fastest shower ever, half afraid she will walk in again, and get dressed. I walk out and see her naked on my bed. My jaw drops and my nose starts bleeding.

"That's not what I meant!" I yell at her and look away.

She tilts her head as though she is confused and walks over to me. She grabs my arm, putting it in between her perky breasts. She tries putting my hand in her lower regions, but I use all my strength to stop her.

"Look, can we talk about this, after the feast. Just stay here and I'll be back later." I barely remove myself and leave.

The other officials are still blackout drunk so I go to the feast alone. Upon entering the courtyard there are cheers and howls. The people seem excited to see their king. Someone starts chanting "Long live the king!" and soon everyone else joins in.

I spend the night with my people, eating and entertaining. I don't feel I should be drinking quite yet, I have never been interested in the passtime. After about 4 hours of hard partying the feast is over, and everyone heads home. I stay behind to help in the cleanup, despite the words of the maids and guards.

When we were finally done, I went back into the castle. 'It is good to be the king' I thought to myself.