The Marsh

Under the overhang, the clouds started to cover the sky. It was going to rain, and just in the nic of time. We finished setting up a makeshift tent and put a pot over the fire.

"Looks like we set up camp just in time, I'll get started on a meal" I say.

Naitsu nods her head and goes through the bag to get ingredients. She pulls out a small roll of preserved meats along with some potatoes and various vegetables. I quickly sliced up everything into neat squares.

"Where are we going to get clean water?" I asked Naitsu.

Naitsu walked over and held her hand over the pot. In the blink of an eye water started to rush out of her hand and into the pot. My eyes widened in shock. It was magic!

"How are you able to do that?" I asked her.

"This is my magic, I can control water." she explained.

Another magic user was not something bad to have in my service. In fact it would be very beneficial to my future. I dumped all of the ingredients into the pot and stirred it all slowly. In a short while, dinner was ready.

Although there was enough space for us to sit 2 people apart, Naitsu still cuddled up as close as she could to me. I wasn't against it, but I just hoped she wouldn't be trying to get any closer tonight.

I ate fast, while she tried to savor the time we were cuddled up.

"Is it any good?" I ask her.

"Very!" she exclaimed with a wide smile.

"I can cook much better food if we were in my world." I say with a sigh.

She smiled and said "I look forward to it!"

I gave a brief smile and set my bowl down. I curled up with my thin blanket and tried to use a bag as a blanket. It wasn't very comfortable but it would do. I heard Naitsu slide over to me and she lifted up my head.

I was a bit scared that she would try to kiss me, but luckily she had no such thoughts. She slid herself under my head in place of the bag, and laid my head down on her thighs. I wasn't going to complain as it was a much better improvement compared to the bag.

��Where are you sleeping then?" I ask her. I didn't want her to not get any sleep at my expense.

She seemed to think about it before lifting my head up. She then covered me in her blanket and slid under as well. She stopped when my head was parallel with her chest. She then placed my head on her chest to use as a pillow instead and pulled the bag over to lay her head on.

"That is not very fair," I protested, "you shouldn't be the one uncomfortable.".

"It doesn't matter my king, your comfort takes priority over all else." she replied.

"Well then, you shouldn't mind if I make myself more comfortable." I told her.

I picked myself up and slid up a bit. I picked her head up and instead laid my head on it. I then placed her head on my chest. She looked ready to protest so I gently pet her head to get her to stop. It worked, and she laid her hand on my stomach. Soon I could hear her gentle and even breathing coming from her mouth.

I soon joined her in sleep.


When I woke up Naitsu was still fast asleep on my chest. The rain had stopped and it looked like the sun had just risen, about 7:30 am.

I gently pet her head to try and get her to wake up. Half an hour passed and she finally started to wake up.

"You have been petting me an awfully long time master." she smiled and said.

"You were awake the whole time huh?" I questioned her.

"Well of course, I was up before you were, I just wanted to enjoy cuddling you. And when you woke up and started petting me, I wanted it to last a little longer." she explained.

"Half an hour is not a little time, Naitsu." I tell her.

She rolls her eyes and gets up. She steadily started to pack up the cookware while I rolled up the bedding. Soon we were done and set back on track. We had made it most of the way before reaching a dense marsh region. This would be the last obstacle to get to Silver River kingdom.

The marsh was supposed to be the 3rd most dangerous place in this forest. 1st being a lava lake that ran off from "The Burning Island", and second being a mysterious lake called Limni, that once left, nobody could remember what happened. In both cases, little to no one ever came back alive.

The marsh was so dangerous as it limited someone's movement speed, especially horses, making getting through it exceptionally hard. Most people would avoid it, but it was the only way in or out of the Silver River kingdom.

The marsh was also home to some very dangerous creatures. From alligator like creatures to snakes reaching 15 feet long. The worst part was that instead of their movements being impeded, they could move faster in the marsh. That made things complicated as you would never have the option to run away, all you could do is fight.

To combat the prohibiting of our travel, I used modify to change the path we walked into stone. After we stepped across I would change it back to normal. This would allow only the people that I would want to cross, to cross, so as not to invite any unwanted guests.

The marsh was eerily quiet. The only noise we could hear was the sound of our steps. Wait, that was it, all we could hear was our steps. We didn't hear our breathing, or the wind, or even the small streams of water that would occasionally hit a rock. Even modify would make noises when changing materials composition.

I stopped moving. Naitsu looked at me a bit confused. She probably hadn't figured anything out yet. I looked around the marsh, seeing if there were any creatures.

"Something isn't right." I tell Naitsu.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"There is no sound, except me talking to you and our steps." I explain.

Her eyes widened in shock, she then tried to breath loudly, and stomped around on the ground, she clapped her hands, everything that she could do that would generate noise. But my theory was proven, all that we could hear was the sound of footsteps and our own voices. Whatever it was that was causing this probably figured people had grown accustomed to these two things the most.

Me on the other hand, was always careful of my surroundings. When a noise as common as breathing could not be heard, something was wrong. Most people grow so accustomed to the sound they have tuned it out, but when you are fighting, or running, or doing any exercise, breathing is essential. Therefore when I could not hear my breath being regulated, I knew something was up.

I took out my dagger, and my other hand rested near my throwing knives. Naitsu also took out her sword. We looked around, but could not find anything. Mainly because the fog was so thick. We could barely see 10 feet in front of us.

We slowly continued on through the marsh, we didn't know what it was that was stalking us, but whatever it was, it was bound to show up eventually.