Silver River Kingdom

After the run-in with the Rakshasa, I decided to have Asterian join our little journey. His "people" would most definitely prove to be useful in the future, so we needed to keep him close.

Using some wood, dirt, and rusted metal from fallen travelers, I managed to make a pretty decent set of armour for Asterian. The set was designed to protect what needed to be protected while also allowing the user to have a good amount of maneuverability (think Seiya's armour from A Cautious Hero, but with the leg guards cover his full shin, also some red and a crest for corcia).

Asterian looked pretty good in the armour. I also decided to make him a steel longsword, about 3 feet long, and a metal aspis type shield. All in all, he looked decked out enough to take on 10 men and easily win.

Along the journey we did a little talking. And I learned that since Asterian was a changeling, he was quite adept in illusion magic, but, as the chieftain, he also had a rare affinity with spacial magic, sadly it was limited in what he could use it for. WIth his spacial magic he can bring allies closer to him, or bring himself closer to allies.

We finally reached the edge of the marsh, and that's when we saw it. A city in the distance, shining with a brightness that rivaled the sun. It hurt just looking at it.

"I am assuming that is the Silver River kingdom's capital?" I voiced.

"It is indeed." Naitsu replied.

Asterian gave a nod and sat down. "It is best that we rest and go into the kingdom tomorrow." he said.

Nobody disagreed, so we set up camp and slept.


When we woke up we packed up and set off into the city. By the time we reached the gates it was probably around 10 am. We approached the gates only to be stopped by the guards.

"What is your business here?" A guard questioned. He seemed pretty hostile, but it was probably due to Asterian looking like a soldier from my kingdom.

Luckily I had taken the form of the messenger boy that morning so I wouldn't be noticed in case Geo told them about me. "I am a messenger from the Corcian Empire" I said quickly, adding a bit of a frightened tone to make the guard feel at ease.

"And who are they?" Another guard questioned, somewhat shorter but with a bit more bulk.

"T-They are my escorts, this message is of the utmost importance, so my king sent guards with me." I replied.

The guards seemed satisfied with my answer and called down 2 other guards. They were to escort us wherever we needed to go, so we didn't try anything funny.

"I-I um heard that this country sells something called a spacial ring" I say to one of the guards. He was a younger looking guard, around the age of 17.

"Yes, indeed we do, but they are very pricey, I doubt a messenger has the coin for it" he said in a tone that was half dejected and half pity. He probably couldn't buy one either.

"Can you at least show me where I could buy one?" I asked.

The guard nodded his head and both guards directed me and my team through the city. We finally came to a store that looked good considering what age we were in.

"Here you can buy one, but don't get your hopes up" the other guard sneered. He seemed to be a middle aged man with a pretty bad attitude.

I simply nodded my head and we went in.

"Welcome!" the vendor yelled from behind the counter. "Eh, looks like you're from the Corcian Empire, hurry up and buy what you need.". There didn't seem to be much respect for the Corcian Empire in this kingdom.

I looked around the shop. It was mostly herbs and some simple iron weapons. When I looked to the far corner of the store, I found what I was looking for. The spacial rings, there were 6 of them.

"Tch, don't touch if you can't buy them." The vendor said, looking irritated.

"How much space is in the rings?" I asked the vendor.

Not hiding the disdain on his face he approached the case with the spacial rings.

"You see, the copper rings have about 3 cubic meters of space, they sell for 20 gold, the silver rings store around 9 cubic meters, they sell for 100 gold, finally the gold rings store 81 cubic meters, they sell for a whopping 1000 gold!" the vendor explained in an annoyed tone.

The vendor continued, "I have heard though, they are making a platinum ring, where the amount of space is designated by the amount of magic the person has, meaning it could be even larger than 1000 cubic meters! In addition, you could move living things in there, and even go in and out of the ring at will. Sadly the rumors don't have much backing, but if such a ring were to be made, I wouldn't doubt if it was sold for an entire kingdom! Hahaha".

Although the sound of the platinum ring amazed me, I highly doubted there would be many people with the kind of magic to make it store over 81 cubic meters, let alone have the money to buy it!

"Now hurry up kid, I don't have all day!" The vendor said, aggravated.

Luckily, I had brought a large amount of money with me, I had planned on buying a ring for myself, and if possible some higher officials. The casing had 2 of each ring, from copper to gold.

"I'll take one gold ring, and two silver rings." I told the vendor. "Also, about 2 barrels of salt." I continued. Salt would be cheap as the people of this world hadn't found many uses for it aside from preserving meats.

"Hahaha, that's a good joke kid, as if you could afford all that!" The vendor bent over in laughter.

I reached behind my back and pulled out 3 bags of gold, each bag had 500 gold in it. I dropped them onto the table with a loud thud. The vendor stopped laughing and looked at the bags. The 2 guards assigned to us also stood there, mouths agape.

I reached into one of the bags and took out 204 gold coins, as the barrels of salt would cost 2 gold coins each. I then took back the remainder. "I believe this should be enough." I looked at him.

"Ah, yes sir, I'll count it out now." the vendor said, sweating.

It took him a while to count it all out, but it was all there. Soon I got the rings and salt. I handed Naitsu and Asterian a silver ring each, and put the gold ring on my finger. I then stored the salt in my ring, each barrel took up about 1 cubic meter.

I turned to the guards, "do you mind if we stay in an inn for tonight, we are quite tired from our journey?" I asked them.

They looked at each other and nodded their heads. They then took us to an inn. "There will be guards outside all night, so don't try anything" said the younger guard.

I nodded my head and walked in.

"Good evening young ones, what can I do for you tonight?" the inn keeper said. He seemed more reasonable than the vendor.

I knew that having a small messenger doing all the talking might seem suspicious so I had Asterian take the lead here.

"We will be purchasing dinner and renting two rooms for tonight only, also, we would like a warm bath for both rooms." Asterian told the owner.

"Only two? Okie dokie then, two rooms will be 50 coppers each. The meals are 5 copper a piece, and then the baths are 30 coppers each. In total, about 175 coppers if I am not wrong?" The owner explained.

"That sounds about right." Asterian answered.

I took out the money and put it on the table. We were then given keys to our rooms, but before we headed up we sat in the dining area to wait for dinner.

"Would you like dinner now?" A waiting girl came up and asked.

"No thank you, we will just sit here and chat until dinner." I responded. The others also nodded their heads.

I turned to Naitsu. "Now then, there has been something I've been wanting to talk to you about." I started.

"What is it?" She asked, eyebrows slightly raised and a finger on her lips. 'Damn she is cute, wait stop these thoughts dammit.' I thought.

Asterian also leaned in, interested. "You said that there were more bodyguards than just you right? How might I go around finding them, and what kinds of powers would they have?" I asked.

"There are indeed other bodyguards, in fact I believe there are 13 not including myself of course. You will normally find us in caves, but not normal caves, huge labyrinths of caves with many monsters and magical traps. All of us have only one magical attribute, such as fire, life, void, and the last I can remember was enhancement, but I don't recall the others." she explained.

Asterian looked deep in thought, "What is it Asterian?" I asked him.

"Well, there are two things," he began, "the first being that you are telling me that there are more badass warrior girls than just this one?" he said.

We nodded our heads.

"The second being, I think I know of two such places." He ended.

My eyes went wide, "Where, and have you done any delving into them?" I asked, very excited.

"Both are within the marsh's territory, but as far as delving into them goes, I hear one of our previous chieftains, about 2 generations ago, wasted about 200 of our finest warriors on each, and from what the survivors say, they barely escaped the 3rd floor. In both there were many beasts, in one they seemed to move with the speed of lightning, and hit harder than an orc with a warhammer, the other had many beasts that seemed to be devoured by flames." Asterian summarized.

I don't know what expression I was making but I probably looked like a 4 year old in the candy shop of god where everything was free. Meanwhile, Naitsu looked like someone told her that her dog died, meaning she looked beyond upset.

"What's wrong Naitsu, there are more bodyguards, isn't that awesome?!" I said.

"Yeah, but just not her" She said in an annoyed tone.

���Her?" I asked, one eyebrow raised.

"Hina, the bodyguard that uses fire magic, let's just say, we don't get along." she said, looking angry and refusing to make eye contact.

Slowly the mood returned as we talked about other subjects like our favorite foods and what we did in our spare time. Although neither really understood what I was talking about.

After a while, it was time for dinner. Tonight was steak with mashed potatoes and gravy, simple, yet delicious. 'A meal like that would have been costly back in my world' I thought to myself.

"Wait, we only got 2 rooms" I said, just now realizing it, "didn't we agree on 3?".

Asterian explained, "Well, yes, but after, Ms.Naitsu said it would save you money if we just got two rooms and you two slept together.".

I looked over at Naitsu who seemed to be whistling some sort of tune, acting oblivious to the matter.

I gave a sigh and finished my dinner. After we were all done our food we all went up to our rooms. Passing by the main entrance the innkeeper let us know that our bath water had been prepared for us.

"You take your bath first my king." Naitsu said after we entered the room.

"No, because then it would be cold for you, you go first, I do not mind a cold bath." I said. I waited for her response, I am pretty sure she is about to suggest we bath together.

"Well, there is a simple solution to this." She began.

"And what might that be?" I say sarcastically.

"We take a bath together!" She says joyfully reaching for my hand.

'Knew it' I said in my head, "We cannot bath together Naitsu, so, as your king I order you to take a bath first." I demanded.

Naitsu looked at me with teary eyes. How could I make a girl cry!!! This was against my moral code, but we couldn't bath together, right? Wait, that's it!

"Ok fine, we will bath together, but we are facing opposite directions, and you are getting out first, ok?��� I told her.

She nodded her head and started to undress. I hid behind the bed and undressed as well. I went into the bathroom and got into the bath as fast as possible while covering myself.

"Someone is a little excited." Naitsu said, giggling.

"I am not! Just trying to make sure you don't see anything!" I retaliated, almost turning around to yell at her before remembering where I was. I simply blushed and turned my head to the wall.

I slowly started washing my body while Naitsu was behind me humming, probably washing herself as well. I had washed everything on my front nd was reaching for my back when I realised I couldn't reach. I shrugged my shoulders and just waited for Naitsu to finish.

Before I knew it, something soft was rubbing on my back. "Um, Naitsu, what are you doing?" I asked.

"Washing your back of course, what else?" She said as a matter of factly.

"And with what may I ask?" I replied.

"Well, my breasts of course." She said.

I sighed, "that's what I was afraid of, could you please stop and just hurry washing yourself?".

"I don't want to stop, and besides, I don't think you want me to either" she says.

"I do want you to stop actually, and although I won't deny it feels nice, this is not something I should be doing" I say, starting to get frustrated.

I hear her pout, and the soft sensation leaves my back. "Could you wash my back, I can't reach?" Naitsu asks.

I gulp, "Fine, just no peeking, ok?".

"Ok." she responds.

I grab the cloth and start gently washing her back. She slightly moans, and I retract my hands quickly.

"Why did you stop?" She inquires.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that" I say, blushing.

"Don't be, it felt quite nice, you were very gentle and your movements were very smooth, like you were caressing my back and not washing it" she giggles.

"O-Ok" I responded.

I start washing her back again. Not like the last time though so as to prevent another 'incident'.

When I'm finished I tap her shoulder and turn around so as not to see her naked. I hear her getting our, and feel the small ripples caused from that. I turn towards the wall opposite of her blushing, resisting the urge to turn around and sneak a peek.

I hear the door open and close, meaning she left.

I sigh, "What is a man to do, hell, I am still just a teenager in college." I begin to vent in the bath.

"Naitsu is extremely beautiful, rivaling even Fuyu, and I do have to say I like her, as she is always there for me, but, I love Fuyu first and foremost. She is what has driven me to be who I am today, I studied when everyone else was making friends and going out." I continue.

"They all expect so much from me. I hardly have any experience being a leader, hell, let alone a king. I have basically no friends in my world, I may be one of the smartest and strongest in the world, but at the cost of my social life".

"I am surprised I have been able to talk to anyone in this world. And Naitsu, well, she keeps calling me this 'king's candidate', like I'm a one in a million. I'm just a teenager, what can I do?" I wipe my eyes as they had begun to tear up. I get up and step out of the bath.

As I turn around, Naitsu jumps on me and hugs me tightly.

"I'm so sorry for putting so much pressure on you" she says through teary eyes.

"N-Naitsu, di-did you just hear everything?" I question.

She doesn't respond but nods her head.

"U-Um Naitsu, you and I are still naked, can you please get off of me?" I ask her.

She doesn't respond again, but cuddles closer. I go to stand up and she wraps her legs around my waist. God, this is going to be hard, in more ways than one! I may be a gentleman, but I am still a man. No normal man could resist this, but I have to!

I walk us out of the bathroom. I grab a pair of her underwear and attempt to put it on her. But she doesn't let me. I sigh, and walk back to the bathroom. I grab the clothes I had there and attempt to put those on myself. But once again, she doesn't let me.

She brings her mouth right by my ear, "I love you, Tristan" she whispers. Her hot breath on my ear makes me shiver. She lays her head on my shoulder while kissing my neck. This is probably the best I have ever felt in my life! But I can't.

I bring my mouth next to her ear, "I love you too, Naitsu" I nibble on her ear, which causes her to shiver in turn.

I set her down on the bed, and she sprawls out, probably expecting me to do her.

"Naitsu, I love you, but I can't, at least not yet, not until Fuyu hears that I love her from my mouth." I tell her.

I turn away and close my eyes. Expecting her to be mad at me, to scream my name and beat me. I stand there, silent in anticipation, waiting for a beating that never comes.

"Why are your eyes closed my love?" I hear Naitsu ask.

I open my eyes and she is standing in front of me. She hugs me tightly, not the beating I was expecting.

"I.. Well, aren't you mad at me?" I ask her.

She shakes her head, "Not at all, in fact, you only made me admire you more, your determination and love for this Fuyu girl has made me love you even more, you seem as though you never abandon your loved ones, even in tough situations.".

I smile, "Well, thank you for understanding Naitsu, hopefully I get the chance to confess to her soon. I wouldn't want to keep a woman waiting." I say mischievously.

"I would hope not." she smiles back and pokes my nose.

"Well then, let's get dressed and head to bed then." I turn to grab my clothes.

Naitsu grabs my arm, "Can we stay like this… just for tonight?" she pleads.

I give a light grin, "I suppose we can" I tell her.

She smiles. Damn her smile is like the sun, bright and beautiful. We head to bed and cuddle under the sheets. It is the warmest I have ever felt. Cuddling with someone you love, knowing they feel the same way.