Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle?

We charged the minotaur. Asterian charged head-on while Naitsu circled around it. Katy and Yumi flanked it while I provided cover fire from the door. Water arrows fell like rain on it, suppressing the minotaur's movement.

Asterian took advantage of its limited movement by going up and slashing at its legs. A deep gash was formed as the minotaur growled in pain. Katy and Yumi both bashed the sides of the minotaur's head, stunning it.

Asterian once again took this chance to make another gash on the opposing leg. It looked pretty difficult for it to walk. After I threw a few daggers at its kneecaps, it collapsed on the ground, throwing its arms around in an attempt to crawl.

It slashed its giant axe around madly, trying to hit something. It never did, and Asterian had found his way to the side of its neck, unnoticed. He took a strong downward slash, and the minotaur was beheaded.

We took a break for a little while before heading to the 9th floor. The 9th floor was as you would have expected. It was the final floor and there were large salamanders, fire-breathing lizard men, as well as some plain orcs wielding flaming swords, which we kept for later.

The toughest of fights were against the salamander leader, and that was before even the boss room. It took us 30 minutes to take down the salamander leader, we even took it's scales for forging armour or shields because they were exceedingly tough and durable.

Finally we found the boss room. It was a large set of golden doors, with patterns of fire. The main focus at the center of the doors was a large dragon with 3 heads, seemingly one with the fire, one could argue it was fire. Around it were many fire type creatures, from small lizards, to a large lava golem.

"Anybody else get the feeling we might be fighting a dragon?" I looked at the others.

They only looked at the doors nervously. We then opened the doors. At the center of the room there was a large turtle shell, much like an alligator snapping turtles. There were streaks of blue and dark brown.

The door closed behind us and the turtle emerged. It stood at a towering 2 stories high, and looked down upon us. It also carried 2 flaming katana's the length of 3 men.

"Looks like Leondardo hit a growth spurt!" I laughed.

The others looked at me as if they were looking at a mad man. They didn't understand the joke, and neither did the turtle. But it still realized it was being mocked and charged.

The others were caught off guard and were thrown into the wall. I happened to jump just in time and landed at the top of its shell, right behind it's head. I combined the flaming metal with my galaxium to make a giant flaming greatsword.

I swung at the back of its head, only to have the sword jar in my hand as if I hit an immovable force. I put the sword back so that my body would stop shaking. The turtle, seeing as I was on it's back and took a swing at it, ducked into it's shell.

I jumped off, my senses telling me something bad was going to happen, and I was right. Like a bowser, the turtle shell started spinning, flames coming out to speed its rotation and direct its movement.

The others regained their balance just in time, as the turtle shell started moving towards us.

"What are we gonna do!?" Naitsu yelled from the other side of the room.

"What if chopped off its head!?" Asterian yelled, dodging the turtle shell again.

"Its head isn't even out yet!" Katy yelled, running towards Naitsu to regroup.

"I have already tried that, its scales are too tough" I yelled and started going through my bag.

I pulled out some wood, sulfur, and saltpetre.

"Distract it for me!"

I quickly took out some clay and molded them into small, sphere containers. Mixing the charcoal, sulfur, and saltpetre in a 15%, 10%, 75%, ratio, and stirring it with a glass stir rod I made. I finally had what I needed, gunpowder.

I took the gunpowder and divided it into the small spheres. Gunpowder alone would just smoke and sizzle, in a closed container it would cause the exploding effect in grenades and other bombs. I cut off some rope for each container and plugged the hole.

I took my make-shift grenades and dashed for the turtle. Asterian and the others were still keeping it busy so it never noticed me. When it had brought it's flaming katana back for a slash, I used the flames to light the 9 bombs I had made.

Throwing 4 down the front of the shell, and 5 into the back, I lept off.

"Everyone get away from it!"

The turtle was in a frenzy trying to figure out what was in its shell. A turtle's weakness was the stomach and back, inside the shell of course. We all ran away from it as we heard the first few go off.

The shell started to crack, with every explosion. The turtle would also let out a miserable shriek everytime one would explode. I couldn't imagine the clay shrapnel being very comfortable.

When the final bomb went off, the turtle fell to the ground. Not dead yet, but on the brink. It looked up at me, eyes begging for help.

'Please, help me' I heard in my mind.

"Why should I?" I said aloud.

'I can help you, I am a strong fighter, if it wasn't for your weird devices, I might have won.' the turtle continued, 'I can also grow bigger, and smaller on command, I can be of use, please save me'. The turtle looked like it would start crying.

"Fine, but, should you betray us, I have more of those bombs" I lied. I had actually used everything I had.

'Thank you'

"What is your name?"

'I have none'

"Then you shall be called Leonardo" I smiled.

'Leonardo… as you wish master'

Oh lord not this master stuff again.

I healed Leo the best I could and he then shrunk to pocket turtle size. Luckily we didn't have to kill him for the door to open to the 10th floor, otherwise we would have quite the problem.

"Well then, time to meet my next bodyguard" I say, strolling up to the door.

Everyone nodded their heads and followed me through.