

Day 24




Carle: So what do you have to say about this Mandeep?

You: Yeah I thought you liked Anne. Why did you do this then?

Mandeep: I di-

Carle: I know why he did this because he is tired of Anne, Right Mandeep.

Anne: Is it true?

Mandeep: Come on, You too now?

Anne: I thought maybe you like us both so I thought we could share. But you said that you don't like me.

Mandeep's nose starts to bleed hearing this.

Mandeep: When did I say I don't like you.

Mandeep places his hands on Anne's shoulders. Look at her in the eyes.

Mandeep: I would never do such a thing to anyone and especially not to you.

Mandeep got his redemption. Carle starts to cry.

You: What happened?

Carle: Such a beautiful connection between them. I knew Mandeep can't do such a thing.

You: Well if things are solved then let's go find that Stainer.

You: But before that what can we do with Jessica.

Mandeep says nothing.

Mandeep: [If I speak now I am done for. But maybe she can help us]

Mandeep: Let's take her with us.

Carle: I knew it he is a pervert.

You: I have a better plan. Whoever wants to go with me to raise your hand.

Carle: I will and I vote for Anne too.

Anne: What but I-

Before she can finish Carle takes her hand and enter your ship.

Mandeep raise is hand too.

You: Sorry but perverts are not allowed.

You quickly escape.

Mandeep: Bastard!!!

Jessica: So what now?

Mandeep: I have no choice lets just find the doctor.

Mandeep takes Jessica with her.

Jessica: I am sorry for what happened.

Mandeep: No worries, You were forced to attack me.

Jessica: No not about that. I am talking about what happened now.

Mandeep: That happened because of my stupid revenge.

Mandeep: You are also a prototype right?

Jessica: Yes.

Mandeep: Which stage is the project in?

Jessica: Project? Which project are you talking about?

Mandeep: Project overlord.

Jessica: I never heard about it.

Mandeep: Oh I see. But it good this way the less you know the better.

Jessica: Is it that dangerous?

Mandeep: Where the government is involved it is.

Jessica: When I eat you for the first time I saw that your skin was fake. Why is that?

Mandeep: Because the prototypes are not human.

Jessica: But I am a human.

Mandeep: I never saw a human prototype. So they didn't use someone's DNA to create you.

Jessica: No, I had a family before the experiments.

Mandeep: Show me your arm.

Jessica: Why?

Mandeep: I can check whatever you are human or not.

Jessica: Here.

Mandeep: Hmmm Let me take a closer look.

Mandeep bits her arm and takes a chunk of flesh from her arm and eats it.

Jessica: Ouch Why did you do that?

Mandeep: You are a human.

Jessica: That okay but why did you bite such a huge piece?

Mandeep: Because your flesh was so Delicious.

Jessica: Is that so?

Jessica comes from behind and takes a bite at Mandeep's neck.


You: I forgot to get the location of that doctor.

Carle: Don't worry about that?

Carle: [ Crystal, Get the location from Midi.]

Crystal: [ On it. It should be on your screen]

Carle: See I am faster than lighting.

You: I guess you are.

Carle: He's in andromeda that weird.

You: Not at all the area is under my control they still don't know that what I am up to.

Carle: Yeah I almost forgot about that. You must be quiet famous.

You: No. Who like the government.

Carle: What is your rank?

You: 13 or something.

Carle: 13? That means you are like a celebrity.

You: Really?

Carle: Of course, That rank is only given to important people.

You: Wow I never knew that.


You: This is ID 7880.


You: Yes, This is ID 7880.

OH MY GOD, It's him.


Carle: See I told you. Rank 13 is not a small thing.

As you land people a group of people surrounds your ship.

You: What the hell?

Carle: They must be your fans. Look there is a reporter too.

Reporter: As you can see the commander 7880 has just landed. He is getting out of the ship lets talk to him.

The reporter walks to you.

Reporter: Commander, We are here from AGN(Andromeda galaxy news) and we want to ask you some questions.

You: [ let's just go with it.]

You: Yes what do you want to ask?

Reporter: Commander, We heard great tales of your bravery and how you help everyone in need. So what is your motivation behind this?

You: Well, My motivation is that I want to make a better world for everyone where every person can live in peace.

Reporter: Next question, Who is this lady with you?

You: We-

Carle: I am his girlfriend.

You: Wh-

No one can believe this the crowd goes silent. The female reporter is in shock.

Reporter: [ *Crying internally* I lost my chance]

She then goes back to her business covering the news.

As the reporter leaves two female fans to come to you for the autograph.

The fans: Hi commander, I am Jane and this is Abby we are your biggest fans. Can we get a holopic?

You: Yeah sure.

While scanning Carle puts her arm in your arm. Burning the fans.

The fans: Please also sign this holopic.

You sign the holopic reciting what you writing.

The fans: To my favorite fans Jane and Abby.

The girls lost it at that. They grab the holopic quickly in case you change your mind and runs. You get away from the crowd.

Carle seems a little angry.

You: What's wrong?

Carle: "To my favorite fan"

She looks away while saying that.

You: Oooh someone is jealous.

Carle: I am not.

You stand in front of her.

You: Carle.

She looks up at you with eyes like a puppy. Now looking like the most beautiful female in the universe. You gulp your nervousness and look in her eyes.

You: I want to say something to you.

Then in the most beautiful voice, she replies.

Carle: About what?

You: About my feelings.

Now she gets nervous. Ready to hear whatever you say.

You: I can't say that I like you.

Carle's moods shift from happy to sad.

Carle: I tho-

Before she finishes you gently place your finger in her lip.

You: I am sorry that I don't like you Because I love you.

She looks at you now looking even prettier than before. You kiss her on the lip.


Mandeep and Jessica lie on the floor full of bite marks.

Mandeep: This was a bad idea.

Jessica: Yeah you should never mess with Jessica.

Mandeep: I guess you are right.

Jessica walks up to Mandeep and kisses him on the lip. Mandeep gets surprised by it but still goes with it.

Mandeep: [ And kids this is how you dig your own grave]