A slight apparition of the past

Chapter three

He walked into the house tiredly, today he tried looking for a suitable bride for the Simpsons enterprise but all to no avail. All the girls he saw at the bar he went to, no one was suitable, he was sure if he presents any of them to his dad, he would

loose the company in a twinkle of an eye.

After the death of his fiancée Caitlin, he moved out of the Simpsons mansion since everything there reminds him of her. He also planned to move out of the city but his mom wanted to be close to him, she still treats him like she did five years ago when he lost his fiancée.

He looked around the sitting room, it was littered with toys, toy cars, action figures and other stuffs. He clenched his jaw at what he saw, how could Dennis leave all this here.

" Daddy!, daddy!!"Dennis called running into the sitting room with a toy gun.

He moved away from Dennis quickly, avoiding the hug. He was unprepared for the apparition that confronted him, he stared at the gun with great antipathy,  then he moved the same look to the cute five year old boy who looked confused as to why his dad just avoided his hug.

" Where did you get that" he asked with apperception.

The young boy stared at him in total confusion, his eyebrows creased as he tried to discover what his dad was talking about.

" How did you get that!!" He bellowed pointing at the toy gun with utter disdain.

Dennis flinched and hid the gun behind him, he lowered his head as his dad kept on pacing font and back fuming with anger.

" Where is your nanny?"

Dennis didn't reply and he didn't raise his head. He wondered why his dad was mad at him, he did nothing to him, he just came to welcome him.

" Didn't you just hear me speak" He said menacingly.

" She's..." Dennis didn't have to complete his sentence, when a red hair old lady walked in holding knitting needles and wool which had gone halfway to look like a sweater.

" Oh! Mr Simpson, I didn't know you were back" she greeted

" Doreen, who gave him a gun?" He asked dismissing her greeting.

Her fore head made a creased line as she scrutinised the toy gun in Dennis hand, then she let out a soft chuckle as if remembering an event.

" Oh, Denny boy and I went to the mall to get some things and then he sighted the gun and kept on disturbing me to get it for him..."

" And you did that, why? " He cut her off with annoyance. His worries were coming true, Dennis is becoming like Matt.

Her face formed a light frown. " You asked me to get anything Dennis needs"

He ran his through his face in frustration " When I asked you to get anything Dennis needs giving him a gun wasn't on my list, you can get him something more educational not a gun"

" But I love it daddy" Dennis chirped in

He eyed Dennis and the gun with distaste " don't you ever say that again. Hand me the gun and go to your room, don't come out unless I tell you to" he reprimanded and brought out his hand, Dennis placed the toy gun on his hand and left the sitting room with his head hanging low.

" Don't you think you were too harsh on him" Doreen asked

He dismissed her question " I don't want to ever see a gun in this house even if it's a toy."


" I heard what happened between you and Dennis" Aaron said from the other end of the line

" Did he call you? "

" That's not the issue on ground, don't you think you were a little harsh on him"

" Harsh? You call what I did harsh? You weren't present when Matt killed Caitlin, when he shot her"

Aaron sighed softly " cut the kid some slack, Dario"

He shook his head disappointed at him, how can Aaron tell him to cut the kid some slack.

" Look Dario, he is also Caitlin son stop looking at the bad side, he can also have Caitlin's goodness"

He rubbed his forehead, he didn't want to talk about all this right now. He had enough problems on his plate and he needed to clear them, he needs to find a wife.

" Aaron, I'll talk to you later" he said and cut the call without waiting for his reply.

He was still mad at Aaron, yeah Aaron is his best friend but Aaron broke the bro code by going behind his back to try and get Caitlin, knowing fully well he was in love with her and she was his fiancée.

He still regrets that night, the faithful night he had the accident, the night he lost everything.