Will you marry me?

Chapter five

"Will you marry me?"

Like seriously? Diane was flabbergasted. She didn't even know his name, she has never met him in this life and he just asked her to be his life partner. What the hell?

She bursted out with laughter, who was this clown? kudos to him, he made her laugh.

" You'll make one hell of a clown, you just need the make-up" she paused taking a deep analysis of him then she chuckled " scratch that out, you don't need makeup, you already look it .

Dario stared at her nonchalantly, he was supposed to be angry and mad at her at least a glare would be nice but no he was glad to see her laughing even if it was at him.

" I don't even know you, I don't even know if you're a drug dealer or terrorist or rapist or a criminal dressed up in a fancy suit"

Dario raised an eyebrow amused by her words, he should be offended but no he's actually ok with her making guesses of who he is.

" Dario Simpson " he offered

"Knowing your name doesn't mean I'll get married to you" she chuckled then noticed he had a serious face, he wasn't joking he hadn't even let out a single smile since they started their conversation. " Oh my God, you're serious"

He nodded and placed his hands in his pockets. He was shocked that she didn't even know him everyone in New York city and around the world knew him even  babies in their moms womb but this woman.

" This is a joke" she muttered about to walk out

" It's not a joke Diane, it's a contract marriage, I know you're in dire need of a job"

She stopped and turned to him precipitately. She was stupefied, how did he know her name and how did he know she was in dire need of a job.

" Two hundred and fifty thousand dollars a month" he added.

She stared at him with unknown emotions, she was overwhelmed by his offer, she needed it but she wouldn't get married, she couldn't just see herself living with a man not just any man someone she'd call her husband. She had already crossed getting married out of her list.

"Five hundred thousand dollars a month" he boosted it up.

He had to, looking at her he knew she was and would reject his offer and he needed her badly, time was running out and dad had already called Theo to informed him to get ready to come back to New York.

"I'm not interested" she said in a hoarse whisper and left.


She slumped on the couch next to Elena. Ruby had just left with Andrew, she didn't like the way Ruby was getting too attached to him, she had to stop it and that she'll do once they get home. She would stop him from coming to see Ruby, they didn't need a guy in their life, yes Andrew is a good guy but imagining them as a couple was disturbing.

" So do you have anything to tell me" Elena dragged out

" Like?"

" Your discussion with the hot billionaire yesterday"

Diane faced her best friend egregiously. Of course, why didn't she piece all this together all this while, her best friend told him her name and that she was in dire need of a job.

"Why did you do that?"

" Well he's rich, he is Dario Simpson"

She corked a brow, what's so special about the name " so?"

"So!" Elena exclaimed with eyes wide as a saucer. " He is Dario Simpson, how can you not know that? I told you about him last week, he made front page of Forbes magazine again"

" What's so special about him that I have to remember" she groaned loudly

Elena faced palmed herself, how can she behave like this, how can't she know the billionaire's heir.

" I told you about the Simpsons enterprise"

Diane nodded in acknowledgement, she actually remembers Elena talking about it as one of the best companies.

" Well Dario is the heir, next in line to that company"

" Oh"

"So what did you guys talk about" Elena asked with keen interest.

" He asked me to get married to him..."

Elena cut in" That sharp, no date, no late night movies?"

"A contract marriage, he'd pay me five hundred thousand dollars every month"

" That's a good business deal"

" I thought you complained about his arrogance?"

" Yeah but I don't blame him considering the fact his fiancée died five years ago. It turned him into a beast. So what was your reply"

" Not interested"

" But you need the money" Elena stated as a matter of fact.

" And I don't want to get married"

" It's a contract marriage and you'll get paid. You can set your rules too since you don't want to get involved"

She shook her head, marriage was out of the option even if it is a contract marriage.

" I'll get another job"

" Will it pay as the one Dario offered?"

She knew that what Dario had offered her was a price to die for half a million dollar every month just to pretend to be his wife.

" Don't blow this opportunity Diane" Elena cautioned.

She was about to reply Elena when her phone rang, she picked it up as silence filled the room

" Oh my God Diane, I've been trying to reach you" Andrew's voice broke and he sounded shaky

"Andrew" she called cautiously

" I'm so sorry Diane, I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to...I...I just took my eyes off for one second..." He rambled continuously.

Diane felt an eerie feeling coming up and she needed Andrew to speak like a human being right now.

" Andrew" she called sternly

Andrew stop his rambling and then spoke" She got knocked down by a hit and run driver. Ruby is in the hospital"

He continued rambling apologies as her phone dropped to the floor alerting Elena.

" Diane" Elena dragged out slowly on seeing the pain stricken look on her friend's face. " Diane what happened? Talk to me"

" Ruby is in the hospital"