A wicked witch

Chapter seven

The car pulled into the large driveway of the mansion. Her jaw hung low as she stared at the magnificent building in front of her.

"I can't believe this" she muttered under her breath.

The car finally came to a stop and the chauffeur stepped down opening the door for her.

"We're here" he spoke in a French accent.

"I can see that"  she replied not taking her eyes off the mansion causing him to chuckle.

The contract had been signed the previous day and Dario asked her to move in with him effective immediately. She tried to prolong her stay with Lena but Dario strongly refused.


"It's Diane" she corrected not taking her eyes off the building.

"Diane, Garrett will take you to your room and possibly show you around if you're up to it" he said standing in a stiff position with his hands at his back.

She nodded at him. "What's your name?" She called when he was half way to the car.

"Daniel Ma'am"

"Diane" she shouted back.

The door opened and a plump man in his late forties walked out bowing slightly at her. She was confused at his gesture.

"Ma'am, I'll show you to your room and young master's room"

"It's Diane"

She was getting pissed at this Ma'am stuff, she didn't like it at all. She wondered how Dario copes with people calling him master or sir.

"Who are you?" She asked politely.

"Garrett Gunderson, the butler" his words were quick and sharp like he had rehearsed it, like it was something he was used to.

She nodded, she was about to ask another question when a cute boy of six or five in crop hair came running downstairs.

"Garrett, Garrett" Dennis called as he ran down.

Garrett face lit up in an unimaginable smile. He loved Dennis like he belonged to him, like his own. Dario was hardly ever back to give him the fatherly love Dennis desired. There was always money, Dario  provided anything Dennis needed but he couldn't see the poor kid was hurting, he needed a parent figure. He was loosing hope that Dennis will never have a normal childhood.

Garrett hopes were restored when Dario called the entire workers in the mansion to announce he would be getting married and his wife would be arriving in the next few days. He prayed that this lady would treat Dennis well and give him all the love he desires.

Dennis came to a halt as he stared at the red woman who stood next to Garrett, he wondered who she was, was she his new nanny? He was pissed really pissed, he would make sure she'd be fired like the previous one and the previous, previous one.

"Would you come over here Denny" Garrett called gesturing for him to stand next to him.

Dennis stared at her cautiously but in an obnoxious manner as he walked up to Garrett.

"Dennis, say hi to your new mom" Garrett broke the news. He wanted Dennis to get the awful look off his face, to make sure Dennis doesn't do anything to her like his other nannies. This isn't his previous nannies, this is his step mom.

"Hi Dennis" her face beamed with joy and excitement at least a playmate for Ruby. She was already beginning to wonder how her child will leave in this big mansion with no friends.

He eyed her from head to toe and then a permanent scowl was etched on his face. He didn't like the lady at all, he was trying to get his dad to spend more time with him but with her here she would take his dad permanently from him.

"Dennis" Garrett called trying to make him get rid of the scowl etched on his face.

"I don't like her and I don't want her to be my mom" he screamed throwing a tantrum.

"Dennis!" Garrett admonished.

"I don't like her at all Garrett, she's a wicked witch" he said not minding she was just few steps away from her. She is a witch because she came to take his dad away from him.

"Dennis!! Go to your room now" he ordered " and you will not have apple pie for the rest of the week and Gabriel won't be allowed anywhere near you for a week" Garrett looked pissed as he gave him his punishment.

Dennis stared at Garrett wide eyes, Garrett has never spoken to him in that manner before and immediately this lady walks in, he does that. He was bittered, he won't be having his apple pie and he won't be allowed to play with Gabriel and he just lost Garrett to this red witch.

He glared at her with rage and hate one last time before stomping back upstairs in a fit.

Once he was out of sight, Garrett turned towards Diane apologetic.

"I'm really sorry about him, he's just upset. I will talk to him"

Diane shook her head dismissing his apology. She understood what he was feeling, the thought of having a step mother really alarming, it makes you feel unwanted or forgotten.

"Didn't Dario tell him of my arrival" she asked as they walked towards her room.

Garrett shook his head. "I don't think so, he has not seen his dad for the past five days"

"What do you mean five days " she questioned feeling a sudden rush of anger in her body.

"It's..." Garrett trailed off. He didn't know how to continue, he didn't want to destroy a newly wedded couple's life. He didn't even know if he could trust her fully though she looks kind and understanding.

"It's okay if you dont want to tell me Garrett. I'll find out on my own"

Garrett nodded " this is you and your husband room" he said as he stopped in front of a door.

"Thanks, Garrett" she said full of appreciation. She opened the door and was about to enter when she suddenly stopped and turned to Garrett " you don't have to worry so much about Dennis, I'll talk to him." She said and walked in closing her door behind her.

What the hell did she get herself into? She sighed. What kind of a man is Dario, he didn't even find the courtesy of bringing her home and introducing her to everyone like every normal couple would do, He was the one who wrote in their contract that noone was allowed to find out that this marriage is a contract. She knew he is an arrogant, rude, heartless bastard but she didn't believe he would abandon his son like this.