Meeting the Billionaire's

Chapter nineteen

"Who are you?"

Gently and stealthily she searched for Dario for strength but he was nowhere to be found then she resorted to her cloth, gathering folds in her palms.

"Theo, would you stop with the whole charade, you're getting the poor girl nervous" Catherine cautioned and rolled her eyes.

"You just have to spoil my fun Cat" Theo replied with a pout and then turned to Diane " I'm Theo, the smart, sexy and most handsome one in the family" he said with his hand stretched out and she shook it.

"Uncle Theo, I thought you said I was the most handsome one in the family" Cameron said out of nowhere

"And where did you come from?" Theo asked trying to sidetrack Cameron question

"Uncle Theo" Cameron dragged. He knew his uncle too well, he was trying to sidetrack his question.

"Yes you are but I'm still the smart and sexy one" Theo replied

Catherine shook her head as she watched the interaction between her son and Theo. Yeah, Theo behaves like a child when his around them.

Caitlin came running to them with Ruby and Dennis on her trail.

"Uncle Theo did you get it" Caitlin asked with folded arms.

"Get what?"

"My candy" she replied

"Was I supposed to get one?"

Caitlin tapped her forehead and tsked " yes silly"

"Oh yeah, I remember. I bought it" Theo replied and picked her up.

"These are my children, Cameron and Caitlin. Isaac is probably somewhere around the house or with his dad" she smiled and then added quickly "he's four" she said proudly .

Diane nodded and pointed to Dennis "you already know Dennis" then she pointed to Ruby "that's my baby Ruby, she will be four next month"

"She's cute" Catherine cooed as she pulled Ruby cheeks. " Have you made any plans for her birthday?" Catherine asked as she pulled Diane away from the rest.

"Nope, don't have a single idea"

"We'd have to meet up sometime alone" Catherine smiled bumping her head up and down as she thought of where would be perfect to meet.

Dario appeared out of nowhere and took her hand earning a shock expression from Diane.

"Where have you been?" She whispered sharply as she still tried to maintain her smile.

"Watching you" he whispered back. " I knew you were in safe hands" he added as he caressed the back of her palm with his thumb.

She inhaled sharply, the feeling so unreal. How did she come to did she come to falling for every single one of touch? How?

Catherine stopped when she noticed Diane wasn't by her side, she turned to see Dario standing at the back of Diane with one hand on her waist and the other making small circles on the back of her palm....she was about to go break them apart when her husband stopped her.

"Babe, c'mon lets give them some privacy at least Dario is making a  move on someone else other than your sister picture" Ronnie said and pecked her forehead.

Dario stepped forward with Diane by his side. His fingers intertwined with hers as Michael, Jacob and Rosita walked down.

Rosita immediately rushed towards Diane and pulled her into a tight hug.

"Nice of you to join us" she said and Diane nodded.

Dario stepped forward to do the honours of introducing them. " This is my Aunt, Rosita but she's like a mother to me"

"Nice to meet you ma'am"

"Rosita dear" Rosita quickly corrected.

" This is her husband my uncle, Jacob. It's their anniversary today" 

"Good evening sir"

"Call me Jacob. It's nice to finally meet the one who captured my nephew's heart"

Diane chuckled lightly " I'm sure it's the opposite"  she stole a glance from Dario who didn't make an attempt to look at her just had a clenched jaw. Sometimes he confused her, a minute ago he was all sweet and lovely but now he was back to the brick wall.

She locked her arms with his and then tightened it but he didn't not once glance at her.

"This is my dad"

She nervously waved at him. What the fuck?!! Why did she wave couldn't she have found something more proper.

"Ummh..."she stammered as she gathered a fist of her cloth as she tried to come up with a proper greeting.

Michael chuckled softly earning a surprised look from the rest of the family present.

"Am I that scary?" He asked no one in particular.

Yeah. Very

" It's nice to finally meet you Diane Jones" Michael smiled at her.

"Mama" everyone turned to Ruby who was smiling shyly as she hid in between Dario and Diane.

"And what's your name" Michael asked as he stretched his hands towards her.

"I'm Ruby"

" Ruby, nice to meet you I'm Michael but you can only call me grandpa" he said and picked her up.

She nodded.

" Do you like spaghetti and meatballs" he asked as he carried her towards the dinning room and everybody followed suite.

Dario smiled at how Ruby and his dad were getting who wouldn't.

Dario felt a small tug on his sleeves, he looked down at Diane who played nervously with the folds on her dress. He coked a brow at her.

" What I said to your uncle...I...I."

"It's ok. I know it was a cover" he replied

"So we're good?"

"Sure" he nodded and pulled her to join the others in the dinning.