The bet

Chapter twenty five

They stood outside the labour room, waiting for the good news. Of course Ronnie was in the labour room with her. After the incident in the restaurant, Hayden immediately dialled Ronnie's number as they hurriedly take Catherine to the hospital.

Hayden sat on one of the waiting chair tapping her foot furiously on the ground with a worried gaze. Elena, just meeting Catherine for the first time, she already counted her as sister and was really worried but in her case just stood one side relaxing her back to the wall.

"How's Ronnie doing?" Diane heard Dario's voice before she saw him.

He was surrounded by kids, Cameron, Caitlin, Isaac, Dennis and Ruby. Diane smiled warmly at him, he picked up the kids from school.

"We haven't seen him since Catherine threatened to cut of his balls" she chuckled trying to lighten up the atmosphere. She knew Catherine is a strong woman, she had already pushed three out so there wasn't much of a big deal there again.

"Language" Dario scolded with a playful glint in his eyes.

Her smile widened, she was happy everything was going smoothly between the two of them.

The doctor came out with a big smile same time Aaron walked in.

"Congratulations, she has given birth to a beautiful baby boy"

Smile broke out on everyone's face.

"Can we see them" Dario asked too eagerly.

"Yeah sure, you can" he nodded his head and left.

They immediately filed in to see the newest member of the family. The children gathered around him, Ruby pushing past through them.

"Is it a girl? Is it a girl?"

Her face morphed into disappointment when Catherine shook her head. She immediately moved away from the baby like he burns.

The whole room was filled with the adults laughter then Elena picked her up trying to explain how it's not bad to have a baby brother.

"My mommy and daddy will give me a sister. Right mommy?" Ruby questioned with doe eyes, she didn't know the kind of awkward situation and centre of attraction she had put Diane.

Everyone turned their heads to her waiting for an answer. She felt like pressing herself inside a wall but before she could reply Dario placed his hand on her shoulders and answered Ruby.

"Yes Ruby, we're working on it"

Diane felt like the floor should swallow, she felt her stomach purr in a certain way she couldn't explain even her legs reeled wobbly. Why did he insist on being sweet in front of them she cursed.

Ruby's face brighten up and then she forces herself away from Elena to meet with Cameron, Isaac and Caitlin, probably to hundred percent sure to brag.

The room was silent apart from the constant coos coming from Caitlin and the talk between the children but the adults were different, they stared at her in awe.

Dario moved closer to her and pressed her back to his chest, his jaw resting on her shoulder. She bent her head sideways to take a look at his face and it was filled with the most amazing smile she'd ever seen.

"Pay up" Aaron broke the silence as he stretched his hand out to Catherine and Ronnie.

Diane watch with confusion as Ronnie grudgingly brought out a green note and handed it over to Aaron.

"Nice doing business with you." He smiled all so highly

"Catherine you lost the bet, pay up" Aaron added with a stern face.

"Ronnie, pay him up" she ordered.


That's when Aaron noticed they were surrounded by people like Hayden, Diane, Dario and Elena...he sucked in a heavy breath as the heart came back but he pushed it back masking his hurt face with a cheerful one.

Elena noticed.

"We made a bet on you two and Aaron won" Ronnie mumbled in annoyance. He wasn't happy he lost, winning has always been a priority for him. "Why couldn't you wait to express your love during the merger party" he scolded Dario.

" you made a bet on us" she clarified and the trio nodded. " Did anyone else make a bet?"

Ronnie nodded with a big grin "pay up Dario, you fell for her"


Dario shrugged " you'll get the documents to the land tomorrow morning at the office"

Still, what!?!

"So what's his name?" Hayden pipped in

"Steven" Ronnie answered and Catherine held his hand and looked at him with gratefulness and adoration.

"Ummh congrats bro but I'll have to be on my way with my family. Mom called, she'll be flying down tomorrow with dad and uncle" Dario informed.

Ronnie nodded and sent his appreciation. Dario picked Ruby up and Diane held Dennis hand as they walked out of the ward, not half way out the hospital Elena stopped.

"You guys can go on. I have something to do"

Diane nodded her brain barely processing what her friend said. Her thoughts were on a certain brunette and his plans for them to have kids.

"Before I forget" Dario started as they entered the car "there's a party coming up in the honour of our new merger. W.W.Would...." He tried but it couldn't roll off his tongue like he has practised in his mind and bathroom.

"Would I like to accompany you?" Diane finished his question with a smug look.

Dario huffed, his ego was a bit hurt but he thanks the lord for making her say it all he has to do now is nod and that he did.

"Like a date?"