Chapter 1: Enemy at First Sight

"I was raised in order to plant the bullet in his head. I lived to witness the downfall of the untouchable giant. I, Jilliana Ru, vowed before my parent's grave, they'll pay."

Welcome to Lim International University….

I was just passing by the main gate and saw this signage. The school is really exclusive for rich people. It is in a style of masonry building characterized by cavernous spaces with the expanse of walls broken up by overlaid tracery. Inspired by Gothic art indeed.

I went straight to the medical building and head towards my assigned room when I heard a commotion. The hallway is crowded and everyone seems so curious, some are expressing romantic excitement. They were giggling while looking in front. I heaved a deep sigh and walk forward while my eyes are getting a detour around the building. I am enjoying the pleasant view when suddenly something hard bump on my shoulder.

I look at him with my deadly eyes but he was looking at me the same way. The position is shoulder to shoulder, eye to eye. Sounds weird but yeah. I can feel everyone's gaze around us but who cares about them.

"Watch were you're going." He's voice is as cold as the water in arctic ocean and chilly like the wind in the Commonwealth Bay in Antarctic. But It doesn't affect neither my composure or the intensity of my stare.

"Jerk," That's the only thing that came out from my mouth and start to walk forward but he grabbed my arms and stared at me. I look at his hand holding my arms and look at him.

"Get your filthy hands off me" But instead of doing that, he smiles mischievously and whisper on my ear.

"Interesting, But it's not filthy though. Everyone dreams to touch it." He waves his hands on my face, with her eyebrow up and provoking smile. I'll never let him win this conversation.

"Ohh, well, I'm not as cheaaaaaaaaaaaappppppppp as them" I look at him head to toe and smirked. "You're not even my type". I included.. He just looks at me intently and smile smugly. After that, he got close to my ear..

"I'll make you regret that!" He whispers then create a distance while looking at me with pro-faced stare. I'm not triggered though.

"Let's see" I fought back with a smirk and turn around.

I continue to walk in the middle of those students who are looking at me with contempt and disgust. Like I care. I guess, they are his admirers, what a busybody. I was about to enter the door of the room when someone trampled me, luckily I manage to prevent my downfall. Everyone laugh especially her. I grab her collar and look at her intently. I can feel her trembling, even her eyes expresses fear.

"Wh…wha…t are you doing? Ge..t…" She tried to be brave but she failed embarrassedly

"Don't push it, (look at her head to foot), you don't match my standard. You're not even worth it to look at, tsk! poor thing" I let her go and take my seat. Her minions approached her and ask whether she's okay but she just glared at me and annoyingly stump her feet and left the room. Everyone is secretly looking at me but I didn't care at all.

It was the first day of school but she already encountered much. Everyone seems so curious who this young, ferocious young woman. Seems dealing with her is not easy. They thought.


"Who is that woman?" Macky was startled by the sudden question. He is currently playing Mobile legends so; he first hides his character (gusion) in the bush near the tower before he looks at Ace.

"Oh, you mean that courageous girl?"

"If that's how you characterized her then, yes" he answered without looking at him. His focus is on the field outside the window.

"The truth is, I don't know her but she's so fierce huh! Like you" he replied and get back to his play but unfortunately his hero was killed by Odette and was bashed by his team as stupid and AFK.

"Oh Fudgee Bar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"He shouted in annoyance. Ace glares at him.. Here we go again with that ugly expression of him.

"I told you, stop playing that childish game. "He doesn't like to see Macky playing Mobile Legends but the truth is, he doesn't like that game and only Macky knows why. When he recalls that incident, he never stops laughing and sneers at him.

"Childish? Are you sure about that?" Before Macky even discussed the history, He looks at him with a stop-or-you're-dead-look, so he just stops himself from laughing and get back to his game.

He never met someone as fierce as her in front of his face that is why, he wants to know her whereabouts but he just kicks out that thought and began to think about something else. She doesn't worth any brain cell. He thought.

In the executive's office..

"Sir, He's already in the campus" Secretary Nan informed. The man in his early 50 is sitting on the executive's chair and was reading some documents. Upon hearing the news, he just nods.

"Keep an eye on him, make sure he doesn't do anything stupid again." The secretary just bows his head and walk out of the room. When he already left, Mr. Lim heaved a deep sigh and stared at the window with some deep thoughts.