Chapter 5: Her First kiss

When everyone heard what he just said, Mr. Alcaras seems to lose face, he immediately storms out of the room wearing his humiliated façade. The call girls left straightaway.

Mr. Lim, look at his son who still standing in front of the girl disappointedly.

"I'll talk you at home." And with that he left, so, technically they are now alone inside the room. The truth is, he doesn't know what to do and what to say since he, himself is surprised to what he just said. Upon seeing that, Jilliana take a deep breath and turn around but before she totally walks out through the door,

"I didn't know that Mr. Lim is actually into me." She smirked

"I should have let him kill you" He coldly answer which makes her quiet for a short time before answering.

"I can manage myself, you don't have to sound so concern (She crossed her arms on her chest and emphasize the last word.), MR. BOYFRIEND." She mockingly says, but he can't let this woman win against him. So he slowly closes the distance between them and suddenly cupped her face. She frozed.

"What are you doing?".. you..." She was about to make a distance between them but it's too late.


She was taken aback, her heart skips a bit, and felt the nervousness over her body. The feeling is nerve-wracking but she doesn't even know why she felt something weird, is this what they call butterfly in the stomach? After a second, she just got alarm on what is happening, she gathered all her strength and push the man and without a second thought, she slaps him hard and walk out of the room with her jumbled thoughts and heart beating fast.

He was left alone and wonder what in world just happen and why he suddenly kisses her. He was just going to scare her but does that kiss count as scaring the hell out of her? One thing is for sure, he likes that kiss.


Jillianna tried to calm herself before calling.

"We have to take her wife's side if we want to take control of the expansion. His wife Holds the final say."

"Take care of that, her wife is fun of charities and auctions, find a way to meet her before the board meeting. Make sure to leave a good impression." Then, he hung up.

After the call, she lay herself down on her bed and breath her frustrations.

"How dare him steal my first kiss". That night she wasn't able to sleep no matter what she does so she just opens her laptop and search the things she needs to know about Mrs. Alcaras.

She slept so late but she wakes up early and rushed to the Ally's Children Foundation and met with the principal to talk about the sponsorship. Yes! She decides to donate a million to the foundation to help but most importantly to be notice by her target.

They talk for a while when they decide to tour around the building. It's actually a refreshing place, it is surrounded by trees and flowers. It actually looks like a garden. At the back of the building is a playground for children and in front of the building is a fountain with a statue of angel on top.

They are telling stories on how the charity started until they reach the lobby and there, they met the one and only Mrs. Alcaras who is talking to the front desk.

"Come I will introduce you to our biggest investor," She just nod and pretend not to know the woman she's talking to. The principal went near her and she just followed.

"Hello Mrs. Alcaras," She smiles at her.

"Hello, so how was the kids?" As she was speaking, Jillianna is actually observing her. She's kind and gentle, she doesn't deserve that cocky husband of hers. She was in deep thoughts and didn't notice that they were actually looking at her.

"Ms. Ru?" Called by the principal, she just smiled shyly.

"As I was saying, this is Mrs. Alcaras, Ma'am, this is Jilliana Ru, our new investor" Mrs Alcaras offer her hand as she smiles at her.

"Nice to meet you ma'am" Jill, responded while they shake their hands. After some time, someone called the principal so she left them alone.

"Thank you Ms. Ru for helping the foundation, it's a big help for the children." They start to walk and start to talk about trivial things.

"To tell you the truth, I am an orphan that is why I know how it feels to be alone. There is no one to talk to, growing up without them, I mean parents. It's so hard, (I look at her and smile, looking at her attentively listening makes me continue my story), I don't have a mother whom I will share my thoughts and dreams, no father to ask for help and to call out when I'm in trouble. So I understand and vowed to help children who are less fortunate." We sit on the nearby bench. After I said those words, I don't know but Tears escaped from my eyes while she caresses my back. She's trying to comfort me. In that instance, I am able to feel how to have a mother beside me.

"I'm sorry to hear that.." After that, she embraced me and continue to caress my back…

It felt nice to have someone who is there to comfort you whenever you need one.

I came here to find my target but it's seems, I have found a friend who is willing to listen and comforts me through her.