Chapter 10: Investigation

1 week passed before she was discharged in the hospital and during that week, Draven never visit her but she doesn't care. She is thankful for his blood but it doesn't mean, they're in good terms. Moreover, Fatima always stays beside her which she was able to appreciate and consider her as her very first best friend. She is not the type of a woman who put her trust unto man but after what Fatima had done for her, knowing and experiencing her coldness, she never stops showing her concern. That is why, she decides to give a portion of that trust to the woman who never leaves her side when she is badly hurt.

In life, it wasn't easy to find true and genuine love and sincerity from people especially those who are not blood related. We learn to trust, but they learn to betray you. You learn to love, but they still disappoint you. You decide to eventually open your heart but they actually let you down. That's how life is for Jiliiana until she encounters Fatima. She never met someone who can take care of her 24/7, not with all that distantness she experiences from her. Maybe, she was a blessing from God. She thought.


"Are you sure, you don't want to visit her? I mean, it's been 1 week since she was hospitalized and a part of it is because of you." Macky was urging him to go and visit Jiliana but he is reluctant to do that since, he doesn't know why he have to go there. Like yeah, he has a responsibility but he already donated blood so, that may be good enough of a compensation to what he had done. And besides, he is not aware of the situation she is in.

"I already donated blood and I think that's already enough." Macky cannot believe what he is hearing right now. He knows that his friend is cruel but not this much.


"Don't worry, I know you look at me like I'm the biggest asshole but you're wrong." Macky gave up a questionable look.

"What do you mean?"

"She's already home, I got Fatima's number and she just inform me a while ago so better shut up or else I'll pull your tongue and cut it out." He just closes his mouth and just pouted.

Macky and Draven are best friend since elementary. They are the definition of perfect duo since they got each other's back every time. They're friends but more of a brothers. They understand each other best especially after what happen during their senior year.

It was late at night when Fatima left Jilliana's condo. She was about to go to sleep when she receives a call from an unknown number, but she still answers that.

"Hello" she lazily asked.

"Ammmmm.. hello, is this Jiliana?" She creases her eyebrow and hesitate for a second but since her voice is familiar, she decides to answer.

"Yes, this is her.. Who are you?" The woman on the other line clear her voice first before talking.

"This is Doctor Shin," Upon hearing that, she just sighs but still with questionable look. In her mind, why would she call her at this hour. It's already late maybe its's urgent. She thought.

"Doctor Shin? What is it?"

"AmmHhh, Jiliana, can we meet? I really have something to ask you?" Although she was bothered by that sudden invitation because if it is about her hand condition, she can just tell over the telephone or even explain while they were in the hospital, but she was asking for a meet up. There must be something really important so she agreed.

After the call, she lay her body on her bed and remember what she had gone through the hands of those thugs. The truth is, she can actually beat them up but she can't because she was drugged. And that fact pisses her up.

She woke up early and prepare to meet doctor shin in the nearest coffee shop, upon entering the shop, she saw the doctor but she was not alone. She is with someone. When Dr. Shin saw her, she waves her hand and allow her to sit.

"Thank you for coming" Dr. Shin uttered, she smiles and look at the woman beside her like asking who she is but doctor Shin notice that.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce to you, this is Camill, my sister." Camill smiled at her and so she does but that was hesitantly. She fixed herself on the chair and since her left arm is still wearing a bandage, she just let it rest on the table.

"So why would you like to meet me?" Camill look at her like she is examining her but she doesn't care even if she can see how this older sister of her doctor looks at her.

"Okay, I want you tell me the truth, what happen to you? how did you get your wound?" Shin's expression is serious but it makes Jiliiana more curious on why did she ask that with the fact that, that issue is no longer under her jurisdiction. Why is she wasting her time dealing with this, she is not even a detective or lawyer?

"Why are you asking me this?" She remains calm.

"I'm just concern, and I want to help you. The thing is, I know this is not a simple wound and with those bruises that you've got." She projects a sincere expression and she can feel it. Therefore, she doesn't want Dr. Shin to get herself involve in her own problems. She doesn't want the Dr. to tie herself to danger because of helping her. She knows who's the person behind her kidnaping and that this person is not simple that is why she doesn't want Doctor Shin to get her ass on her issue and court death. Without any response on her question, Jiliana stand,

"You don't have to" She coldly retort and get her bag to walk out. but before that, she warns them.

"I can manage myself, do not get yourself involved in my private matter, you only have to take care of your patient's medical state not to get nosy with their businesses." She callously riposte and left.