War begins...

Sarah once again looked at her phone and smiled as if looking at the team. "I am sorry about this naked girl, gentlemen. She is just some attention seeker, so just ignore this girl. Boss had no idea about it." Sarah smiled nonchalantly looking at her phone. She then gave a quick glance to Sofi who had now almost worn her dress and was flushing red out of humiliation. As soon as she heard Sarah's words she gasped in disbelief and turned to look at her. "How dare you speak about me like this!?"

"Shushhh! Don't you have any loyalty towards your boss? Cannot you take simple blame on yourself?" Sarah reprimanded the girl again pointing her finger at Sofi.

Sofi was a little flabbergasted at the girl's words and turned to look at Evlin. She did not know what to utter as she did not want to put the blame on herself but at the same time, she also did not want to say that she could not sacrifice her own needs for the boy. "Ah yes. He did not have any initiative in this. It was all me. It is my fault." Sofi nodded her head in an approval, while Sarah had now exploded the flashlight right in front of Sofi.

As soon as Sofi spoke those words she hastily ran away from the dining room and then out of the living room towards her parked car. The girl was mighty embarrassed at what had just happened and she could not take it out of her mind that she had been seen naked by so many men from the company and she even agreed to be an attention seeker.

She quickly sat inside her car and screamed in much anger "Arghhhh!!!" she banged her fist on the steering wheel in much frustration. "This girl is really clever. Just now she made me confess in front of everybody that it was me who was clinging to Evlin. And he had no idea about it." The girl took deep breaths and turned on the ignition of her car. "This girl is quite some competition. Let us see how much can you compete with me. Don't forget I am Sofi, and I have a track record of sending girls like you to run away from the company like a scared mice." The girl smirked mischievously as she drove out of the house. "But how will I enter the office tomorrow. What if everybody gets to know about the truth? What if those men from interior department tell everybody that they had seen me naked?" Sofi cried in despair as she drove the car towards her house rapidly.


As soon as Sofi ran away from the room Evlin heaved a sigh of relief. He was now taking deep breaths and was trying to quiet down his hormonal needs. Sarah quickly turned off the flashlight of the mobile phone and rushed towards the boy. "Boss are you alright?"

She quickly picked up a glass of water from the table and bent a little, making the boy drink some water with her own hands. Evlin quickly took some big gulps of water and took a deep breath. "Thank you. I am right now. Much better indeed."

Sarah placed back the glass and looked at the boy with worried eyes, once again bending on her knees. "But you don't look fine."

Evlin smiled a bit looking at her endearing and anxious face. He could not help but observe how stunning the girl looked. She had not a single hint of makeup on her face, yet her face was shimmering. There was a striking hint of pink on her cheeks and lips, while her big grey eyes were looking at him in much tension. She was dressed in a cute red colour crop top and matching white colour comfy shorts, revealing her long slender legs.